Department of Comparative Politics
Sampol-lecturer at high school

The Big Question

Hans Tanks auditorium at Amalie Skram high school was packed with interested and engaged students at Vg3 when Associate Professor of Comparative Politics Michael Alvarez lectured about democracy and American politics for the students of Amalie Skram on Monday.

Michael Alvarez på Amalie Skram
Michael Alvarez, Associate Professor in Comparative Politics, engaged students at Amalie Skram with a lecture on democracy and American politics.

Main content

What is the point of democracy?
The theme of the lecture was the point of democracy. Alvarez illustrated various forms of democracies, with Norway and the United States as examples. Between the two countries there are different economic and social power structures. These differences help us to understand and contextualize the US presidential election. He emphasized in particular the role of black Americans and how they were both included and excluded in the election processes.

Clinton or Trump?
Several students used the opportunity to ask good and exciting questions at the end of the lecture. The big question everyone asks nowadays came up again - will Clinton or Trump become the next president of the United States?

Alvarez himself believes that what he thinks about the US presidential candidates and the related election is not more interesting than what the students think. The important thing is that students themselves make up their minds.