Research Group for Law and Culture in the Pre-Modern North

Reading Group Meeting - May 3rd

The research group's reading group will have its second meeting of the semester on May 3rd in HF 371, 10:00-11:30

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The Reading Group for the Research Group for Pre-Modern Law and Culture will have its second meeting on the 3rd of May 10:00-11:30 in HF 371.

For the second session, we will be reading Randi Wærdhal's book The Incorporation and Integration of the King's Tributary Lands into the Norwegian Realm c. 1195-1397, chapters four, five, six and the conclusion. The PDF is on Teams under Files, provided you have registered for the research group.

If you would like to join the research group, please contact Ole-Albert Nordby (ole-albert.nordby@uib.no) to be put on our mailing list.

The semester's third meeting of the research group's reading group is tentatively planned for the 7th of June, with details for that meeting soon to follow.