Quaternary geology and Paleoclimate

Archaeological geology and stratigraphy of Palaeolithic sites in northern Russia

Herbjørn Presthus Heggen - Thesis defended: 28. October 2011

John Inge Svendsen

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Supervision: John Inge Svendsen and Jan Mangerud
Funding: UIB 4-year scholarship (2005-2009), RCN-funded ICEHUS-project

The scope of this project is to study archaeological excavations of Palaeolithic sites along the western margin of the Uralian Mountains. As this part of the arctic has remained ice-free during the middle- to late Weichselian, the region has been invaded by Ice Age humans, following the mammoth herds, as early as 40,000 years BP. The first aim is to locate the archaeological layers into a wider geological setting, and further to place the human presence into the local and regional geographic, sedimentological and climatic development. It is important to improve the chronology of the archaeological finds as well as the landscape evolution, since this is the time where modern man replaced the Neanderthals.

Scientist profile of PhD candidate