Research project

EPHOR - Exposome project for health and occupational research

The Occupational Exposome in the Lung Health Survey in Bergen is a sub-study of the Lung Health Survey in Bergen and part of the European multicenter study EPHOR - Exposome Project for Health and Occupational Research. In this project, we aim to investigate short-term exposures during a workweek – both at work and during leisure time – and their significance for lung function and airways.

Main content

The purpose of the project is to examine how work-related factors we are exposed to over a short period affect lung health. In the project, we will follow the participant through a workweek to investigate whether what they are exposed to in the air they breathe at home and at work affects lung function, respiratory symptoms, and levels of cells and proteins in blood and exhaled air that may be significant for lung health. The project will contribute to increased understanding of respiratory symptoms and respiratory diseases, their causes, and how to prevent and alleviate health problems associated with them. The project is part of an EU-funded multicenter study led by Professor Vivi Schlünssen at Aarhus University, Denmark, and Norway's participation is led by pulmonologist and Professor Cecilie Svanes.

Data collection is completed. In the project, participants were followed over one workweek from Monday morning to Friday morning. The project included both clinical examinations on Monday and Friday, and a self-administered part between the two clinical examinations.

The clinical examination includes measuring lung function and sampling blood, urine, and exhaled air. During the workweek, the participant is asked to measure their lung function themselves, answer a short questionnaire in an app, and wear three different sensors that measure physical and chemical factors the participant is exposed to, as well as physical activity and sleep (see picture).

To read more about the EPHOR project, you can continue reading on EPHOR's own pages.

Illustrasjonsbilde som viser innsamling av data ved hjelp av instrumenter som festes på arbeider
Jorunn Kirkeleit