Research Group for Climate, Energy and Environmental Law

Breakfast seminar on the emergence of a hydrogen market in the EU

In a breakfast seminar on 24 November at 9, Dr. Susanne Wende from Technische Universität Berlin presented her findings on the emergence of a hydrogen market in the EU and the potential implications the principle of solidarity could have for the member states' national strategies regarding hydrogen production.

Susannes presentation

Main content

In Europe, there is an increasing focus on new renewable energy sources, in line with the EU's obligations under the Paris Agreement. Hydrogen is one of the most important renewable resources for the green shift in line with the European Green Deal, as it is a sustainable energy carrier that does not cause emissions of greenhouse gases when it is used. Susanne's presentation on hydrogen production in an EU legal context is therefore highly relevant, also in a Norwegian context through Norway's association with the EU through the EEA cooperation and Norway's independent obligations to reduce climate emissions under the Paris Agreement.

The importance of acting in line with the EU's stated objectives regarding hydrogen and hydrogen production is also emphasized in the Norwegian state budget for 2021, where, among other things, funds have been allocated to develop new solutions for hydrogen production. Norway has good production facilities for hydrogen through its large access to water resources, natural gas, technology, and a competent workforce. This is illustrated by the fact that major companies, such as Yara and Equinor, have chosen to invest in hydrogen production in Norway.

The seminar with Dr. Wende was organized as part of the HyValue Research Center on Hydrogen Energy, which is funded by the Research Council of Norway. After the presentation, a panel discussion was held on the rise of the hydrogen market, including Leigh Hancher, who is professor of European law at the University of Tilburg in the Netherlands.

The breakfast seminar had a large turnout from both physical and digital participants on Teams. The research group thanks Susanne for the visit and her exciting presentation about hydrogen!