Dusty industries in developing countries
The projects were funded by The Norwegian Programme for Development, Research and Education (NUFU), and was a co operation between the University of Bergen and Muhimbili University College of Healt Sciences, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Project leaders have been Professor Bente E. Moen and og Ass Professor Simon Mamuya (Tanzania).
Main content
BROAD OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY: The broad objective of the study has been to explore the extent of occupational related diseases among employees exposed to dusts and irritants in cement, coffee, sisal and mining industry with the purpose of providing a scientific basis for setting priorities for occupational health and safety policies in Tanzania. The study also aimed at capacity building of personnel at the university in Tanzania, by trained personnel who provided theoretical and technical skills, as well as material resources to the collaborating institution.
THE RESEARCH PART: In Tanzania, the populations to be studied was sampled from mining industries, cement industry, sisal and coffee production. Workers were examined by an interview, using a standardised questionnaire. Spirometric measurements of lung volumes were carried out in accordance with the EEC and ATS Recommendations. Some workers were examined by measures of exhaled NO, to measure inflammatory reactions. Standard dust sampling techniques and procedures for storage and analysis were used in the determination of dust sampling at the personal and environmental level in each industry.
CAPACITY BUILDING: Five PhD students defended their PhD theses in this project.
The following dissertations have been written:
Cand. Med. Julius Mwaiselage:“Dust exposure and respiratory health effects in cement industry” (2005)
Cand. Scient. Simon Mamuya: “Dust exposure and respiratory health problems in a labour-intensive coal mine in Tanzania” (2006)
Cand. Med. Akwilina Kaumba : “Work environment and respiratory health among sisal processors in Tanzania” (2008)
Cand. Scient. Gloria Sakwari: “Coffee dust and respiratory health” (2013)
Cand. Med. Alexander Tungu: “Dust and respiratory health in cement industry. A follow up study.” (2013)