News archive for Grieg Research School in Interdisciplinary Music Studies
A short film presenting who we are and what we do
Tuesday November 25th Hans Petter Solli defends the PhD degree at the University of Bergen with the thesis: "The groove of recovery: A qualitative study of how people diagnosed with psychosis experience music therapy".
24th of October Lars Tuastad defends his dissertation about rock's role in correctional services. The Viva Voce will be held at the Grieg Academy, Department of Music, University of Bergen.
The online registration for the autumn course is now open.
Welcome to an interdisciplinary research course at Stord in June 2015. The course is a collaboration between Grieg Research School, NAFOL (Nasjonal forskerskole for lærerutdanning) and Stord/Haugesund University College. The theme is improvisation.
Grieg Research School invites Ph.D. candidates and other researchers to the autumn 2014 course, which this time will focus on methods and methodology.
Kari Holdhus has just finished her Ph.D. project on school concerts. She has been looking at the questions "how do school concerts work", and "what is the quality".
Another GRS seminar is over, and we had 4 interesting and memorable days together in Stavanger, under the title "Communication in Music, Arts, Therapy and Education Practices".
Grieg Research School (GRS) and the University of Stavanger invite PhD candidates and other delegates to a national research seminar in March on the theme Communication.
Grieg Research School (GRS) invites to submission of abstracts for presentation at our November seminar in interdisciplinary music studies. The seminar takes place at the University of Bergen, November 25-28, 2013.

Ph.D. candidates to be engaged in new activities and ways of participating
June 18-21 Grieg Research School and Bergen University College together arranged an international research seminar on methodology. The seminar gathered 60 participants, and the overall response after the seminar has been good.
Grieg Research school has established a tradition of arranging a Preliminary Viva Voce Examination (prøvedisputas) as part of each research seminar. This time Randi Margrethe Eidsaa is the candidate.

The final programme and the Book of Abstracts for the international research seminar "Researching Music Practices - Methodological Approaches" are now available for downloading.
June 22 at 10 am Audun Myskja will defend his doctoral thesis at a viva voce examination at the Grieg Academy. Myskja's dissertation is about the use of music and music therapy in nursing homes.

The registration for the international research seminar "Researching music practices – methodological approaches" has now opened. The seminar takes place in Bergen June 18-21. Registration closes June 1.
Grieg Research School and Bergen University College invite you to an international research seminar on methodology - a core issue for every researcher. This seminar will explore how various approaches to research methodology may support and challenge each other. The seminar will be held in Bergen June 18-21.
- March 2015 (1)
- November 2014 (1)
- October 2014 (1)
- September 2014 (2)
- May 2014 (1)
- March 2014 (2)
- August 2013 (1)
- June 2013 (1)
- September 2012 (2)
- July 2012 (1)
- June 2012 (2)
- April 2012 (1)
- March 2012 (1)
- February 2012 (2)
- January 2012 (1)
- December 2011 (1)
- November 2011 (4)
- October 2011 (1)
- September 2011 (3)
- June 2011 (3)
- May 2011 (1)
- March 2011 (2)