ICT Research School Annual Meeting 2020
Every year the Research School in Information and Communication Technology invites to a seminar where the PhD candidates have the possibility to exchange research ideas and experiences, to build and broaden their research networks, and to improve their presentation skills.

Main content
The ICT Research School's annual meeting is organized by and for PhD candidates enrolled in the PhD program at the Department of Informatics. The aim of this event is to strengthen networking and collaboration among the candidates, as well as to give them the opportunity to hold a seminar/lecture on an individually selected subject to complete 1 of the 3 required ECTS in the dissemination part of the training component.
Registration is now closed. You can find the agenda by following this link.
The following PhD candidates will hold a seminar/lecture on an individually selected subject:
- Pierre Gillot, Machine learning in computer vision
- Wrya Kadir, Maximum Weight Spectrum codes
- Nicolas Costes, The many faces of randomness
- Farhad Vadiee, Different Types of Dominating Sets and Bounds on them!
- Muhammad Ammar Malik, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)
- Jonathan Cubides, Automatic theorem provers, an act of trust
- Alessandro Melloni, Isogeny-based cryptography
- Anna Maria Eilertsen, Modularity in software design
- Reent Schlegel, Autoencoders for Reliable Transmission
- Hyeongji Kim, Adversarial vulnerability and defenses of neural networks
- Arne Tobias Ødegaard, Gödel's Incompleteness Theorems
If you have questions about the annual meeting 2020, please contact this year's organizing committee: Alessandro Budroni, Dan Zhang and Nooshin Heidari.
Specifications and requirements for the lecture
- The topic is proposed by the PhD cand. and supervisor and approved by the department.
- The department appoints a committee of two members who assess the seminar/lecture. The committee sends the result of the assessment to the department.
- The criteria for seminars/lectures on self-selected subjects are the same as for a trial lecture on a given topic. The purpose of the lecture is to give the PhD candidate an opportunity to document their ability to disseminate research-based knowledge. The lecture should normally be structured so that it can be followed by an audience with previous knowledge one could expect to find among master's students in the field of study. Both academic content and the ability to disseminate are emphasised in the assessment of the trial lecture.
- The topic of the given subject must not be obtained from the key issues in the PhD thesis.