In recent years, the design of low-power microelectronics has been an important requirement for further development. The 90s saw new technologies to reduce transistor size, power consumption, and increased functionality. As a result, products such as the mobile phone and continually more powerful PCs have become a part of our everyday lives.
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The Department of Physics has substantial expertise and experience in the development of electronics for high energy physics and space physics instrumentation. During the past decade, this knowledge has been utilized and expanded by the Industrial Instrumentation and Microelectronics research groups. Activities within microelectronics include design, simulation, production and testing of analog and digital VLSI systems, where integration with detector/sensor technology is a prime focus.
The Microelectronics group works closely with the Space Physics and Subatomic department research groups. Common interests include the development of fast, compact, low-power, radiation hardened electronics for sattelite instrumentation and multi-channel electronics for industrial instrumentation and high enegery physics.
The research goup has a close cooperation with the telecommunication company Nera. Read more about this cooperation and relevant master and PhD projects by following the link below.