Molecular Imaging Center (MIC)

Image Analysis

* extraction of scientifically significant information from images *

Main content

Scientific imaging consists of three steps, each of which contributes to the accomplishment of an experiment and the generation of scientific data: (i) sample preparation, (ii) image acquisition, and (iii) image processing and analysis.

The last step is often the most challenging one, and needs to be tailored to the scientific question asked and preferably planned for prior to the actual acquiring of data.

There are numbers of different analysis software, both free and licensed, that can assist you in the process, whether you choose to do relatively simple image prosessing or advanced and complex analysis.

MIC has available workstations equipped with both manufacture software from the microscopes and small animal scanners as well as specialized image processing and analysis software, see below for more info. As a MIC user you may use the workstations for free, and in some cases get lisences for running software on your own PC. MICs technical personnel can guide you to and give basic training in the software you need.

For larger projects, where customization of program code is required, you may approach UiBs Image Processing Group for collaboration possibilities.