"We need knowledge-based leadership"
Helge Drange was interviewed by the Norwegian Grandparents Climate Campaign (Besteforeldrenes klimaaksjon).

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Helge Drange, oceanographer and climate researcher at UiB, and member of the LINGCLIM group, was interviewed by the Norwegian Grandparents Climate Campaign (Besteforeldrenes klimaaksjon). In the interview, Drange demands better political leadership and clear plans for how the ambitious climate targets can be achieved. According to Drange, all political decisions should take climate concerns into regard. Drange calls for visionary projects based on collective rationality and all the already existing knowledge in Norwegian reasearch fields. Furthermore, Drange critizes that there is a lack of practical everyday lifestyle choices for people, and argues that it is important to ensure that people, through their everyday lifestyle choices, can experience to be a part of the solution.
The interview (in Norwegian) was published on Besteforeldrenes klimaaksjon's website on 20th February 2022.