Research activities
A selection of recent and forthcoming, major events (conferences, workshops, special seminars, etc.) involving members of this research group. For more information, please visit the 'Calendar' section.
Main content
Annual Bergen Philosophy of Science Workshop 5-6 December 2024
Mark Fedyk (Univ. of California, Davis): "Intentionality and Caring". Invited talk at the Philosophy dept., 28 October 2024.
Luna De Souter: "Refining regularity theories of causation through informativeness", talk at the semester's Department seminar on Thursday 17 October 2024.
Andrew Arana (Université de Lorraine, Archives Poincare): "Mathematical hygiene". Invited talk at the Philosophy dept., 10 October 2024.
Conference: The European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Bergen 28-30 Aug. 2024. Organizer Julie Zahle.
Wittgenstein on Irrational and Complex Numbers", guest lecture with Tim Grasshöfer (TU Dortmund), 29 February 2024.
Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Science in the "Tractatus", guest lecture with Nuno Venturinha (Nova University of Lisbon), 2 November 2023.
Annual Bergen Philosophy of Science Workshop 19 - 20 October 2023.
Fall 2023 reading group on Knowing Science by Alexander Bird.
We plan to meet in the library at the 3rd floor. First meeting Wed. 27 Sept. kl. 12.
If interested to join, please email for updated info.
Workshop: Causation, Dependence, and Regularity, 17-18 Aug. 2023, Univ. of Bergen. Organizer: Torfinn Huvenes
Bangu, S. “The Discrete Charm of Linear Momentum. Causal and Non-causal explanations in Quantum Mechanics“. Talk at “Mathematics in Physics“ conference, Oslo 2 June 2023 (invited)
Baumgartner, M. & CNA team. Organized 2nd International Conference on "Current Issues in Coincidence Analysis" 19 - 20 May 2023, Prague University of Economics and Business.
- Baumgartner, M. & CNA team. Organized "Training Introduction to Causal Data Analysis and Modeling with Coincidence Analysis" 15 - 18 May 2023, Prague University of Economics and Business.
- Rose Trappes (Exeter): Exploring the consequences of open science. Invited talk at the Philosophy Dept. 27 April 2023.
Organizer: Sorin Bangu
- Workshop, Logic, Reasoning, and Justification, 9 March 2023 at the Department of Philosophy, University in Bergen. Organizer: Sorin Bangu.
- Zahle, J. "Methodological Holism in the Social Sciences," Guest Lecture, Department of Political Science, Aarhus University, Denmark (December 2022). Invited talk.
- Zahle, J. "Under What Conditions and How Is It Possible to Generalize in Qualitative Research?" Trygdeforskningsseminaret 2022 ("Social Security Research Conference 2022"), Oslo, Norway (December 2022). Plenary Speaker.
- Bangu, S. “Causal and Non-causal explanations in Physics“. Talk at Morrison Memorial. Univ. of Toronto, 30 Sept. 2022. (invited)
- Annual Bergen Philosophy of Science Worskhop 20-21 Sept. 2022
Zahle, J. “Reactivity in Qualitative Data Collection,” Higher Seminar Series, Unit for Philosophy and Applied Ethics, Linköping University, Sweden (June 2022). Invited talk.
- Zahle, J. “Reactivity in Perspective: A Framework for Analyzing Quality in (Qualitative) Research,” Workshop on “Reactivity and Beyond,” Denmark, (June 2022).
Baumgartner, M. & CNA team. Organized conference "Current Issues in Coincidence Analysis" 3 - 4 June 2022, University of Bergen.
Baumgartner, M. & CNA team. Organized "Training Introduction to Causal Data Analysis and Modeling with Coincidence Analysis" 30 May - 2 June 2022, University of Bergen.
- Zahle, J. “Reactivity in Qualitative Research,” Science Studies Colloquium (“Forum for vitenskapsteori”), University of Oslo, Norway (March 2022). Invited talk.
- Zahle, J. “Reactivity in Qualitative Research,” Perspectives on Science Seminar, Centre for Philosophy of Social Science, University of Helsinki, Finland (November 2021). Invited talk.
Fall 2021 - Spring 2022 reading group on Norms and Necessity by Amie L. Thomasson.
We plan to meet in person, if possible, twice a month. If interested to join, please email for updated info.
- Kevin Cahill. Nov. 18th 2021. Talk at UC Santa Cruz Department of Philosophy Colloquium: "Interpretivism and One of its Discontents"
- Michael Baumgartner and Sjur Kristoffer Dyrkolbotn. Nov. 18th 2021. Panel talk on "Causal reasoning and Boolean minimisation"
- Sorin Bangu. Nov. 18th 2021. Talk at Stockholm Philosophy Dept. Seminar in Philosophy of Science: "Non-causal Explanation in Physics"
Annual Bergen Philosophy of Science Workshop 4-5 Nov. 2021
Julie Zahle. Interpretivism and Qualitative Research. At the Departmental Seminar, Department of Logic, History and Philosophy of Science, UNED, Spain (June 2021) and Colloquium/Current Sociological Research, University of Zurich, Switzerland (June 2021).
Julie Zahle. Objectivity and Qualitative Data. At Vitenskabsteoretisk Forum (Forum for Philosophy of Science), Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway (May 2021).
- Fall 2020 -Spring 2021 reading group on Cambridge Pragmatism: From Peirce and James to Ramsey and Wittgenstein by Cheryl Misak.
We plan to meet in person, if possible, twice a month. If interested to join, please email for updated info.
Annual Bergen Philosophy of Science Workshop, 19 Nov. 2020
Reactivity and the Research Process
Workshop, University of Bergen, Norway. Co-organizers Julie Zahle (University of Bergen), Marion Godman (University of Copenhagen) and Caterina Marchionni (University of Helsinki) 5-6 March 2020.
Fall 2019 reading group on Epistemic Angst: Radical Skepticism and the Groundlessness of Our Believing, by Duncan Pritchard
All meetings take place in Sydnesplass 12-13, the seminar room at the 1st floor at 11.15-13.15. If interested to join, please email for updated info.
Wittgenstein: Naturalism and Necessity
Dept. of Philosophy, University of Bergen, Nov. 21-22, 2019. Co-organizers: Sorin Bangu, Kevin Cahill. The first workshop in the NFR funded project 'Mathematics with a Human Face'.
Norms in Social Research
Conference, co-Organizers: Kevin Cahill, Julie Zahle. Dept. of Philosophy, University of Bergen, Sept. 19-20, 2019
Annual Bergen Philosophy of Science Workshop 2019
Organizer: Sorin Bangu, Dept. of Philosophy, University of Bergen, Aug. 29-30, 2019
Objectivity in Social Research
Workshop, University of Bergen, Norway. Co-organizers Julie Zahle (University of Bergen), Erik Angner (University of Stockholm) and Petri Ylikoski (University of Helsinki). May 2019.
Natural Order, Technology and the Laws of Nature
Workshop, Univ. of Bergen. 25 April 2019. Organizer: Mark Young. This workshop focused on changing conceptions of nature and technology in early modern philosophy of science and brought together leading scholars on the thought of Francis Bacon, Robert Boyle and Isaac Newton.
Wittgenstein in the 21st Century
Co-Organizers: Kevin Cahill, Sorin Bangu (University of Bergen) and Hans Sluga (UC Berkeley) Dept. of Philosophy, U.C. Berkeley, April 5-6, 2019
Causation vs. constitution: loosening the friction
University of Bergen, Dept. of Philosophy. December 3-4, 2018. Organizer: Michael Baumgartner. Co-organizers: Veli-Pekka Parkkinen (Bergen) and Lorenzo Casini (Geneva) This conference brought together scholars working on the conceptual and methodological interplay between causal and constitutional dependencies, with the aim of making progress in resolving the apparent tension between these two modes of explanation, discovery, and modeling.
Special Seminar. Mark Steiner (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem): 'Wittgenstein vs. Turing on consistency and contradictions in mathematics'
Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of Bergen. 17 Oct. 2018 Organizers: Sorin Bangu, Alois Pichler, Simo Säätelä
Special Seminar. Chris Menzel (Texas A&M): 'In defense of the possibilism-actualism distinction'
Univ. of Bergen, Dept. of Philosophy. 21 Sept. 2017 Organizer: Ole Hjortland
Nordic Society of Aesthetics' Annual Conference 2017
8-10 June 2017, Univ. of Bergen, Scandic Hotel. Local organizer: Ole-Martin Skilleås.
Levels of explanation in the study of auditory verbal hallucinations: Views from neuroscience and philosophy
Organizer: Franz Knappik, Dept. of Philosophy, Univ. of Begren. June 8th, 2017. At this interdisciplinary workshop, philosophers and neuroscientists discussed how different levels of explanation (such as neurophysiological, cognitive, cultural) in work on auditory verbal hallucinations relate to each other.
The rational role of cognitive phenomenology
Organizers: Franz Knappik, Ole Koksvik. June 6-7th, 2017. The conference explored whether and how phenomenal aspects of thought, such as noetic feelings, cognitive affordances and the phenomenology of propositional attitudes and contents, can contribute to the rational functioning of thought.
Annual Bergen Philosophy of Science Workshop
Organizer: Sorin Bangu. Dept. of Philosophy, University of Bergen
2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013