Operational Psychology Research Group

Perceived risk and precautions during and after a pandemic event (POSTRISK)

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The POSTRISK research project is looking into how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected people and how they see the risks of future pandemics. We want to understand how individuals perceive pandemic risks and precautions related to the pandemic, and what they might do in similar situations in the future. 

Our main focus is on figuring out how people think about the dangers of the pandemic and how it affects different aspects of their lives, like their protective behavior, assessment of chances of getting sick, possibility of spreading the virus, worries, and how it impacts their mental well-being. The project includes several studies that also explore how personal traits, such as how people cope with stress, their optimism, and motivation, play a role in how they respond to a pandemic. 

By studying these aspects of risk perception, POSTRISK aims to build an understanding of how people see pandemic risk in the past, present and future. This knowledge can be useful for governments and health authorities in dealing not only with getting ready for and lessening the impact of future pandemics.