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Bergen Stress and Sleep Group, BSSG
Consequences of night shift simulation
The early life condition
New tool for wireless sleep assessment
How hours with light affect sleep
Student Scholarship projects
Research methods
Book Sections
Science communication
Achieved Degrees
Master Degrees
Doctoral Degrees
Consequences of night shift simulation
The early life condition
New tool for wireless sleep assessment
How hours with light affect sleep
Student Scholarship projects
Research methods
Book Sections
Science communication
Achieved Degrees
Master Degrees
Doctoral Degrees
Bergen Stress and Sleep Group, BSSG
Science communication
Members of Bergen Stress and Sleep Group in the media.
Daylight saving time. No thanks.
In this chronicle from, Janne Grønli and Ståle Pallesen discuss why we should not shift the clock two times each year, but have permanent winter time (standard time). (Chronicle in Norwegian).
How do light and darkness affect our sleep? What to do when worries keeps you awake? Janne Grønli is interviewed in this radio program NRK Nitimen about these topics and others from her new book about sleep. (Interview in Norwegian).
Why do we sleep, and what are the consequences of too little sleep?
Why do we sleep, and what are the consequences of too little sleep? In this TV program, Norge nå, Janne Grønli is interviewed about this topic. (Interview in Norwegian)
What is sleep?
What is sleep, and how does light affect sleep and wakefulness? In this radio program, NRK Nitimen, Janne Grønli is interviewed about sleep (interview in Norwegian).
Loss of daylight during winter- how does it affect us?
In this radio program "Opptur" at NRK radio, you can listen to Janne Grønli talk about how less hours of daylight during winter affect us and our sleep. (Interview in Norwegian)
Tired in the morning during winter?
Tired in the morning? In this article in KK, Torhild Pedersen is giving tips regarding how to use light as a help to wake up in the morning.
What effect do night shift have on the body?
Janne Grønli is interviewed in the TV program “Norge nå” about what is happening in the body while working night shift. (Interview in Norwegian from NRK TV, 06:55)
Can orange glasses revolutionize psychiatry?
Tone Elise Gjøtterud Henriksen, discovered exceptional results by blocking the blue light as a treatment of bipolar patients. The findings became the beginning of an innovation project that is spreading rapidly. (Article in Norwegian at
Sleep in the summer heat
Having troubles sleeping in the summer heat? Here you can get some good advice from BSSG member Torhild Pedersen.
How to sleep in the summer heat
How to get a good night sleep in the summer heat? Listen to BSSG-member Torhild Pedersen on NRK Hordaland Radio
Can sleep problems be a light problem?
Troublesome sleep is a common complaint among people in todays’ modern society. But can sleep problems actually be a light problem? In this chronicle, Tone Henriksen and Janne Grønli write about how light have an impact on our brain and body, and how it affects the way we sleep.
Does bedtime "scrolling" affect sleep?
In this program, Forbrukerinspektørene at NRK, Janne Grønli talks about how light exposure from mobile phones before bedtime can affect sleep.
When night becomes day- NRK viten og vilje TV programme
Humans are adapted to be active during daylight and asleep when it is dark. But what happens when the body is forced to stay awake at the wrong time of day? NRK Viten og vilje has made a program about this, and here you can learn about some of our group’s ongoing research projects.
Night work and circadian rhythm
Our group member Jelena Mrdalj has been interviewed by NRK Radio- Hordaland. Here you can listen to her talking about how staying awake at the wrong time of day can disturb the circadian rhythm, and how light have an impact on this rhythm.
What happens in the brain when you work night shifts?
NRK Viten has interviewed our group leader Janne Grønli. Here you can read about how the circadian rhythm is disturbed when working night shifts, and how this affects the brain. (Interview in Norwegian)
Nobel Prize for the function of circadian rhythms
Janne Grønli is answering questions about the function of circadian rhythms, the research which recieved the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine last week (Podcast in Norwegian from Kuriøs on NRK, intervju with Janne Grønli from 13:17)
Timing affects everything that happens in our bodies
Last week the Nobel Prize in physiology or medicine was awarded to circadian rhythm researchers Jeffrey C. Hall, Michael Rasbash and Michael W. Young. In this article Janne Grønli and Andrea Rørvik Marti write about what this means for us modern humans and how we understand our own health and biology.
Many Utøya-survivors suffered from sleep disturbances two years after the terror attack
After the terror attack at Utøya July 22nd 2011, many of the survivors developed sleep disturbances. Two years later many of them still suffer from sleep disturbances. First author Janne Grønli is interviewed about the study in this article. (Article in Norwegian from
Sleep deprivation- A public health problem
Janne Grønli is interviewed in NRK radio about how to get a good night’s sleep. (Interview in Norwegian from NRK Hordaland, 01:05:30).
Study in rats showed that enough sleep does not help against sleepy nightshifts
Andrea Rørvik Marti has been interviwed about the study on simulated night shift in rats. The rats got “sleepy” brain waves during the night shift, even if they slept normal. (Article in Norwegian from
Poor sleep may make you gain weight
Adults who sleep too short have a higher risk for getting weight problems and becoming overweight. Andrea Rørvik Marti comments on the study from University of Leeds. (Article in Norwegian from
Sleep and Depression
Is there a connection between sleep, circadian rhythm and depression? Listen to Janne Grønli in conversation with Trond-Viggo Torgersen at Litteraturhuset about the wonderfulness of sleep and how it is influenced by the light. (Podcast in Norwegian from the series "Kroppen", NRK P1).
Short sleepers
Janne Grønli is answering questions about sleep (Podcast in Norwegian from Kuriøs on NRK, intervju with Janne Grønli from 00:08:47)
Orange glasses may be the solution for patients with bipolar disorder
When the patients with bipolar disorder wore orange glasses that blocked out the blue light, their manic episodes become much shorter. The first author Tone Henriksen is interviewed about the study. (Article in Norwegian from
Blue-Blocking Glasses May Help Treat Bipolar Disorder, Promote Sleep
Newsweek have published an article about the study of Tone Henriksen on blue-blocking glasses that may help treat bipolar disorder. Read the Newsweek article in English here, and watch the video about the study.
Reading from a tablet before bed may affect sleep quality
(Reuters Health) – People who read from an iPad for 30 minutes before going to sleep felt less sleepy and had different electrical activity in the brain during sleep than those who read from a physical book. First author Janne Grønli comments the study in this article. (Article in English)
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