Research Group for Climate, Energy and Environmental Law

Interview with PhD Candidate Eirik Finserås

Eirik Finserås was interviewed by Energi og Klima after the publication of the article "Gone with the wind? Wind farm-induced wakes and regulatory gaps."

Eirik Finserås
Eirik Finserås

Main content

PhD Candidate Eirik Finseraas is the main author of the article "Gone with the wind? Wind farm-induced wakes and regulatory gaps," written in collaboration with Ignacio Herrera Anchustegui, Etienne Cheynet, Cristian Guillerno Gebhart, and Joachim Reuder in the research journal Marine Policy. The article has attracted international attention and has been featured in publications such as The Guardian.

According to Eirik, the wake effect issue raises issues related to international law. To ensure an efficient energy transition, closer regulation is therefore necessary. Read more about this in the interview here.

Read the article here: Gone with the wind? Wind farm-induced wakes and regulatory gaps - ScienceDirect

The Guardian article: 

Talks needed over density of offshore windfarms in Europe, warn experts | Wind power | The Guardian