Molecular Imaging Center (MIC)

User information and Terms of use

Our terms of use regulate the rights and obligations of users. By booking our instruments or using our services you accept our terms of use.

Main content

New users

Planning to become a user of MIC? Curious of what MIC may offer? Any imaging related questions?

Please contact us:  E-mail: mic@uib.no   Phone: +47 55586007/86698

Or fill inn the form, and we will contact you: Welcome as a user @MIC

  • New users will get an introduction to the equipment and the rules related to it.
  • All users will be trained before access to the equipment is allowed.
  • Follow up after training is given as long as users need it.
  • After training the users will get access to booking the instrument online.
  • Users need to be acquainted with MICs cost sharing and collaboration policies (document to be downloaded to the right).

Publishing results obtained at MIC

  • To ensure our existence we need to show that scientists are using MIC and that MIC's services are reflected in publications. In order to make this visible we ask you to mention MIC in the acknowledgements when you use data acquired at MIC in your publications.
  • Please use this sentence:

"The ...... imaging was performed at the Molecular Imaging Center (MIC), Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen."

Booking rules

  • Booking of the equipment before use is mandatory. If you are too late to prolong a booking, notify MIC personnel and the hours will be post registered.
  • Do not reserve the equipment for more than 4 hours a day, preferably before or after lunch. Time-lapse experiments exceeding 4 hours should be notified in advance and, if possible, scheduled after 16:00 or during the weekend.
  • The person booked has to be present during the operation of the instrument. 
  • While booked, you are responsible for the equipment, even if you do not use it.
  • If booking is done less than 12 hours in advance, notify responsible personnel.
  • Cancellations done later than 12 hours before planned use of instrument will be charged a cancellation fee.
  • Cancellation within the day of the planned booking should be notified MIC personnel.

General rules on the systems

  • If you are not sure how to operate the equipment, ask the responsible personnel.
  • Remember to fill in the log book: date, name, time, etc.
  • Notify responsible personnel of any failure on the system.
  • If someone is booked after you, the next user should arrive before you leave. If you leave early or the next user do not show in time, please try to contact this person or notify responsible MIC personnel. (A users phone number can be found by right clicking on the booked hours in the booking system and choosing "Reservation details".)
  • If you are the last user of the day, switch off the system following the guidelines of the equipment.

Data handeling and processing

  • The imaging systems are for image acquisition only.
  • You will have access to the image processing software at computer workstations.
  • Data should not be saved on the local hard disks of the epuipment, and will be deleted without notification.
  • MIC offers the possibility of temporary data storage on the server Biomic as long as you work at MIC. You are yourself responsible for safe savings of your data, and when you have made your backups please delete the data from the Biomic server. The server has limited capacity and a tendency to quickly fill up. When you have not been actively using MIC in the past 6 months data will be deleted without notification.
  • To get access to the Biomic server please contact MIC personnel.