The 1st Conference on Positive Youth Development in a Cross-national Perspective
April 22-23 2022
Main content
On behalf of the organizing committee, Diana Miconi, Denisse Manrique-Millones, Delia Stefenel, Nora Wiium, May-Britt Sande and Linn Solvang Aarvik, we wish you a warm welcome to the 1st Conference on Positive Youth Development in a Cross-national Perspective. The conference will be hosted by the Department of Psychosocial Science at the University of Bergen. Due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the conference will be held online, and organized over two days, April 22-23.
Conference Program
The conference program is now available, please follow this link.
Pre-conference April 21
For information about the pre-conference April 21, please follow this link.
Aim and title of the conference
“Bridging Research & Practice Cross-Nationally: A PYD Approach to Social Justice”
The conference abstract related topics should include:
- Equity
- Diversity inclusion
- Issues pertaining to social justice
- Global youth perspective
Who can attend?
We welcome researchers, emerging scholars, youth leaders, teachers, students, community leaders, policy makers and stakeholders who interact with and promote the course of youth and emerging adults to participate in the conference. You can participate by presenting papers orally (approx. 15 minutes), posters (5-min flash talk per poster) or by attending without presenting.
The official language of the conference is English.