Grieg Research School in Interdisciplinary Music Studies

Jane W. Davidson

‘Passion, Lament, Glory’ and the History of Emotions

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Since 2011, I have been Deputy Director of the Australian ResearchCouncil’s Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions. In this role,I lead a research program entitled ‘Performance’ which investigates howemotions have been felt, thought, understood, displayed, transferred, andconstructed through performance. The performance examined is most typically in the arts of music and theatre, but a range of social rituals have also been investigated, e.g., religious and political ceremonies. The Centre’s historical focus has been on Europe 1100-1800, with a stream of follow-through research on how these past ‘historical emotions’ are understood today. In this inter-disciplinary and trans-historical space, the work ofhistorically-informed performance practice movement has been critiqued, and I have been provided with the opportunity to work creatively to re-imaginedifferent kinds of music through performance, especially in opera and oratorio.

In this talk, I would like to explore the potentials of a history ofemotions lens through which to re-imagine musical works for performance. To do this, Ioffer a case study of a project I devised that used religious works of the High Baroque to depict the Passion of Christ. This case study is particularly pertinent to the theme of the research school since it involves a multi-disciplinary approach to scholarship and artistic work. It also engaged new audiences and stimulated public debate, and so is pertinent to current academic interest in engagement and impact.

Key Questions

  1. What can a history of emotions approach offer the music performer, and is it innovation?
  2. What can we gain from such projects in terms of engagement and impact?

Recommended Reading (attached)

  • Davidson, JW and Maddox, A. (2016). Baroque Music. In: S Broomhall, ed., Early Modern Emotions: An Introduction. Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Maddox, A and Davidson, JW. (2016).  Music. In: S Broomhall, ed., Early Modern Emotions: An Introduction.  Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Davidson, JW and Garrido, S. (2016). Psychological approaches. In: S Broomhall, ed., Early Modern Emotions: An Introduction.  Abingdon: Routledge.



Professor Jane W. Davidson is Deputy Director of the Australian Research Council’s Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, Associate Dean Engagement and Professor of Creative and Performing Arts at The University of Melbourne. Academic interests include: arts and health across the lifespan; emotion, expression and historically informed performance practices; and vocal studies.  She publishes in the disciplines of music psychology, education and history of emotions, as well as reflective practice research. She has worked as an opera singer and director, collaborating with groups such as Opera North UK and the West Australian Opera Company. She has secured a range of research grants in both Australia and overseas and has held many positions in academic service including the Presidency of the Musicological Society of Australia and editorship of the international journal, Psychology of Music. She has also been a member of the Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) Research Evaluation Committee for the Humanities and Creative Arts on two occasions.