Seminars - Guest lectures
Graduate School of Clinical and Developmental Psychology (CDP) will on a regular basis offer seminars with national and international guest lecturers. The seminars are open to PhD candidates.
Main content
Digital lecture by Professor George A. Bonanno:“Trauma and the resilience paradox”
October 5th 2021, 15:00-16:30
"Trauma and the resilience paradox" by Professor George Bonanno | Graduate School of Clinical and Developmental Psychology | UiB
"How to get an academic job in Norway or abroad"
June 17th 14:00-15:30.
Digitalt seminar med førsteamanuensis Dr. Laura Sætveit Miles
Forskningsgruppene BRIGHT og BeSCN arrangerer seminar 11. februar fra kl. 10:30 til 13:00.Seminaret finner sted på rom 432 og i lyslabben. Oppmøte på rom 432 (hjørnekontoret i 4. etg.)
Det blir lunsj fra kl. 13, og vi ber derfor om påmelding innen fredag 7. februar:
Følgende tema dekkes:Tema 1: Hvilke egenskaper med lys kan manipuleres og hvordan påvirker dette ikke- bildeformende funksjoner hos mennesker?
- Oversikt over forskning på de akutte og langvarige effektene ulike lysmodaliteter har (Erlend Sunde, Elisabeth Flo og Louise Bjerrum)
- Gjennomgang av elementær terminologi og forståelse av lysverdier og lysstandarder (Anders Bru - Glamox)
Tema 2: Hvordan måle lys?
- Lysmåler (Glamox/Erlend Sunde)
- Lysverdier som noteres (Glamox)
- Toolkit (Eirunn Thun)
Tema 3: Hvordan programmere LED-lys i lyslabben til å sette opp eksperimentelle lysbetingelser? (Glamox)
- Workshop med prøving programmeringsgrensesnittet i Lyslabben. Hver enkelt må få installert programvare.
- Linnea lampen - muligheter i styrings-APPEN
- Presentasjon av løsning for ny belysning i forelesningssaler
28th and 29th of January:
Guest lecture and workshop with David J Cooke PHD, Professor of Forensic Clinical Psychology, Glasgow Caledonian University
Guest lecture: Tuesday January 28th at 10:15 – 12:00
Location: Christiesgate 12, ground floor, room 118
Psychopathy: Controversies and challenges regarding an important forensic construct.
Psychopathy has been described as “a construct whose time has come” yet it remains a controversial construct. There are many challenges in assessing this disorder that has importance for the treatment and management of individuals in prison and forensic settings. I will discuss the evolution of the construct, discuss a number of controversies and conclude by describing a new model ― The Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality.
Workshop: Wednesday January 29th at 10:15 – 14:00
Location: Christiesgate 12, ground floor, room 118
Introduction to the Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality.
The Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality (CAPP) is a conceptual map of psychopathy developed by David Cooke, Stephen Hart, Caroline Logan and Christine Michie. Much of the early conceptual work was done in Bergen. This workshop will explain the development of the CAPP, and through the use of videotaped examples, the core features of the disorder will be examined. Opportunities will be provided to discuss the relevance of psychopathic traits to risk formulation.
Members of the Graduate school of Clinical and Developmental Psychology (CDP) will earn credits equivalent for 2 internal seminars and must register their participation with
The guest lecture and workshop is open for all and participation does not require registration.
Seminar with Prof II Allison Harvey, UC Berkeley
Date: March 12th 2012
Time: 10.00 - 16.00
Location: Christiesgate 12, Room 111