Work, class and education

News archive for Work, class and education

Vegard Jarness, postdoctor at Dept. of Sociology, was awarded best article in english in 2015 by the Norwegian Sociology Assosiation for the article ”Cultural vs Economic Capital: Symbolic Boundaries Within the Middle Class”.
PhD canidate Kaja Reegaard has published an article in the latest issue of Vocations and Learning.
In a new volume titled "The Routledge Companion to Bourdieu’s 'Distinction" three researchers from the Department of Sociology contributes with the chapter "Cultural Distinctions in an Egalitarian Society".
Sosiologisk institutt er bevilget midler fra NFRs program Utdanning 2020 til forprosjektet "Transforming vocational education and training - a collaborative research proposal". Prosjektleder er Ole Johnny Olsen. Prosjektet er et samarbeid med Svein Michelsen, Institutt for administrasjon og organisasjonskunnskap, UiB, og forskere ved NIFUSTEP og FAFO. Forskere ved Høgskolen i Akershus vil bli... Read more