Bergen Logic Group

4th Filomena Workshop (Philosophy, Logic, and Analytical Metaphysics)

The fourth edition of the FILOMENA Workshop (Philosophy, Logic and Analytic Metaphysics) has the purpose of gathering logicians working at the intersection of Logic and Metaphysics, through the application of formal methods in Philosophy.

Drawing in black and white of a girl who sits thoughtfull at the ground.
ClipArt ETC

Main content

The workshop is organized together with the Graduate Program of Philosophy from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil.

For information about the past workshops visit: FILOMENA workshop

The 4th Filomena Workshop will be followed on the 17-18 by the workshop “How do logics explain?” All participants of Filomena are cordially invited to attend this workshop as well. More information about the event and registration can be found here.

Schedule and Book of abstracts are attached as pdf-files below.


The workshop is open to all who wish to attend, there is no registration needed.


Schedule and abstracts (updated October 14th)