Department of Comparative Politics

Rokkan on Regional Governance: The Effect of Community

This year’s Rokkan Lecture will be presented by Professor Gary Marks and Professor Liesbet Hooghe.

Gary Marks and Liesbet Hooghe
Professor Liesbet Hooghe and Professor Gary Marks, two of the world’s leading political scientists, will present the Stein Rokkan Memorial Lecture 2016.
Arjan Bronkhorst

Main content

In the lecture, Marks and Hooghe will build on Stein Rokkan’s profound analysis of peripheral community, arguing that territorial minorities not only gain self-rule but also shape the entire structure of governance in states of which they are a part.

Gary Marks and Liesbet Hooghe
Liesbet Hooghe and Gary Marks are two of the world’s leading political scientists. They have distinctively shaped contemporary political science and contributed to the development of knowledge on issues such as the regionalization of politics and multi-level governance. They developed the concept of the latter in their writings in the early 1990s and were both awarded an EC Advanced Grant to study the “Causes and Consequences of Multilevel Governance.”

Marks is the Burton Craige Distinguished Professor, and Hooghe the W. R. Kenan Distinguished Professor, at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Hooghe and Marks also hold the Chair in Multilevel Governance at the VU University in Amsterdam. Hooghe is, in addition, an Elected Fellow of the Flemish Royal Academy of the Arts and Sciences. Together with Walter Mattli, they are editors of the Oxford University Press book series “Transformations in Governance.”

Stein Rokkan Memorial Lectures
Professor Stein Rokkan was an international pioneer in comparative politics and political research. In 1966 he was appointed professor of sociology at the University of Bergen with special responsibility for developing the field of comparative politics. He is particularly known for his contributions to the research on national states and democracy.

The Stein Rokkan Memorial Lecture is an annual event hosted by the Department of Comparative Politics since 1981.