The Influenza Centre
Research, Prevention and Control of Influenza
The Influenza Centre in Bergen is an International Research Laboratory and Advisor for the Prevention, Control and Treatment of Influenza. The Influenza Centre is a collaboration between the University of Bergen, The Haukeland University Hospital and the Norweigian Department of Health.
The Influenza Centre ( is a leading international centre in preclinical and clinical development of influenza vaccines. It receives core funding from the Ministry of Health and Care Services and it is also supported through grants from the European Union (EU) and the Research Council of Norway (RCN /NFR). The centre is an integral part of the University of Bergen (UiB) and the Haukeland University Hospital (HUH /HUS).
The Influenza Centre’s vision is to reduce the global burden of influenza illness through being an international leader in development of new and improved influenza vaccines.
The vision will be achieved through our main activities:
• Evaluation of novel adjuvants and vaccine formulations
• Preclinical research and development of promising vaccine candidates
• Human clinical phase I-IV trials of new influenza vaccines under good clinical practice (GCP)
• Education and prevention of influenza in the general population, health care workers, patients
The knowledge generated through these activities will
• Result in improved understanding of immunological mechanisms of protection
• Develop a knowledge platform of immune response and immunological correlates of protection in mice and man
• Facilitate and strengthen collaborative vaccine research between basic, translational and clinical medicine
• Contribute to transfer of technology to low- and middle-income countries
• Improve general knowledge and understanding of influenza and vaccination
• Build competence in vaccinology through education of masters and doctoral students in collaboration with the Bergen Research School in Inflammation (BRSI)