Social Influence Processes on Adolescent Health

The Norwegian Longitudinal Health Behavior study (NLHBS): Publications

The list gives an overview of publications with data from the project. It will be sporadically updated.

Main content

Journal articles

2008- 2015:

  1. Thuen, F., Breivik, K., Wold, B. & Ulvesether, G. (2015). Growing up with one or both parents: The effects on physical health and health-related behavior through adolescence and into early adulthood.  Journal of Divorce and Remarriage, 56:6, 451-474, DOI: 10.1080/10502556.2015.1058659
  2. Birkeland, M.S., Torsheim, T., Leversen, I., Wold, B. (2014). Pathways to adulthood and their precursors and outcomes. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 55(1), 26-32.
  3. Birkeland, M. S., Breivik, K., & Wold, B. (2014). Peer Acceptance Protects Global Self-esteem from Negative Effects of Low Closeness to Parents During Adolescence and Early Adulthood. Journal of youth and adolescence, 43:70-80.
  4. Birkeland, M.S., Melkevik, O., Holsen, I. & Wold, B.(2012) Trajectories of global self-esteem development during adolescence and associations with outcomes in adulthood. Journal of Adolescence 35, 43-54.
  5. Birkeland, M.S., Torsheim, T. & Wold, B. (2008) A longitudinal study of the relationship between leisure-time physical activity and depressed mood among adolescents. Psychology of Sport & Exercise. 10, 25-34.
  6. Holsen, I., Jones, D. C., & Birkeland, M. S. (2012). Body image satisfaction among Norwegian adolescents and young adults: A longitudinal study of the influence of interpersonal relationships and BMI. Body Image, 9(2), 201-208.
  7. Kjønniksen, L., Fjørtoft, I. & Wold, B. (2010). Attitude to physical education and participation in organized youth sports during adolescence related to physical activity in young adulthood: a 10-year longitudinal study. European Physical Education Review, 15 (2), 139-154: 345231.
  8. Kjønniksen, L., Anderssen, N. and Wold, B. (2009) Organized youth sport as a predictor of  physical activity in adulthood. Scandinavian Journal of Science & Medicine in Sports, 19; 646-654. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0838.2008.00850.x
  9. Kjønniksen, L., Torsheim, T. & Wold, B. (2008). Tracking of leisure-time physical activity during adolescence and young adulthood: a 10-year longitudinal study. International Journal of Behavioural Nutrition and Physical Activity, 5:69, 1-11.
  10. Tjora, T., Hetland, J., Aarø, L. E., Wold, B., Wiium, N., & Øverland, S. (2014). The association between smoking and depression from adolescence to adulthood. Addiction, 109(6), 1022-1030.
  11. Tjora, T., Hetland, J., Aarø, L.E. & Wold, B. & Øverland, S. (2012) Late-onset smokers: how many, and associations with health behaviours and socioeconomic status.  Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 40(6), 537-543.
  12. Tjora, Tore, et al. "Distal and proximal family predictors of adolescents' smoking initiation and development: a longitudinal latent curve model analysis." BMC public health 11.1 (2011): 911.
  13. Åstrøm, A.N. & Wold, B. (2012) Socio-behavioural predictors of young adults’ self-reported oral health: 15 years of follow-up in the The Norwegian Longitudinal Health Behaviour study. Community Dentistry Oral Epidemiology, 40(3); 210-220.

2000 – 2007:

  1. Åstrøm AN. Stability of oral health related behaviour in a Norwegian cohort between the ages of 15 and 23 years. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol; 32, 354-62, 2004
  2. Anderssen N: Does contact with lesbians and gays lead to friendlier attitudes? A two year longitudinal study. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology, 12, 124-136, 2002.
  3. Anderssen, N., Wold, B., and Torsheim, T. Tracking of physical activity in adolescence. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 76 (2), 119-129, 2005
  4. Anderssen, N., Wold, B., and Torsheim, T. Are parental health habits transmitted to their children? An eight year follow-up of physical activity in adolescents and their parents. Journal of Adolescence, 29, 513-524; 2006
  5. Friestad C, Lien N, Klepp K-I. Educational plans – when are they established? Implications for the measurement of socioeconomic status in youth. Young; 9:18-32, 2001
  6. Friestad and Klepp: Socioeconomic status and health behaviour patterns through adolescence: Results from a prospective cohort study in Norway. European Journal of Public Health16 (1): 41-47,  2006.
  7. Holsen I, Kraft P & Vitterso J: Stability in depressed mood in adolescence: Results from a 6-year longitudinal panel study. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 29 (1), 61-78, 2000.
  8. Holsen I, Kraft P & Roysamb E: The relationship between body image and depressed mood in adolescence: A 5-year longitudinal panel study. Journal of Health Psychology 6 (6), 613-627, 2001.
  9. Kraft P, Breivik S, Roysamb E & Holsen I: Body image and depressed mood- a longitudinal study of adolescents aged 13-18. Tidsskrift for Samfunnsforskning, 42 (2), 191-222, 2001.
  10. Lien N, Friestad C & Klepp K I: Adolecents`proxy reports of parents`socioeconomic status: How valid are they? Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 55 (10), 731-737, 2001.
  11. Lien N, Lytle L A & Klepp K I: Stability in consumption of fruit, vegetables, and sugary foods in cohort from age 14 to age 21. Preventive Medicine, 33 (3), 217-226, 2001.
  12. Lien N, Jacobs DR jr,  Klepp K-I. Exploring predictors of eating behaviour among adolescents by gender and socioeconomic status. Public Health Nutr; 5, 671-81, 2002
  13. Skeie G, Klepp K I: Slanking blant jenter frå Hordaland. Tidsskrift for Den norske lægeforening, 122: 1771-1773, 2002.
  14. Strønstad K, Aarø L-E, Hetland J & Wold B: Depressivitet og røyking – En prospektiv panelstudie blant ungdom i Hordaland. Norsk Epidemiologi, 12(3), 221-230, 2002.
  15. Thrane, C. Utdanningens sosiale reproduksjon – et fokus på mekanismer, Sosiologisk Tidsskrift, 13:45-70, 2005. 

1993- 1999:

  1. Aas H: Adaption of the Alcohol Expectancy Questionnaire AEQ-A: A short version for use among 13-year old adolescents in Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 34: 107-118, 1993.
  2. Aas H, Jakobsen R, Anderssen N: Prediciting 13-year-olds’ drinking using parents' self-reported alcohol use and restrictiveness compared with offspring's perception.  Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 37 (2): 113-120, 1996.
  3. Anderssen N, Wold B: Parental and peer influences on leisure-time physical activity in young adolescents. Research Quarterly for Exercise and Sport, 63(4): 341-348, 1992.
  4. Anderssen N: Perceptions of physical education classes among young adolescents: Do physical education classes provide equal opportunities to all students? Health Education Research, 8(2): 167-179, 1993.
  5. Anderssen N, Klepp K-I, Aas H, Jakobsen R: Stability in physical activity levels in young adolescents: A 2-year follow-up of the Norwegian Longitudinal Health Behavior Study.  European Journal of Public Health, 4(3): 175-180, 1994.
  6. Anderssen N, Jacobs DR Jr., Aas H, Jakobsen R: Do adolescents and parents report each other’s physical activity accurately? Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 5 (5): 302-307, 1995.
  7. Birkeland, M.S., Leversen, I., Torsheim, T., & Wold, B. (2014). Pathways to adulthood and their precursors and outcomes. Scandinavian journal of psychology, 55(1), 26-32.
  8. Birkeland, M. S., Breivik, K., & Wold, B. (2014). Peer acceptance protects global self-esteem from negative effects of low closeness to parents during adolescence and early adulthood. Journal of youth and adolescence, 43(1), 70-80.
  9. Birkeland, M. S., Melkevik, O., Holsen, I., & Wold, B. (2012). Trajectories of global self-esteem development during adolescence. Journal of adolescence, 35(1), 43-54.
  10. Friestad C, Klepp K-I: Fra eksperimentering til vanerøyking. En tre års oppfølgings-undersøkelse av ungdoms røykevaner. Tidsskrift for Den norske lœgeforening, 116: 635-638, 1996.
  11. Friestad C, Klepp K-I: Social influences on the development of boys’ and girls’ smoking behavior. Journal of Gender, Culture and Health, 2 (4): 287-304, 1997.
  12. Friestad C, Klepp K-I: Røyking, kroppsbilde og slankeatferd blant ungdom. Tre års oppfølging av ungdom i alderen 15-18 år. Tidsskrift for Den norske lœgeforeningen, 117 (23): 3342-3346, 1997.
  13. Friestad C, Klepp K-I: Røyking, kroppsbilde og slankeatferd blant ungdom. Tre års oppfølging av ungdom i alderen 15-18 år. Månadens artikel. Nordisk Medicin, 112 (9): 334-338, 1997.
  14. Friestad,C. & Rise, J. Smoking attributions and adolescents’ intention to try to quit smoking. Addiction Research, 6(1), 13-26, 1998.
  15. Jakobsen R, Rise J: Adolescents’ knowledge about HIV/AIDS: One dimensional or two dimensional? A confirmatory factor analysis. Journal of Health  Psychology, 2 (1): 57-65, 1997.
  16. Jakobsen R, Rise J, Aas H, Anderssen N: Noncoital sexual interactions and problem behaviour among young adolescents. The Norwegian Longitudinal Health Behaviour Study. Journal of Adolescence, 20: 71-83, 1997.
  17. Jakobsen R: Stages of progression in non-coital sexaul interactions among young adolescents: An application of the Mokken Scale Analysis. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 21 (3): 537-553, 1997.
  18. Klepp K-I, Aas HN, Mœland JG, Alsaker F: Selvrapportert helse blant yngre tenåringer. En tre års oppfølgingsundersøkelse. Tidsskrift for Den norske lœgeforening, 116 (17): 2032-2037, 1996.
  19. Klepp K-I, Aas HN, Waahlberg R: Opplevd tilgang på alkohol blant ungdoms-skoleelever.  En longitudinell undersøkelse. Tidsskrift for Den norske lœgeforening, 116 (26): 3132-3135, 1996.
  20. Lien N, Klepp K-I: Frukt- og grønnsakinntak i en tenåringskohort. Tidsskrift for Den norske lœgeforeningen, 119: 2327 - 30, 1999.
  21. Natvig Aas H, Leigh BC, Anderssen N, Jakobsen R: Two-year longitudinal study of alcohol expectancies and drinking among Norwegian adolescents. Addiction, 93 (3), 373-384, 1998.
  22. Rise J, Jakobsen R: Organization of HIV/AIDS related attitudes and predictors of attitudes. Scandinavian Journal of Social Medicine, 23 (3): 202-208, 1995.
  23. Rise J, Åstrøm AN, Sutton S: Predicting behaviour and use of dental floss among adolescents: An application of the theory of planned behaviour. Psychology and Health , 13, 223-236, 1998
  24. Thuen F, Rise J: The influence of parent-child relationship on young adolescents' use of safety equipment.  The Norwegian Longitudinal Health Behavior Study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 36: 399-405, 1995.
  25. Tjora, T., Hetland, J., Aarø, L. E., & Øverland, S. (2011). Distal and proximal family predictors of adolescents' smoking initiation and development: a longitudinal latent curve model analysis. BMC public health, 11(1), 911.
  26. Tjora, T., Hetland, J., Aarø, L. E., Wold, B., & Øverland, S. (2012). Late-onset smokers: How many, and associations with health behaviours and socioeconomic status. Scandinavian journal of public health, 40(6), 537-543.
  27. Tjora, T., Hetland, J., Aarø, L. E., Wold, B., Wiium, N., & Øverland, S. (2014). The association between smoking and depression from adolescence to adulthood. Addiction, 109(6), 1022-1030.
  28. Åstrøm AN: Dimensionality of dental-health behavior. American Journal of Health Behavior, 20 (3): 67-76, 1996.
  29. Åstrøm AN, Jakobsen R: The effect of parental dental health behaviour on that of their adolescent offspring. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, 54: 235-241, 1996.
  30. Åstrøm AN, Rise J: Expectancy-value approach to drinking of non-sugared mineral water among adolescents. CommunityDentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 24: 72-78, 1996.
  31. Åstrøm AN, Rise J: Analysis of adolescents' beliefs about the outcomes of using dental floss and drinking non-sugared mineral water. Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, 24: 211-216, 1996.
  32. Åstrøm AN. Parental influences on adolescents' oral health behavior: two year follow up of the Norwegian Longitudinal Health Behavior Study. European Journal of Oral Science,106,922-930, 1998.
  33. Åstrøm AN, Jakobsen R. Stability of dental health behavior: a 3 year prospective cohort study of 15,-16,- and 18-year old Norwegian adolescents. Community dentistry Oral Epidemiology, 26, 129-138, 1998.

Doctoral Theses based on the data from NLHBS

Aas HN: Alcohol expectancies and socialization: Adolescents learning to drink. Doctoral thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor Psychologiae. Bergen: University of Bergen, 1995.

Anderssen N: Physical activity of young people in a public health perspective: Stability, change and social influences. Doctoral thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor Psychologiae. Bergen: University of Bergen, 1995.

Birkeland, M.S. Development of global self-esteem.The transition from adolescence to adulthood. Doctoral thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor Psychologiae. Bergen: University of Bergen,2013.

Friestad C: Social psychological approaches to smoking. Doctoral thesis submitted in partial                                                              fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor Philosophiae.  Bergen: University of Bergen, 1998.

Holsen I : Depressed mood from adolescence to 'emerging adulthood'. Course and longitudinal influences of body image and parent-adolescent relationship. Doctoral thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor Philosophiae.  Bergen: University of Bergen, 2002.

Jakobsen R.: Empiriske studier av kunnskap og holdninger om hiv/aids og den normative seksuelle utvikling i ungdomsårene.  Doctoral thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor Psychologiae.  Bergen: University of Bergen, 1998

Kjønniksen, L. The association between adolescent experiences in physical activity and leisure time physical activity in adulthood: -a ten year longitudinal study, PhD Thesis, Faculty of Psychology, University of Bergen, 2008.

Lien N: Stability and predictors of eating behaviors during adolescence and early adulthood. Doctoral thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor Psychologiae. Oslo: University of Oslo, 2002

Thuen F: Accident-related behaviour among children and young adolescents: prediction and prevention. Doctoral thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor Psychologiae. Bergen: University of Bergen, 1993.

Tjora, T: Smoking from adolescence through adulthood: the role of family, friends, depression and socioeconomic status. PhD thesis. Bergen: University of Bergen, 2014.

Åstrøm AN: Dental health behaviour among adolescents - a socio psychological approach.  Doctoral thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor Odont.  Bergen: University of Bergen, 1996.

Book chapters, raports and other publications

  1. Aas H: Ungdoms alkoholforventninger og sosialisering til alkoholbruk. I S. L. Beckmann & H. Storvik (Red.): Epidemiologisk forskning om sammen-hengen mellom miljø og helse: Rapport for perioden 1987-1992. (s. 207-218). Oslo, Norges Forskningsråd, 1994.
  2. Aas H: Om samspillet mellom resultatforventninger, selektiv persepsjon, selvoppfyllende profetier, forsterkning og alkoholbruk hos ungdom. I: N. Anderssen, B. Wold (red.): Psykologisk tenkning i helsefremmende arbeid.  Universitetet i Bergen: Hemil-rapport nr. 2: 9-14, 1995.
  3. Anderssen N, Klepp K-I: Development of coronary-related behaviors among adolescents:  The Norwegian Longitudinal Health Behavior Study.  Symposium on Health Behavior in Adolescence: Implications for prevention of coronary heart disease.  University of Bergen, Proceedings, pp 34-44, 1993.
  4. Bolneset T: Tenåringer: Livsstil kan forutsi risikosex.  AIDS Info, Nr. 2, s. 4, mai 1993.
  5. Holsen I: Ungdom som ikke trives med livet. I: Klepp K-I, Aarø LE (red.): Ungdom, livsstil og helsefremmende arbeid. 2. utg. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1997.
  6. Jakobsen R: Ungdommers seksuelle erfaringer: Fra uskyld til helserisiko. I: Klepp K-I, Aarø LE (red.): Ungdom, livsstil og helsefremmende arbeid. 2. utg. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1997.
  7. Klepp K-I, Aarø LE, Rimpelä M: Ungdom, samfunn og helse. I: Klepp K-I, Aarø LE (red.): Ungdom, livsstil og helsefremmende arbeid. 2. utg. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1997.
  8. Klepp K-I: Rusmiddelforebyggende arbeid. I: Klepp K-I, Aarø LE (red.): Ungdom, livsstil og helsefremmende arbeid. 2. utg. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1997.
  9. Røysamb E, Friestad C: Rusbruk og foreldrerelasjoner gjennom ungdomsårene. Bergen: Hemil-senteret, Universitetet i Bergen. Rapport til Folkhälsoinstitutet, Stockholm, 1998.
  10. Wold B, Anderssen N, Aarø LE: Concordance between self-report and family surrogate report of smoking behaviour in young adolescents and their parents.  In K. Slama (Ed.): Tobacco and health.  New York: Plenum Press: 595-597, 1995.
  11. Åstrøm AN, Rise J: Tannhelseatferd blant 15 åringer i Hordaland.  Universitetet i Bergen, HEMIL rapport nr. 4, 1993.
  12. Åstrøm AN: Sosial-psykologisk perspektiv på ungdommers tannhelseatferd. I: Klepp K-I, Aarø LE (red.): Ungdom, livsstil og helsefremmende arbeid. 2. utg. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1997.