Evaluation of landslide trigger mechanism through modelling
This Master's project was designed for Jørgen Greibesland who started his Master's program in Earth Sciences, UiB, in the fall semester 2023. The Master's project is given by the research group Geophysics.
Main content
Project description
This project will be linked to an ongoing PhD project at GEO, where a landslide inventory map will be developed for Norway based on remote sensing data. In this MSc project, the student will work on one (or a few) of the landslides in the inventory to evaluate its trigger mechanism. Geological and geotechnical data will be collected from publications and reports and analyzed to set-up a slope stability model in Slope/W. If feasible, field data may be collected to supplement the published data. Different trigger mechanisms will be applied to the slope stability model to evaluate their effect on stability. Results will then be exploited to evaluate the risk of future failures at nearby slopes. If time allows, landslide runout modelling may be performed for the slope as well, to calibrate the slope stability model
and evaluate the risk of future landslides.
Proposed course plan during the master's degree (60 ECTS):
GEOV217, GEOV355, GEOV251, GEOV218, Spesialpensum Hydrologi, Ustabile fjellsider (HVL Sogndal), GEOV302
External data
Data will be collected from publically available reports or by contacting NVE/NGI/NGU when the event to be studied has been identified
Field- lab-, and analysis wok
If feasible, we may include a field campaign to study the landslide to be modeled, but main focus of the work will be on the numerical modelling.