Master thesis about Legal Culture
The research group for legal culture welcomes master students who want to write their master thesis on legal culture. On this page you will find inspiration concerning your master thesis.
![Juridisk fakultet](×tamp=1605348203)
Main content
All students - whether they are just curious, are still considerating or in the start phase of their master's thesis - are strongly encouraged to contact the research group members, to discuss ideas and issues related to the master's thesis. The research group is always available for questions.
Potential supervisors
Several of our members supervise master students writing their master thesis on legal culture or comparative law
Sören Koch supervises master students writing in the areas of comparative law, legal history, natural law, contract law history (especially subjects related to the early modern era, the modern era and the postmodern era), German and Norwegian legal philosophy, legal method, and a combination of comparative, historial and methodological questions.
Siri Elisabeth Bernssen supervises students writing in the area of criminal law history and studies on tingbøker.
Marius Mikkel Kjølstad supervises students writing in the areas of modern legal history, with focus on questions relating to public law. Possible subjects may be related to the Constitution, democracy, the rule of law, human rights and legal method.
Eirik Holmøyvik has expert knowledge about state law, international human rights and legal history.
Axel Hjo can supervise students in regards to democracy and the rule of law, comparative law, legal history and legal sources.
Brage Thunestvedt Hatløy is particularly interested in medieval history, legal culture and legal history.
Aurora Laugerud works in particular with the history of criminal law.
Tidligere masteroppgaver
Skam, skuld og straff: Ei rettsleg analyse av barndrapssakene på bygdetinget i Hordaland 1642-1799.
Den historiske utviklingen til beviskravet i sivile saker — i lys av kritisk rettspositivisme.
En komparativ analyse av arbeidsmiljøloven kapittel 2 A og Direktiv (EU) 2019/1937.
En komparativ analyse av endringssystemer, særlig om NTK 07, NS 8405 2. utgave og FIDIC Silver Book.