NMR Spectroscopy
NMR spektrometers at UiB
The Department of Chemistry has three operational high-field NMR-spectrometers, in addition to a 60 MHz benchtop spectrometer.
Main content
The three high-field spectrometers are located in the NNP building and are part of the Norwegian NMR Platform (NNP). Meanwhile, the 60 MHz benchtop instrument is located at Realfagbygget. The spectrometers are:
- 850 MHz: For biomolecules, time consuming experiments, or increashed resolution.
- 600 MHz: Walk-up instrument for routin liquid-state NMR.
- 500 MHz: Wide-bore spectrometer. Used for solid-state, imaging, and diffusion.
- 60 MHz: Benctop spectrometer.