Selmer Center in Secure Communication

Reliable Communications

We conduct applications-driven research to facilitate connections in digital, physical, and human worlds

Wireless Communications for Modern Society
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Main content

In 1949, Claude E. Shannon's seminal work, "A Mathematical Theory of Communication," laid the groundwork for two pivotal research fields: coding theory and information theory. These fields have been instrumental in the advancement of modern digital communications and have fueled the rapid development of wireless and mobile communications.

The "Reliable Communications" research group at the Selmer Center, currently led by Chunlei Li, aims to enhance the reliability, and spectral efficiency of wireless communications for integrating digital, physical, and human worlds. The group's primary research focus is on:

Error-Correcting Codes for Short/Medium-Packet Communications

  • Short-Packet Coding: Developing codes and decoding techniques specifically designed for short-packet transmissions, which are prevalent in machine-type communications and IoT applications.
  • Non-Binary Codes: Investigating non-binary codes for improved spectral efficiency.
  • Rank-metric CodesExplore the design and fast decoding of rank-metric codes for networking coding, space-time coding to enhance network throughput and robustness to fading and interferences

Waveform Design for 5G and 6G Mobile Networks

  • Multi-Carrier CDMA: Designing advanced multi-carrier CDMA waveforms to enhance spectral efficiency and robustness.
  • NOMA: Developing waveforms with low coherence, PAPR for non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) schemes to  facilitate massive IoT connections and enhance energy efficiency
  • Integrated Sensing and Communication (ISAC): Exploring the design of waveforms with low ambiguity that can simultaneously transmit information and sense the environment, enabling efficient resource utilization and new applications.



Chunlei Li

Tor Helleseth

Tor Helleseth


Øyvind Ytrehus 

Ermes Franch

Ermes Franch

Palash Sarkar
Palash Sarkar

Palash Sarkar 


Dian Li

Selected Publications

Journal Papers

Invited Chapters

  • Tor Helleseth, Chunlei Li: Pseudo-Noise Sequences, Concise Encyclopedia of Coding Theory, Edited by W. Cary Huffman, Jon-Lark Kim, Patrick Solé: 613-644 (2021)
  • T. Helleseth, Correlation and autocorrelation of sequences, in: Handbook of Finite Fields, G. L. Mullen and D. Panario Eds., ser: Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, CRC Press, ch. 10.3, pp. 317-324, 2013.
  • Tor Helleseth and Torleiv Kløve, Algebraic coding theory, in: Benjamin W. Wah, ed., Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, volume 1, pp. 80-94, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Chichester, 2009.
  • Gagan Garg, Tor Helleseth, and P. Vijay Kumar, Recent advances in low-correlation sequences, in: Vahid Tarokh, ed., New Directions in Wireless Communications Research, chapter 3, pp. 63-92, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 2009.