Research Group for Climate, Energy and Environmental Law

Recent publications by Catalina Vallejo Piedrahita

We are pleased to announce that Postdoctoral fellow at the Faculty of Law, Catalina Vallejo Piedrahita, has two new publications on the topic of climate litigation.

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Catalina Vallejo Piedrahíta is studying the polycentric governance of climate change in the Amazon, as a member of the interdisciplinary research project Causes and Consequences of the Legal Architecture of Climate Politics and has recently published a book chapter and a blog entry. 

Vallejo is a lawyer from Colombia, holds an MA in Peace Studies, and a Ph.D. in Law. In her doctoral dissertation, she studied climate change litigation against governments of the world and the emerging climate jurisprudence. She is affiliated as a researcher to the Universidad Autónoma Latinoamericana-UNAULA, in Medellin, Colombia, to the Peace and Conflict Unit of the University of Innsbruck, in Austria, and to the Centre for Law and Social Transformation, in Norway. 

Vallejo has, together with Siri Gloppen, written the chapter The climate crisis: litigation and economic, social and cultural rights in Research Handbook on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights as Human Rightswhich will be out on 20 October. The book provides "a comprehensive, cutting edge analysis of economic, social and cultural rights (ESCR), as well as the connection between ESCR and other rights", and is offering "an authorative analysis of standards and jurisprudence, it argues for an expansive and inclusive approach to ESCR as human rights" (from Edward Elgar Publishing's statement about the book). 

Vallejo has also written a blog entry for Open Global Rights, a NGO which provides a forum for human rights voices with the purpose of creating a more just and sustainable world. In the blog entry Vallejo, together with Gloppen, argues that in relation to climate litigation, even minor interventions in the legal realm can have a butterfly effect and generate major social and cultural transformations. 

We congratulate Vallejo on her publications!