Workshop in logic
Interdisciplinary Research in Logic
Interdisciplinary Research in Logic: philosophy, linguistics, computer and information science

Main content
About the workshop
The Bergen Logic Group cordially invites you to join the one-day workshop Interdisciplinary Research in Logic, where we will bring together researchers from different departments at UiB that are working on various topics, in areas such as philosophy, informatics and information science, with a broad conception of logic at the nexus.
Everyone is free to join the workshop entirely or partially. If you intend to attend, please send an e-mail to the organizer at Coffee and lunch will be provided.
Program (preliminary)
- 09:00–09:30 ⊕ Opening by Leon Commandeur
- 09:30–10:15 ⊕ Håkon Robbestad Gylterud, Informatics ♦ Proofs, paths and multisets
- 10:15–11:00 ⊕ Thomas Ågotnes, Information and Media Studies - ♦ The Logic and Artificial Intelligence research group
- 11:00–11:15 ⊗ Break
- 11:15–12:00 ⊕ Ben Martin, Philosophy ♦ The Philosophy of Logical Practice
- 12:00–12:45 ⊕ Michal Walicki, Informatics ♦ Logic of sentential predicates
- 12:45–13:15 ⊗ Lunch
- 13:15–14:00 ⊕ Uwe Egbert Wolter, Informatics ♦ Diagrammatic Specifications and Logics
- 14:00–14:45 ⊕ Mina Young Pedersen, Information and Media Studies ♦ Detecting Bots with Modal Logic
- 14:45–15:00 ⊗ Break
- 15:00–15:45 ⊕ Mikhail Barash, Informatics ♦ Boolean operations and context specifications in formal grammars
- 15:45–16:30 ⊕ Tore Fjetland Øgaard, Philosophy ♦ MaGIC and Relevance
- 16:30–17:00 ⊕ Concluding remarks