Reservoir Physics – Energy Technology and CO2 Storage (CCUS)

Main content


Magnus Djønne Moldekleiv

The Open Porous Media Flow reservoir simulator for Underground Hydrogen Storage: Validation and Scenario Analysis

Supervisor: Martin Fernø



Akpojotor Allen Ajayi

Experimental Method for the selection of sand particles for fluid flower carbon sequestration

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Safiya Adejoh

Field Scale Reservoir Simulation of CO2 Foam Mobility Control

Supervisor: Zachary Alcorn


Amalie Rott Ellingsen

Use of CO2 Foam to Increase CO2 Storage and Oil Recovery for CCUS

Supervisor: Zachary Alcorn


Kristine Alexandra Solensteen Austevoll

A Field-Scale Reservoir Simulation Study of CO2 Foam Generation in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) Processes

Supervisor: Zachary Alcorn


Kevin Tran

Evaluering av utvinningsmetoder på Gullfaks

Supervisor: Geir Ersland


Olav Parelius Folkvord

Applying in-situ imaging and streamtube analysis to quantify carbonate dissolution at the core scale – an experimental study applying positron emission tomography (PET) and computed tomography (CT)

Supervisor: Bergit Brattekås


Per-Hilmar Knut van der Hart

A Pore-Scale Study of Underground Hydrogen Storage in Porous Media

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Henok Habtemariam Weldegebriel

Numerical Modeling of a CO2 Foam EOR and CO2 Storage Field Pilot

Supervisor: Zachary Alcorn


Torunn Veien

Carbonate rock dissolution during CO2 and brine injection – An experimental study applying in-situ imaging by PET and CT

Supervisor: Bergit Brattekås


Mohammad Almore

Image processing, segmentation, and measurements of hydrate phase transition on pore-scale

Supervisor: Geir Ersland


Hilde Halsøy

CO2 Foam Generation and Stability for CO2 Mobility Control for CCUS

Supervisor: Zachary Alcorn


Maren Soland

Experimental and Numerical Modeling Investigation of CO2 Foam Mobility Control

Supervisor: Zachary Alcorn



Benyamine Benali

Quantitative Pore-Scale Analysis of CO2 Foam for CCUS

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Marius Johan Haaland

A Field Scale Reservoir Modeling Study of CO2 Foam for Mobility Control, EOR and Associated CO2 Storage

Supervisor: Zachary Alcorn


Martine Folgerø Sandnes

Wetting Stability of Aged Limestone in the presence of HPAM polymer

Supervisor: Bergit Brattekås


Ørjan Strand

Single- and Multicomponent Hydrate Phase Transitions and CO2 − CH4 Exchange in a Synthetic Porous Media

Supervisor: Geir Ersland


Aleksandra Magdalena Soyke

Combined Effect of Nanoparticle and Surfactant Stabilized CO2 Foam for CCUS

Supervisor: Martin Fernø



Adam Ahmed Nour Ahmed

Simulation of Nanoparticle-Stabilized CO2-Foam in Sandstone

Supervisor: Zachary Alcorn


Simon Inge Smenes Reite

An Experimental Study of Polymer Spontaneous Imbibition in Sandstone

Supervisor: Bergit Brattekås



Stine Marie Kristiansen

Field Pilot Injection Strategies for CO2 Foam EOR in a Layered Heterogeneous Carbonate Reservoir

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Maksim Lysyy

Pore-scale investigation of methane hydrate phase transitions and growth rates in synthetic porous media

Supervisor: Geir Ersland


Anders Sundgot Saunes

Establishing a homogeneous and stable sand pack to study parameters during spontaneous imbibition

Supervisor: Bergit Brattekås


Eldri Bratland Skjelsvik

Synergy of Nanoparticles and Surfactants for CO2 Foam Enhanced Oil Recovery and CO2 Storage in Carbonates

Supervisor: Martin Fernø



Noor Muneer Nadheer Al-Khayyat

Nanoparticle-Stabilized Supercritical CO2-Foams for Mobility Control in Harsh Reservoirs

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Eirik Lauvås Alver

A Numerical Simulation Study of Wettability Altering Treatment in Gas Condensate Reservoirs

Supervisor: Geir Ersland


Anna Nikoline Særvold Bang

Injection Strategies for CO2 Foam EOR Mobility Control in a Heterogeneous Carbonate Field Pilot

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Christina Berge

An Experimental Study of Foam Flow in Water Saturated Porous Media

Supervisor: Geir Ersland


Solveig Carlsen

An Experimental Study of CO2-Foam Storage Potential in Porous Media

Supervisor: Geir Ersland


Max Andreas Rodriguez Castro

Numerical Analysis on CO2 EOR foam as mobility control in a layered carbonate field pilot

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Anders Frøland

CO2 Foam for Mobility Control and EOR in Fractured Oil-Wet Carbonates Using Wettability Alteration of Fracture Surfaces

Supervisor: Arne Graue


Tore Lyngås Føyen

Onset of Spontaneous Imbibition

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Lars Petter Grønvigh

Analysis of Enhanced Oil Recovery and Sweep Efficiency from CO2-Foam for CO2 EOR Field Pilot

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Eirik Johan Iden

Pore-Level Interpretation of Methane Hydrate Growth and Dissociation with Deionized and Saline Water

Supervisor: Geir Ersland


Andreas Grøteide Polden

Foam Generation and Flow in Fractures with Different Aperture

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Petter Davanger Solberg

Polymer Enhanced Foams and Flow Regimes in Unconsolidated Sand

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Veronica Flæsland Veland

Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Hydrate Phase Transitions in Sediments

Supervisor: Geir Ersland


Ida Vikingstad

An Experimental Study of CO2-Foams and Stability of Nanoparticle Dispersions for EOR

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Connie Wergeland

Field Pilot Preparations - Determining CO2 Foam Quality for Optimal EOR Mobility Control

Supervisor: Martin Fernø



Josef Flatlandsmo

Visualization and interpretation of methane hydrate growth and dissociation in synthetic porous media

Supervisor: Geir Ersland


Håkon Kyte Haugland

Spontaneous imbibition in sand – Viscosity effects on oil recovery and flow using polymer and glycerol

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Sandra Heldal

An experimental study using nanoparticle-stabilized CO2-foam for EOR in sandstone

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Mari Høyvik

Special Core Analysis of Low reservoir Quality Chalk

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Sigbjørn Aasheim Johansen

Study of Gas Mobility Control during CO2 Injection for Enhanced Oil Recovery


Håkon Juliussen

An Experimental Study of Methane Hydrate Formation and Gas Permeability in Sandstone Cores

Supervisor: Geir Ersland


Silje Lande

Polymer Enhanced Foam in Unconsolidated Sand

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Tor Aksel Lystad

Study of Gas Mobility Control during CO2 Injection for Enhanced Oil Recovery

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Trond Vabø

Viscosity Effects on Imbibition Rate and Front Behavior during Co-Current Spontaneous Imbibition  in Unconsolidated Porous Media

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Snorre Sande Vasshus

Experimental Study of Foam Generation and Flow in Carbonate Fracture Systems

Supervisor: Martin Fernø



Stian Almenningen

An Experimental Study of Methane Hydrates in Sandstone Cores

Supervisor: Geir Ersland


Tomas Nordeide Hjartnes

An Experimental Study of Tertiary CO2 Injection Strategies in Fractured Limestone Rocks

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Henriette Trydal Horjen

CO2-foam Stabilization With Nanoparticles and EOR in Fractured Carbonates

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Marta Lysne

Experimental Study of Miscible Gas Injection in Tight Shale

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Arthur Uno Rognmo

Oil Production from Unconventional, Tight Shale Using CO2 and Water Injection

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Erik Rasmussen Vadla

An Experimental Study of Methane Hydrate Growth and Dissociation in Porous Media

Supervisor: Geir Ersland


Edward Yang

Numerical Analysis of CO2-Injection for Oil Recovery in Fractured Systems

Supervisor: Martin Fernø


Sunniva Brudvik Fredriksen

Experimental Study of Diffusive Oil Recovery during Low Salinity Waterflooding and Miscible CO2 Injection in Sandstones and Shales

Supervisors: Martin Fernø and Arne Graue
First Job Affiliation: UiB


Ingrid Eikemo Opdal

Mobility Control by CO2-foam Injection for Intergrated EOR

Supervisors: Martin Fernø and Arne Graue
First Job Affiliation: Halliburton


Kristine Bø

Mobility Control for CO2 EOR in Heterogeneous Reservoirs

Supervisors: Martin Fernø and Arne Graue
First Job Affiliation: National Oilwell Varco


Vegard Havre Paulsen

An Experimental Study of CO2 Sequestration in Saline Aquifers and Gas Hydrates

Supervisors: Geir Ersland and Arne Graue
First Job Affiliation: ?


Julia Selvåg

Vanninjektivet og svekking av kalk under injeksjon av kaldt vann

Supervisors: Bergit Brattekås and Arne Graue
First Job Affiliation: ?


Martin Tran

Multi-scale analysis and upscaling of spontaneous imbibition and miscible CO2-flood for oil recovery in fractured carbonate reservoirs

supervisor: Martin Fernø



Christian Hågenvik

CO2 Injection in Hydrate Bearing Sandstone with Excess Water

Supervisors: Geir Ersland and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Statoil


Ary Ahmed

En eksperimentell studie av CO2 injeksjon for økt oljeutvinning i oppsprukket kalk

Supervisors: Martin Fernø and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Wintershall


Hans Berge

Hydrate formation and CO2 - CH4 exchange in sandstone - An experimental study with emphasis on the role of initial brine saturation and salinity

Supervisors: Geir Ersland and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: ?


Thomas Mathiassen

En eksperimentell studie av CO2 lagring i sedimentære bergarter ved bruk av ulike avbildingsteknikker
Supervisors: Geir Ersland and Arne Graue
First Job Affiliation: ?

Kamal Ahmed

CO2 injeksjon for økt oljeutvinning i kalk

Supervisors: Martin Fernø and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Wintershall


Stuart Baird 

CO2 EOR by Diffusion in Fractured Chalk

Supervisors: Martin Fernø and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: -


Reza Hossainpoor

Catalysts for Enhanced CO2-CH4 Exchange in Natural Gas Hydrates. An experimental feasibility study of exchange enhancement by use of chemical additives

Supervisors: Geir Ersland and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Wintershall 


Stig  Andre Winter Langlo

Enhanced Oil Recovery by CO2 and CO2-foam Injection in Fractured Limestone Rocks

Supervisors: Martin Fernø and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Statoil


Truls Håheim Hamre

Methane Production from Natural Gas Hydrates. Impact of Temperature on CH4 -CO2 Exchange rate in Hydrate Bearing Sandstone

Supervisors: Geir Ersland and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Halliburton


Tom Ydstebø

Enhanced Oil Recovery by CO2 and CO2-Foam in Fractured Carbonates

Supervisors: Martin Fernø and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: -



Stig Holme Lie

Diffusion as an Oil Recovery Mechanism During CO2 Injection in Fractured


Supervisors: Martin Fernø and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Eni



Glenn Andre Dåtland Kvinge

En eksperimentell studie av CO2 lagring i sandstein og kalkstein med bruk av ulike avbildningsteknikker (In norwegian)

Supervisors: Geir Ersland and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Ross Offshore


Malin Haugen

CO2 Injection in Fractured Chalk for Enhanced Oil Recovery

Supervisors: Geir Ersland and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: ConocoPhillips


Ane Skibenes

Injeksjon av CO2-skum for økt oljeutvinning i oppsprukket karbonatbergart under ulike fuktforhold

Supervisors: Martin Fernø and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Statoil


Torstein Fjelltveit Skagseth

An Experimental Study of CO2 Injection for Improved Oil Recovery in Fractured Chalk

Supervisors: Geir Ersland and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Schlumberger


Eirik Fosse

Et Eksperimentelt Studie av CO2-injeksjon for Oljeutvinning i Kalk.

Supervisors: Geir Ersland and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Halliburton


Andreas Lien

Investigating the Effect of Oil Composition, Fractures, Intial Saturation and Wettability on C02-EOR in Chalk 

Supervisors: Geir Ersland and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Statoil


Anders Cristophersen

Økt oljeutvinning ved injeksjon av CO2-skum i en oppsprukket karbonatbergart ved forskjellige fuktforhold (In norwegian)

Supervisors: Martin Fernø and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Statoil


Jorn-Anders Fløysand Tveit

An Experimental Study of Water Mixing in Carbonate Rocks Using Different Imaging Techniques

Supervisors: Martin Fernø and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: ENI


Nicolai-Ivar Majlaton

A Visual Study of CO2 Injection at the pore-scale Using Micromodes

Supervisors: Martin Fernø

First Job Affiliation: ?


Håvard Nakken Follesø

Fluid Displacements during Multiphase Flow Visualized at the Pore Scale Using Micromodels

Supervisors: Arne Graue and Martin Fernø

First Job Affiliation: Statoil



Stina Pedersen


Supervisor:  Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Statoil


Nima Mani

Supervisors: Arne Graue and Martin Fernø

First Job Affiliation: Statoil


Lars Petter Hauge

Resistivity measurements during gas hydrate formation and subsequent CO2 injection in porous sandstone

Supervisors: Geir Ersland and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: UiB


Sondre Svenningsen

An experimental study of CO2 injection for enhanced oil recovery

Supervisors: Geir Ersland and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Statoil


Kjell-Rune Hoff

Eksperimentell og numerisk studie av CO2 injeksjon for økt oljeutvinning

Supervisors: Geir Ersland and Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Baker Hughes


Bjarte Børve

Økt oljeutvinning i kalk basert på potensialbestemmende ioner for endring av fukt

Supervisors: Arne Graue and Martin Fernø

First Job Affiliation: Statoil


Sigurd Nybø

Skaleringskriterier for vannflømming i sandstein og tertiær oljeutvinning ved bruk av CO2

Supervisors: Arne Graue and Martin Fernø

First Job Affiliation: ?



Hilde Tokheim Nistov

En eksperimentell studie av økt oljeutvinning i oppsprukne reservoar ved bruk av polymergelè og surfaktanter

Supervisors: Arne Graue and B. Brattekås

First Job Affiliation: Halliburton


Øyvind Eide

Integrated EOR and Waterflood Stability Criteria in Carbonate Rock

Supervisors: Arne Graue and Martin Fernø

First Job Affiliation: UiB


Jarand Gauteplass

Primærdreneringsprosesser ved bruk av gass målt med porøs plate, sentrifuge og under skuminjeksjon for økt oljeutvinning

Supervisors: Arne Graue and Martin Fernø

First Job Affiliation: UiB



Nyheim, Arita

Vannbasert EOR I oppsprukne bergarter – økt oljeutvinning ved kjemikalietilsetning i injeksjonsvannet

Supervisor: Arne Graue 

First Job Affiliation: Roxar


Grønsdal, Reidar

Økt oljeutvinning I kalk basert på vannkjemi og potensialbestemmende ioner for endring av fukt

Supervisor: Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Baker Hughes



Birkedal, Knut Arne
Thesis: “Hydrate Formation and CH4 Production from Natural Gas Hydrates - Emphasis on Boundary Conditions and Production Methods. Bergen: University of Bergen.”

Supervisor: Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: UiB (PhD)


Brattekås, Bergit
Thesis: “EOR by Polymer Gel Extrusion through Fractures: An Experimental Study of Water Leakoff as Function of Flow Rate, Wettability and Relative Permeability.”

Supervisor: Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: UiB (PhD)


Hansen, Beate
Thesis: “Evaluating tertiary water based EOR methods on the Veslefrikk field, with emphasis on analyzing sodium silicate injection by numerical simulation.”

Supervisor: Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Statoil


Ngo, Thy
Thesis: “Hydrate formation, permeability and CH4 production from CH4-hydrates.”

Supervisor: Arne Graue

Første jobb etter eksamen: -


Odland, Jonas
Thesis: “Hydratdannelse og metanproduksjon fra naturlig gasshydrat - produksjonsmetoder og resistivitetsutvikling.” .

Supervisor: Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Sea drill A/S


Marianne Berge

Thesis: “ Waterbased EOR in Carbonates by Adding Sulphate or Surfactants to Injection Water, and Determine the Impacts on the Oil Recovery at V arious Wettabilities Using NMR Technology"

Supervisor: Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: ResLab Integration AS


Lejla Tipura

Thesis: “EOR in Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs by Wettability Reversal"

Supervisor: Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Odin Petroleum


Haldis Riskedal

Thesis: "Wettability and Rock Characterization of Heterogeneous Limestone Utilizing NMR"

Supervisor: Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: StatoilHydro


Jorunn Åsheim

Thesis: " EOR in Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs by Wettability Reversal (In English)"

Supervisors: Arne Graue

Første jobb etter eksamen: StatoilHydro


Oskar Johansen

Thesis: " Experimental and Numerical Study of Mixing of Injection Water and In-Situ Water During Oil Production Using an NTI Technique, and Determening Oil Recovery in a Tertiary Miscible CO2 Flood Using MRI"

Supervisor: Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: ResLab Integration AS


Sjur Wiggo Jensen

Thesis: "An Experimental Study of Miscible Displacement in Carbonate Rocks"

Supervisor: Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Halliburton



Åsmund Haugen

Thesis: “ Experimental and Numerical Study of Two Phase Flow in Fractured Limestone"

Supervisor: Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: UiB (PhD)


Øyvind Bull

Thesis: "An Experimental and Numerical Study of Oil Recovery Mechanisms in Fractured Chalk at Neutral Wettability Conditions"

Supervisor: Arne Graue

First Job Affiliation: Hydro



Martin Fernø

Thesis: "Experimental investigation of Rock Characteristics and Waterflood Oil Recovery in Outcrop Carbonate Rock at Various Wettability Conditions"

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: UiB (PhD)


Amund Brautaset

Thesis: " Experimental an Numerical Investigation of the Dynamic Relationship between In-Situ Pressure and Fluid Saturation During Waterfloods at Different Wettabilities"

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: UiB (PhD)


Jarle Husebø

Thesis: " Methane Production from Hydrates in Porous Media During CO2 Sequestration"

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: UiB (PhD)

Geir Ersland

Thesis: "Experimental Investigation of Fluid Flow in Fractured Reservoirs Utilizing Nuclear Tracer- and Magnetic Resonance Imaging"

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: UiB (PhD)



Jostein Skretting

Thesis: " Experimental and Numerical Study of Mixing of Connate Water and Injection Water in Oil Production by Water Injection at Various Rates"

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: UiB (PhD)


Pål-Ove Sukka

Thesis: “Improving the Nuclear Tracer Imaging Centrifuge Method for Measuring In-Situ Capillary Pressure and Comparison with Other Methods"

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: Hydro


Magne Torsvik

Thesis: " Wettability Alteration for Studies of Oil Recovery at Less Water-Wet Conditions and at Various Differential Pressures" (in Norwegian)

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: Reslab

Else B. Johannesen

Thesis: " NMR Characterization of Wettability Alterations Using Different Crude Oils" (in Norwegian)

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: UiB (PhD)


Marianne Steinsbø

Thesis: " Oil Recovery by Spontaneous Imbibition and Waterfloods of Transition Zones in Chalk" (in Norwegian)

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: UiB (PhD)



Kjartan Nesse

Thesis: " A Numerical and Experimental Study of Waterflood Properties for Fractured Chalk at Moderately-Water-Wet Conditions" (in Norwegian)

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: Norsk Hydro



Johannes Ramsdal

Thesis: " Experimental Studies of Oil Recovery Mechanisms in Fractured Chalk at Various Wettabilities" (in Norwegian)

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: Norsk Hydro


Eirik Aspenes

Thesis: " Impacts of Wettability on In-Situ Water Mobility and Oil recovery in Chalk Reservoirs"

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: UiB (PhD)


Harald Krüger

Thesis: " NMR Chararcterization of Methane in an Artificial Porous Medium "

Supervisor: Jan R. Lien

First Job Affiliation: UiB (PhD)



Robert Moe

Thesis: " Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Oil Recovery in Fractured Chalk"

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: UiB (PhD)


Randi Valestrand

Thesis: " The Impact of permeability Heterogeneities on Flow Function Estimation"

Supervisor: K. Kolltveit

First Job Affiliation: UiB (PhD)


Thomas Bognø

Thesis: " Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Waterfloods in Chalk Emphasizing Impacts of Wettability and Fractures"

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: UiB (PhD)



Svein Olav Dyrhol

Thesis: " Studie av to-og trefase relativ permeabilitet i reservoar materiale"

Supervisor: A. Skauge

First Job Affiliation: Teacher



Anne Elisabeth Indrebø Haga

Thesis: "Instrumentation of a Vertical Flow-Rig and Studies of Horizontal and Vertical Three-Phase Flow in Chalk " (in Norwegian)

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: Teacher (Navy)




Nina E. Bjørnevoll (Dept. of Geology)

Thesis: " Experimental Developement of Fractures in Porous Sandstone, and the effect of Fractures on Permeability" (in Norwegian)

Supervisor: A. Graue (co-sup)

First Job Affiliation: PPCo Norway


Geir S. Håskjold

Thesis: "Estimering av relativ permeabilitet og kapillartrykk frå tyngdedrenering"

Supervisor: K. Kolltveit

First Job Affiliation: Norsk Hydro


Kari Nordås

Thesis: "Capillary Pressure Determined from Centrifuge Data "

Supervisor: K. Kolltveit / J.E. Nordtvedt

First Job Affiliation: Texas A&M


Sverre Hetland

Thesis: " Experimental Studies of Oil Production by Waterflooding in Fractured Chalk" (in Norwegian)

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: ResLab A.S.



Steinar Takvam

Thesis: "Analyse av tyngdedrenering"

Supervisor: K. Kolltveit

First Job Affiliation:



Erik S. Pedersen

Thesis: "Two Dimensional Saturation Imaging in Heterogeneous Media" (in Norwegian)

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: Statoil


Marianne Kjøde Lie

Thesis: " Evaluation of Outcrop Chalk as Analogues for North Sea Chalk Reservoirs"

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: Geco


Egil Boye Petersen

Thesis: "A Study of Multiphase Flow in Dania Outcrop Chalk " (in Norwegian)

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: ResLab A.S.


Terje Eilertsen

Thesis: " Experiments and Simulation of Immiscible Flow in Crossbedded Reservoir Models"

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: Fina



Elisabeth Rose

Thesis: " Studies of Capillary Numbers by Fluid Displacement in Porous Rocks, Simulations and Experiment Studies of Gravity Drainage " (in Norwegian)

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: Total


Hege Urkedal

Thesis: "Sensitivity Analysis and Estimation of Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure Functions from Transient and Equilibrium Steady State Data"

Supervisor: K. Kolltveit

First Job Affiliation: Rogalandforskning


Elisabeth Tonheim

Thesis: "Establishing Various Wettability Conditions in Outcrop Chalk " (in Norwegian)

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: Teacher (Gymnas)


Bjørn Gerry Viksund

Thesis: "Imbibitions Properties in Chalk during Waterfloods" (in Norwegian)

Supervisor: A. Graue

First Job Affiliation: Statoil


André Sylte

Thesis: " Tre-Fase strøm i porøse medier: En simuleringsanalyse"

Supervisor: K. Kolltveit

First Job Affiliation: Rogalandsforskning


Johne Alex Larsen

Thesis: "Tre-Fase strøm i porøse medier: En simuleringsanalyse"

Supervisor: K. Kolltveit

First Job Affiliation: Norsk Hydro



Frank Hovland

Thesis: "Et studie av gravitasjons- og viskøse krefters innvirkning på fortrengningsprosesser i lagdelte reservoarstrukturer ved hjelp av en analytisk og numerisk modell"

Supervisor: K. Kolltveit / J.E. Nordtvedt

First Job Affiliation: Rogalandsforskning


Magnar Aga

Thesis: "Bruk av Levenberg-Marquardt algoritme og B-spline parameterisering til å bestemme de karakteristiske funksjonene til det porøse mediet"

Supervisor: K. Kolltveit / J.E. Nordtvedt

First Job Affiliation: Statoil



Per Mongstad

Thesis: " "

Supervisor: A. Skauge

First Job Affiliation: Norsk Hydro


Erling Nikolai Kindem

Thesis: "En undersøkelse av økt oljeutvinning fra en sandsteinsblokk ved hjelp av akustisk og termisk stimulering "

Supervisor: J.R. Lien

First Job Affiliation: Hydro


Einar Ebeltoft

Thesis: " Eksperimentelle studier av Zanthanflømming i porøse medium"

Supervisor: J.R. Lien

First Job Affiliation: Rogalandsforskning



Bjørn Matre


Supervisor: A. Skauge

First Job Affiliation: Rogalandsforskning


Bjørn Arne Kvanvik

Thesis: "Bestemmelse av relative permeabiliteter ved fortrengningsprosesser i lange kjerner; to-fase systemer"

Supervisor: K. Kolltveit

First Job Affiliation: Rogalandsforskning



Eirik Søndenå

Thesis: "Utvikling av utstyr for måling av kapillartrykkskurven ved reservoar-betingelser"

Supervisor: K. Kolltveit

First Job Affiliation: Geco



Aase Charlotte Bøe Tjølsen

Thesis: "Eksperimentelle studier av olje/vann fortrengninger i sandsteinskjerner. Deteksjon og beregning av metningsprofiler ved bruk av radioaktiv merkingsmetode"

Supervisor: J.R. Lien / K. Kolltveit

First Job Affiliation: Norsk Hydro


Jan-Eirik Nordtvedt

Thesis: "Eksperimentelle studier av olje/vann fortrengninger i sandsteinskjerner. Fortrengningseksperiment gjort ved bruk av radioaktiv merkingmetode sammenholdes med matematiske studier"

Supervisor: J.R. Lien / K. Kolltveit

First Job Affiliation: Statoil