Visitors to the Selmer Center
Main content
- Robert Coulter, University of Delaware, USA (04.02-23.02)
- Pantelimon Stanica, Naval Postgraduate School, USA (29.04-16.05)
- Zilong Liu, University of Essex, UK (15.08-28.08)
- Daniel Katz, California State University, Northridge, USA (05.08-28.08)
- Sartaj Ul Hasan, Indian Institute of Technology Jammu, India (15.07-16.09)
- Thor Martinsen, Naval Postgraduate School, USA (01.04-30.06)
- Pantelimon Stanica, Naval Postgraduate School, USA (29.03-21.04)
- José Luis Imaña, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, Spring (Sabbatical Stay)
- Yanan Wu, Hubei University, 01.01.2022-30.12.2023
Markus Hittmeir, SBA Research, Austria (01.11.2011 - 28.02.2022)
Christian Rchberger, Graz University of Technology, Austria (25.08-03.09)
- Patrick Felke, Frederik Gosewehr, University of Applied Sciences Emden / Leer (01.03-06.03)
- Aleksandr Kutsenko and Alexy Oblaukhov, Novosibirsk State University, Russia (01.02-28.02)
- Konstantin Kalgin, Natalia Tokareva, Novosibirsk State University, Russia (01.12 - 06.12)
- Anne Canteaut, Inria Paris, France (14.10-19.10)
- Ferdinand Ihringer, Gent University, Belgium (15.09 - 27.09)
- Yibo Wang, Southcentral Universities of Nationalities, China (02.09 - 30.11)
- Peter Horak, University of Washington, Tacoma, USA (21.08 - 28.08)
- Alexander Guterman and Elena Kreines, Moscow State University, Russia (21.04-26.04)
- Udaya Parampalli, University of Melbourne, Australia (06.04 - 18.04)
- Pantelimon Stanica, Naval Postgraduate School, USA (18.03 – 18.05)
- Konstantin Kalgin, Natalia Tokareva, Novosibirsk State University, Russia (11.03 - 26.03)
- Ferdinand Ihringer, Gent University, Belgium (04.03 - 08.03)
- Yao Yao, Tingting Pang, Hubei University, China (15.01 - 14. 04)
- Ferdinand Ihringer, Gent University, Belgium (07.01 - 13.01)
- Natalia Tokareva, Novosibirsk State University, Russia (17.09 - 22.09)
- Yuyin Yu, Guangzhou University, China (14.08 - 26.08)
- Yongbo Xia, Southcentral Universities of Nationalities, China (22.07 - 15.08)
- Yuan Chen, Shasha Zhang, Yunge Xu, Hubei University, China (10.07 - 19.07)
- Yang Yang, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (07.07 - 24.07)
- Yuri M. Movsisyan, Yerevan State University, Armenia (17.06 – 18.07)
- Daniel J. Katz, California State University, USA (07.06 – 22.06)
- Anwar Hasan, University of Waterloo, Canada (07.06 – 16.06)
- Robert Coulter, University of Delaware, USA (01.06 – 22.06)
- Pantelimon Stanica, University of Delaware, USA (01.06 – 22.06)
- Gurgen Khachatrian, American University of Armenia, Armenia (19.11 – 26.11)
- Yuri M. Movsisyan, Yerevan State University, Armenia (19.11 – 26.11)
- Robert Coulter, University of Delaware, USA (11.03 – 26.03, 15.11-22.11)
- Cees Jansen, Delft University of Technology, Netherland (05.10 – 12.10)
- Chaoyun Li, University of Leuven, Belgium (10.07 – 09.08)
- Daniel J. Katz, California State University, USA (11.06 – 17.06)
- Ziran Tu, Henan University of Science and Technology, China (Nov. 2016 – Nov. 2017)
- Zhengchun Zhou, Southwest Jiaotong University,China (02.08 – 18.08)
- Yongbo Xia, Southcentral Universities of Nationalities,China (10.07 – 09.08)
- Xiangyong Zeng, Hubei University, China (04.07 – 11.07)
- Pingzhi Fan, Southwest Jiaotong University, China (25.06-30.06)
- Solomon W. Golomb, University of Southern California, USA (14.07 – 20.07)
- Guang Gong, University of Waterloo, Canada (04.05 – 12.05)
- Roman Oliynykov, Kharkiv National University, Ukraine (04.05-15.05)
- Peter Horak, University of Washington, USA
- Yongbo Xia, Southcentral Universities of Nationalities,China (Sept. 2013 – Sept. 2014)
- Peter Horak, University of Washington, USA
- Gaofei Wu, Xidian University,China (Aug. 2012 – Aug. 2014)
- Peter Horak, University of Washington
- Victor Zinoviev, IPPI, Moscow, Russia (April)
- Victor Zinoviev, IPPI, Moscow, Russia (November)
- Claude Carlet, University of Paris 8, France, (04.05-18.05)&(23.08-28.08)
- Ed Dawson, Queensland University of Technology, (08.05-16.05)
- Cees Jansen, Compumatica BV, The Netherlands, (23.08-29.08)
- Jonathan Jedwab, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada, (25.04-16.05)
- Bruce Schneier, BT, (11.05-13.05)
- Victor Zinoviev, IPPI, Moscow, Russia
- Carl Bracken, NUI, Maynooth, Ireland, (22.08-10.09)
- Cees Jansen, Compumatica BV, The Netherlands, (02.04-14.04)
- Bohuslav Rudolf, National Security Authority, Czech-Republic, (13.07-26.07)
- Victor Zinoviev, IPPI, Moscow, Russia, (16.10-12.11)
- Marco Baldi, Universita’ delle Marche, Italy, (22.10-27.10)
- Pascale Charpin, INRIA, Paris, France, (21.11-23.11)
- Stefan M. Dodunekov, University of Sofia, Bulgaria, (21.11-23.11)
- Solomon W. Golomb, University of Southern California, (16.11-26.11)
- Jan Meier, University of Harburg, Germany, (13.02-29.03)
- George Petrides, Frederick University Cyprus, (20.11-25.11)
- Alex Pott, University of Magdeburg, (12.02-23.02)
- Peter Ryan, University of Newcastle, UK (16.08-30.08)
- Marion Videau, INRIA, Paris, France, (06.07-06.08)
- Victor Zinoviev, IPPI, Moscow, Russia, (17.10-13.11)
- Ángela Barbero, University of Valladolid, Spain, (01.01-25.02)
- Joan Daemen, (03.06-11.06)
- Ed Dawson, Queensland University of Technology, Australia, (08.05-15.05)
- K. Jennings, University College, Dublin, Ireland, (01.02-31.03)
- George Petrides, University of Manchester, UK, (01.01-15.04)
- Vladimir Anashin, Russian State University for the Humanities, Russia, (09.04-13.04)
- Ángela Barbero, University of Valladolid, Spain, (01.01-15.02)&(01.10-31.12)
- An Braeken, University of Leuven, Belgium, (27.02-20.03)
- Anne Canteaut, INRIA Paris, France, (01.08-06.08)
- Patrick Felke, University of Bochum, Germany, (24.07-30.07)
- Mikael Gidlund, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden, (08.02-07.07)
- Jonathan Jedwab, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada, (03.06-03.07)
- Gregor Leander, University of Bochum, Germany, (24.07-30.07)
- H.-A. Loeliger, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, (19.12-20.12)
- Samuel Maffre, France, (07.03-07.06)
- George Petrides, University of Manchester, UK, (15.08-31.12)
- Alex Pott, University of Magdeburg, Germany, (13.06-17.06)
- Constanza S. Riera, University of Madrid, Spain, (01.04-30.5)
- Marion Videau, INRIA, Paris, France, (01.01-03.04)
- Jos Weber, Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands, (17.12-20.12)
- Kyeongcheol Yang, Pohang University of Technology, Korea, (16.07-27.07)
- Ángela. Barbero, University of Valladolid, Spain, (01.10-31.12)
- Carl Bracken, NUI, Maynooth, Ireland, (01.06-31.08)
- Patrick Felke, University of Bochum, Germany, (01.02-30.04)
- M. Fernandes, University Polytech. Catalunya, Spain, (10.07-31.07)
- Guang Gong, University of Waterloo, Canada, (12.04-30.04)
- Doreen Hertel, University of Magdeburg, Germany, (19.04-30.04)
- Vladimir Levenshtein, Keldysh Institute, Moscow, Russia, (19.08-10.10)
- George Petrides, University of Manchester, UK, (15.05-31.12)
- Alex Pott, University of Magdeburg, Germany, (16.05-25.05)
- Constanza S. Riera, University of Madrid, Spain, (01.01-29.02)
- Patrick Sole, CNRS, Sophia-Antipolis, France, (01.05-30.05)
- Ludo Tolhuizen, Philips Research, Eindhoven, The Netherlands (22.02-27.02)
- Marion Videau, INRIA, Paris, France, (04.10-31.12)
- Victor Zinoviev, IPPI, Moscow, Russia, (11.10-10.12)
- Pascale Charpin, INRIA, Paris, France, (20.11-27.11)
- Stefan M. Dodunekov, University of Sofia, Bulgaria, (13.10-11.11)
- Rossitza Dodunekova, Chalmers Technical University, Sweden, (13.10-20.10)
- T. Aaron Gulliver, University of Victoria, Canada, (01.06-31.08)
- Vladimir Levenshtein, Keldysh Institute, Moscow, Russia, (01.09-31.10)
- Constanza S. Riera, University of Madrid, Spain, (01.09-31.12)
- Petri Rosendal, University of Turku, Finland, (01.01 -31.07)
- Victor Zinoviev, IPPI, Moscow, Russia, (15.10-15.12)
- Katie O’Brien, University of Cork, Ireland, (02.04-12.07)
- Cunsheng Ding, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China, (10.06-17.06)
- Kate O’Flaherty, University of Maynooth, Irland, (14.08-15.12)
- Vladimir Levenshtein, Keldysh Institute, Moscow, Russia, (15.01-14.02) &(17.09-25.10)
- Alex Pott, University of Magdeburg, Germany, (01.09-12.09)
- Petri Rosendal, University of Turku, Finland, (01.08 -31.12)
- H.C.A. van Tilborg, Eindhoven University, The Netherlands, (18.04-21.04)
- Kyeongcheol Yang, Pohang University of Technology, Korea, (06.07-13.07)
- Victor Zinoviev, IPPI, Moscow, Russia, (02.10-29.11)
- Stefan Dodunekov, Sofia, Bulgaria, (17.09-28.09)
- P.Vijay Kumar, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, (12.05-17.05)
- Wende Chen, Bejing, Academia Sinica China, (25.04-25.05)
- Kyeongcheol Yang, Pohang University of Technology, Korea, (13.01-20.01)&(13.05-20.05)
- Victor Zinoviev, IPPI, Moscow, Russia, (01.11-29.11)
- Gérard Cohen, ENST, Paris, France, (May)
- Hans Dobbertin, University of Klagenfurt, Østerrike, (July)
- Vladimir Levenshtein, Keldysh Institute, Moscow, Russia, (22.08-21.09)
- Wende Chen, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China, (25.04-24.06)
- Victor Zinoviev, IPPI, Moskva, Russland, (November)
- Cunsheng Ding, National University of Singapore, (27.05-04.06)
- Hans Dobbertin, University of Bonn, Germany, (26.04-01.05)
- Willi Meier, Zürich, Switzerland, (14.06-26.06)
- Vincent Rijmen, University of Leuven, Belgium, (15.02-15.08)
- Kyeongcheol Yang, Pohang University of Technology, Korea, (11.07-27.7)
- Victor Zinoviev, IPPI, Moscow, Russia, (November)
- Ernst M. Gabidulin, Moscow, Russia, (02.01-15.02)
- Nina I. Pilipchouk, Moscow, Russia, (02.01-15.02)
- Vladimir Levenshtein, Keldysh Institute, Moscow, Russia, (16.02-21.04)
- P. Vijay Kumar, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, (26.03-03.04)
- Wende Chen, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China (15.08-15.11)
- T. Jacobsen, University of Århus, Denmark(01.12-05.12)
- Ernst M. Gabidulin, Moscow, Russia, (01.01-15.02)
- Nina I. Pilipchuk, Moscow, Russia, (01.01-15.02)
- Vladimir Levenshtein, Keldysh Institute, Moscow, Russia, (15.02 feb.-15.04)
- B. Hove, University of Ålborg, Denmark (15.03-15.06)
- Nuria E. Müller, University of Berlin, Germany, (20.04-30.06)
- Solomon W. Golomb, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, (12.07-15.07)
- Kyeongcheol Yang, Hanyang, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, (12.07-26.07)
- Wende Chen, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China, (06.08-01.11)
- Fangwei Fu, Nankai University, China, (21.08-30.08)
- Thomas Johansson, Lund University, Sweden, (20.08-20.10)
- Victor Zinoviev, IPPI Moscow, Russia, (15.09-15.11)
- B. Hove, University of Ålborg, Denmark, (17.11-15.12)
- Jyrki Lahtonen, University of Turku, Finland, (22.11-28.11)
- Vladimir Levenshtein, Keldysh Institute, Moscow, Russia, (01.03-30.04)
- Yuri V. Svirid, University of Minsk, Russia, (12.04-29.04)
- Khaled Abdel-Ghaffar, University of Davis, USA, (10.06-10.08)
- Kyeongcheol Yang, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea, (18.07-10.08)
- Wende Chen, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China, (15.08-13.11)
- Vijay Kumar, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA (25.09-14.10)
- Ernst M. Gabidulin, Moscow, Russia, (20.04-20.05)
- Vladimir Levenshtein, Keldysh Institute, Moscow, Russia, (07.10-20.12)
- Yuri V. Svirid, University of Minsk, Russia, (02.11-01.12)
- Wende Chen, Academia Sinica, Beijing, China, (15.08-15.11)
- Victor Zinoviev, IPPI Moscow, Russia, (20.0-28.04)
- Vijay Kumar, USC, Los Angeles, USA, (05.01-12.01)
- Vladimir Levenshtein, Keldysh Institute, Moscow, Russia, (12.06-15.07)
- Vladimir Sidelnikov, Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, (12.06-15.07)
- Zhe-xian Wan, Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, (02.07-10.07)
- Douglas Rogers, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, (27.10-28.10)
- Yvo Desmedt, Univ. of Wisconsin, USA (06.12-07.12)
- Sylvia Encheva, Technical Univ., Russe, Bulgaria, (spring semester)
- James Hirschfeld, Univ. of Sussex, England (25.03-27.03)
- Gregorii Kabatianskii, Academy of Sciences, Moskva, Russland (01.04-28.05)
- Harature Aidinian, Academy of Sciences, Jerevan, Armenia (16.08-16.11)
- Vladimir Levenshtein, Keldysh Institute, Moscow, Russia, (01.09-28.10)
- Henk van Tilborg, Univ. of Eindhoven, The Netherlands, (21.10-23.10)
- Juurian Simonis, Univ. of Delft, , The Netherlands, (15.11-21.11)