Applied military psychology
Main content
The aim of the R&D program in Military Psychology and Leadership was to develop the Armed Forces' expertise in leadership and to understand the importance of human factors in modern warfare under uncertain and high-tech conditions. In addition, the project should contribute to developing contact with relevant national and international military psychology professional research centers, enhance competence development and strengthen the military aAcademy’sie' position vis-à-vis civilian universities and colleges. The R&D program was implemented from 1998-2005.
Selected publications:
Eid, J. & Johnsen, B. H. (Eds; 2005). Operativ Psykologi. ( ISBN 82-450-0169-4). Fagbokforlaget: Bergen, Norge.
Johnsen, B. H. & Eid, J. (Eds; 2006). Operational Psychology. Training and Development Issues: A Special Issue of Military Psychology. (ISBN/ISSN: 0-8058-9390-3). Lawrence Earlbaum: New York.
Bartone, P. T. Johnsen, B. H. Eid, J. Violanti, J. & Laberg, J. C. (2010) Enhancing Human Performance in Security Operations: International and Law Enforcement Perspectives. Charles C. Thomas LTD, Publisher – USA.
Eid, J., Johnsen, B. H., Brun, W., Laberg, J. C., Larsson, G., & Nyhus, J. K. (2004). Situational awareness and transformational leadership: An exploratory study. Military Psychology, 16, 203-209.
Eid, J., Johnsen, B. H., Saus, E. R., & Risberg, J. (2004). Stress and coping in a week-long disabled submarine exercise. Aviation Space and Environmental Medicine, 75, 616-621.
Eid, J. (2003). The Course of PTSD Symptoms Following Military Training Accidents and Brief Psychosocial Interventions. Personality and Individual Differences, 35, 771-783.
Eid, J. & Johnsen, B. H. (2002). Submarine accidents - acute stress reactions in submarine crewmembers. Military Medicine, 167, 427-431.
Bartone, P. T., Johnsen, B. H., Eid, J., Brun, W., & Laberg, J. C. (2002). Factors influencing small unit cohesion in Norwegian Navy officer cadets. Military Psychology, 14, 1-22.
Johnsen, B. H., Laberg, J. C., Eid, J. & Hughdal, K. (2002). Dichotic listening and sleep deprivation: Vigiliance effects. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 43, 413-417.
Johnsen, B.H., Eid, J., Laberg, J.C. & Thayer, J. (2002). The effect of sensitization and coping style on posttraumatic stress symptoms and quality of life: Two longitudinal studies. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 43, 181-188.
Eid, J., & Johnsen, B. H. (2002). Diagnosen Akutt Stressforstyrrelse og forebygging av Posttraumatisk Stressforstyrrelse. Tidsskrift for Norsk Psykologforening, 39, 987-995.
Eid, J. Johnsen, B. H. & Weisæth, L. (2001). The effects of group psychological debriefing on acute stress reactions following a traffic accident: a quasi-experimental approach. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 3, 141-150.
Eid, J., Johnsen, B. H. & Thayer, J. (2001). Post-traumatic stress symptoms following shipwreck of a Norwegian Navy frigate - a longitudinal perspective. Personality and Individual Differences, 30, 1283-95.
Eid, J., Thayer, J., Johnsen, B. H., (1999). Measuring posttraumatic stress symptoms: A psychometric evaluation of symptom- and coping questionnaires based on a Norwegian sample. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 40, 101-108.
Johnsen, B. H., Laberg, J.C. & Eid, J. (1998). Coping strategies and mental health problems in a military unit. Military Medicine, 163, 599-602.
Johnsen, B. H., Eid, J., Løvstad, T. & Michelsen L. T. (1997). Post -traumatic stress symptoms in non- exposed, victims and spontaneous rescuers after avalanche. Journal of Traumatic Stress, 10,133-140.