Expanding teaching of teachers (ToT) in medical ethics to seven new universities in Ethiopia
The Addis Ababa University (AAU) and our research group Global Health Priorities at UoB are collaborating on training the teachers of medical students in medical ethics. Just after 25 teachers at AAU had completed a three year program of training in ethical theory, methods and handling of clinical ethical dilemmas, the Minister of health in Ethiopia, dr. Kesete asked professor Norheim and associate professor Miljeteig to work with representatives from AAU in an extension of this training to selected other universities.

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This spring we were invited to the University of Bahir Dar to start the process of scaling up the teaching in medical ethics. Representatives from other universities were also invited. The meeting was supported by the Federal Ministry of Health and were funded by the CIRHT (Center for International Reproductive Health Training at the University of Michigan) and UoB. We started with a two days “writeshop” on a textbook in medical ethics that we are writing together.
Collaborative plans were made for the new program for teachers at different medical schools in Ethiopia. Three representatives from each university will participate in two weeklong courses every year and will have assignments and readings between the courses. Memorandums of Understanding will be signed between the University of Bergen and the other universities.