MSc project
Mathematical analysis of similarity solutions for modelling injection of CO2 into aquifers, 2007
Andreas Sandvin
Main content
Advisors: Jan M. Nordbotten, Helge Dahle
Short description of project:
In this thesis, we will look at the stability for the model of Nordbotten and Celia (2006b). We give a general presentation of reservoir mechanics. The concepts of dimensional analysis and self-similarity. Based on this, we can show the derivation of the analytical model of Nordbotten and Celia (2006b). Stability is already proved for the case of high injection rates (Nordbotten and Celia 2006b). In order to study the stability for for lower injection rates, we consider linear stability. By the linear analysis we impose a criterion on the linear stability.
Link to thesis at BORA-UiB: Link