Mollusca Research

MSc defence of Jenny Neuhaus

One more thesis in Mollusca research!

MSc thesis cover
Cover of Jenny's Master Thesis
Jenny Neuhaus
Poster Award WCM 2019
Jenny Neuhaus at the World Congress of Malacology Asilomar, California August 2019
Cessa Rauch

Main content

On October, 27th 2020 Jenny Neuhaus presented her Master Thesis with the title "Systematic revision of the genus Jorunna (Nudibranchia: Discodorididae) in Europe with a focus on the J. tomentosa species complex". Jenny conducted her work at the Department of Natural History, University Museum under the supervision of Dr Cessa Rauch and Prof. Manuel Malaquias and her evaluation committee included Dr Thomas Gunnar Dahlgren from NORCE, Bergen and Prof. Inga Kjersti Sjøtun from the Department of Biological Sciences, UiB. The presentation and discussions were digital via Zoom and went very well. Her research resulted in the discovery of a new species to science, thus an important contribution to our understanding of marine biodiversity in Norway and northern Europe She was given an "A". Congratulations!