Marine microbiology

Master students

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Nilakshi Ranasinghe, Graduated in fall 2019. Literatur study of virus size, burst size, latent period and genome size across different lytic eukaryotic and prokaryotic virus groups. An overview of traits and possible trade-offs. Supervisors Selina Våge, Gunnar Bratbak

Ida Marie Lervåg, Graduated in summer 2019. Phylogenetic characterization and expression ofspecific viral genes of interest. Supervisors Ruth-Anne Sandaa, Ida Helene Steen

Marius Rydningen Saltvedt, Graduated in spring 2019. Characterizing the infectious behavior of viruses infectinghaptophytes. Supervisors Ruth-Anne Sandaa, Janice Lawrence (University of New Brunswick) and Selina Våge

Anine Veronica Grønlund. Graduated in Autumn 2018. Trofiske interaksjoner mellom appendikularia (halesekkdyr) og marine virus. Supervisors Jessica Louise Ray, Ruth-Anne Sandaa and Eric Thompson.

Petra Hribovšek, Graduated in summer 2018. Diversity and activity of Acid slime drips (snottites) in caves connected to Båsmo mine in Nordland (microbial community structure of cave ecosystems and acid mine drainage sites).  Supervisors Lise Øvreås and Stein Erik Lauritzen (GEO)

Eirik Færøy Sæbø, Graduated in Summer 2018. Novel planctomycetes from Glacier ice within Svarthamar Cave, Northern Norway. Supervisor Lise Øvreås.

Jesslyn Tendra, Graduated in Summer 2018. Climate-driven variations in responses of soil microbial communities to graminoid removal in natural grasslands along a Norwegian climate gradent. Veiledere Lise Øvreås and Vigdis Vandvik. June 2018

William Fernando Erazo Garcia, Graduated in Winter 2018. Hvordan blir det mikrobielle- og plantesamfunnet påvirket av klimaendringer i det norske alpine økosystemet og hvilke effekter har dette for økosystemets karbonflukser. Supervisors Lise Øvreås and Vigdis Vandvik.

Emily Olesin, Graduated in summer 2015. Diversity of dsDNA marine virus in the high Arctic water column & A sequencing platform methods investigation. Supervisors Ruth-Anne Sandaa, Aud Larsen (Uni Research), and Bryan Wilson.

Annemarie Lill, Graduated in summer 2015. Structure and Influence of the Bacterial Community in an Aquaponics Test System. Supervisors Ruth-Anne Sandaa and Ole-Kristian Hess-Erga (NIVA)

Magnus Svendsen Nerheim, Graduated in spring 2015. Microbial Diversity and Abundance of Plastic Associated Marine Biofilms. Supervisors Gunnar Bratbak, Sandra Schöttner and Kevin Thomas (NIVA)

Théophile Grébert, Graduated in summer 2014. Tetraselmis viridis virus: characterization of host-range and infection dynamics. Supervisors: Antonio Pagarete and Gunnar Bratbak. Home university: École Normale Supérieure de Lyon

Ram Chandra Poudel, Graduated in summer 2013. Single-cell CTC activity as a potential tool to test host-virus models. Supervisor: Frede Thingstad

Maria Lund Paulsen, Graduated in spring 2013. Changing states of microbial food web from winter convection to spring stratification in the North Atlantic. Supervisors: Frede Thingstad and Torkel Gissel Nielsen (DTU-Aqua, Denmark)

Trine S. Jensen, Graduated in spring 2012. Phylogeny and functional studies of Thalassiosira sp. isolated from Kongsfjorden, Svalbard. Supervisors: Jorun Egge and Lise Øvreås

Sigrun Olavsdottir, Graduated in December 2011. Importance of light and nutrient stress on growth and astaxanthin production of a local strain of the green alga Haematococcus pluvialis. Supervisor: Svein Rune Erga

Stig Bjarte Haugen, Graduated in fall 2011. Artssuksesjon av planteplankton i Raunefjorden våren 2010. Reguleringsmekanismer og elementsammensetning ved røntgenfluorescens. Supervisor: Svein Rune erga

Heidi Kjølseth Osmundsen, Graduated in fall 2011. Sesongvariasjoner av dominerende virusgrupper i Raunefjorden. Supervisors: Ruth-Anne Sandaa and Jessica Ray

Cecilie Køhler, Graduated in fall 2011. Bacterial diversity of three hydrothermal plumes in the Eastern Lau Spreading Center. Supervisors Lise Øvreås and Laila Reigstad

Alexander Tøsdal Tveit, Graduated in fall 2011. Diversity of Archaea in Arctic soil, with special focus on metanogenes. Supervisors: Vigdis Torsvik and Lise Øvreås