Special issue on glaciated North Atlantic margins
The August 2018 volume of Marine Geology is a special issue on the “Geological evolution and processes of the glaciated North Atlantic Margins”, with Hans Petter Sejrup (GEO), Berit Oline Hjelstuen (GEO), Mike Bentley (Durham University) and Colm Ò Cofaigh (Durham University) as guest editors.

Main content
The special issue comprises 18 papers centered on three regions of the North Atlantic (see map); the Greenland margin, the North Sea/SE Nordic Seas margin and the Barents Sea – Svalbard margin. The issue contributes to our understanding of the spatial and temporal controls on the development of these margins, investigating their evolution especially with the regard to the role and influence of past ice sheet growth and decay. A major part of the papers in the issue represents results from the GLANAM ITN project (2013-2017), which was led from GEO. The special issue is no 402 of Marine Geology and comprises these papers:
Arosio, R., Crocket, K.C., Nowell, G.M., Callard, S.L., Howe, J.A., Benetti, S., Fabel, D., Moreton, S., Clark, C.D. Weathering fluxes and sediment provenance on the SW Scottish shelf during the last deglaciation.
Batchelor, C.L., Dowdeswell, J.A., Rignot, E. Submarine landforms reveal varying rates and styles of deglaciation in North-West Greenland fjords.
Becker, L.W.M., Sejrup, H.P., Hjelstuen, B.O., Haflidason, H., Dokken, T.M. Ocean-ice sheet interaction along the SE Nordic Seas margin from 35 to 15 ka BP.
Bellwald, B., Planke, S., Piasecka, E.D., Matar, M.A., Andreassen, K. Ice-stream dynamics of the SW Barents Sea revealed by high-resolution 3D seismic imaging of glacial deposits in the Hoop area.
Flink, A.E., Noormets, R. Submarine glacial landforms and sedimentary environments in Vaigattbogen, northeastern Spitsbergen.
Fransner, O., Noormets, R., Flink, A.E., Hogan, K.A., Dowdeswell, J.A. Sedimentary processes on the continental slope off Kvitøya and Albertini troughs north of Nordaustlandet, Svalbard – The importance of structural-geological setting in trough-mouth fan development.
Hjelstuen, B.O., Sejrup,H.P., Valvik, E., Becker, L. Evidence of an ice-dammed lake outburst in the North Sea during the last deglaciation.
Hofmann, J.C., Knutz, P.C., Kjær, K.H., Nielsen, T., Ó Cofaigh, C. Glacial and submarine processes on the shelf margin of the Disko Bay Trough Mouth Fan.
Jennings, A.E., Andrews, J.T., Ó Cofaigh, C., St-Onge, G., Belt, S., Cabedo-Sanz, P., Pearce, C., Hillaire-Marcel, C., Calvin Campbell, D. Baffin Bay paleoenvironments in the LGM and HS1: Resolving the ice-shelf question.
Laberg, J.S., Rydningen, T.A., Forwick, M., Husum, K. Depositional processes on the distal Scoresby Trough Mouth Fan (ODP Site 987): Implications for the Pleistocene evolution of the Scoresby Sund Sector of the Greenland Ice Sheet.
Madrussani, G., Rossi, G., Rebesco, M., Picotti, S., Urgeles, R., Llopart, J. Sediment properties in submarine mass-transport deposits using seismic and rock-physics off NW Barents Sea.
Nielsen, T., Kuijpers, A. Glacially influenced morphodynamic features – examples from the north Faroe margin.
Nielsen, T., Rasmussen, T.L. Reconstruction of ice sheet retreat after the Last Glacial maximum in Storfjorden, southern Svalbard.
Ó Cofaigh, C., Hogan, K.A., Jennings, A.E., Callard, S.L., Dowdeswell, J.A., Noormets, R., Evans, J. The role of meltwater in high-latitude trough-mouth fan development: The Disko Trough-Mouth Fan, West Greenland.
Piasecka, E.D., Stokes, C.R., Winsborrow, M., Andreassen, K. Relationship between mega-scale glacial lineations and iceberg ploughmarks on the Bjørnøyrenna Palaeo-Ice Stream bed, Barents Sea.
Reinardy, B.T.I., Sejrup, H.P., Hjelstuen, B.O., King, E., Augedal, H. A Quaternary aminostratigraphy constraining chronology of depositional environments in the North Sea Basin. Marine Geology.
Streuff, K., Ó Cofaigh, C., Noormets, R., Lloyd, J. Submarine landform assemblages and sedimentary processes in front of Spitsbergen tidewater glaciers.
Zecchin, M., Rebesco, M. Glacigenic and glacimarine sedimentation from shelf to trough settings in the NW Barents Sea.