Bergen Logic Group
How do logics explain?

Workshop: How do logics explain?

The Bergen Logic Group and the RCN project `Anti-Exceptionalism About Logic' is organizing its fourth event on topics in the philosophy of logic, October 17-18, 2019.

Ole Hjortland

Main content

In contemporary philosophy of logic there are a number of rival logical theories – classical logic, intuitionistic logic, paraconsistent logics, substructural logics, etc. These theories provide different answers about which arguments are valid, and why they are valid. But which theory is the correct one? According to logical abductivism, theory-choice in logic should proceed by scoring theories on various selection critera, e.g. explanatory power, deductive strength, elegance, unificatory power, etc. But, as opposed to most scientific theories, there is no agreement on what kind of phenomena a logic is supposed to explain, how they are supposed explain – or even if logic theories explain anything at all. In this workshop a number of international guest speakers will present their research on these and related questions in the philosophy of logic.

The workshop is the fourth event in the RCN funded project`Anti-Exceptionalism About Logic'. 


  • Pål Antonsen (University of Bergen)
  • Mark Jago (University of Nottingham)
  • Stephen Read (University of St Andrews)
  • Gillian Russell (UNC Chapel Hill)
  • Gil Sagi (Haifa University)
  • Erik Stei (University of Bonn)
  • Jack Woods (University of Leeds)
  • Ole Hjortland (University of Bergen)
  • Ben Martin (University of Bergen)

Workshop programme

Venue: Department of Philosophy, University of Bergen, Sydnesplassen 12-13, Department seminar room, ground floor.