Master theses 2020
Main content
Alvsaker, Sara: Building Trust in Brussels: Lobbying Strategies of Nordic Interest groups
Baumann, Sofie Hillestad: Party Competition as an Explanation for New Parties’ Decision to Reenter Elections and Electoral Success: A Heckman’s Selection Model of New Parties in Central and Eastern Europe
Bernes, Agnes Hoshovde: Bompengeopprøret i Rogaland
Celiussen, Markus: Regjerende populister: Demokratiske effekter av populistisk styring
Dahl, Soran Hajo: Are Candidate Evaluations Less Susceptible to Partisan Bias than Party Evaluations?
Eilertsen, Ragnhild Hoff: Just a matter of power? Explaining EU Member States’ commitment to Permanent Structured Cooperation (PESCO)
Faleide, Ingrid Kvåle: Citizens’ Attitudes toward a System of Responsibility Sharing for Asylum Seekers in Europe: A Replication Study
Grendal, Ola Nestvold: Climate and Conflict: A logistic multilevel analysis of the relationship between climate variability and violent conflict
Halle, Mina Måsvær: Local climate adaptation - Identifying opportunities and challenges for using climate knowledge in municipal decision making
Hjelle, Karoline Margrethe: Hvordan kan valgteori forklare holdninger til klimaendringer i Europa? En prediktiv analyse
Jordal, Chase Alexander: Den stille revolusjonen møter ungdommelig reaksjon
Karlsen, Ole Johan: Decision-Shaping From the Outside: Measuring and explaining the degree of preference attainment in the EEA EFTA Comments
Lier, Sigval Økland: Brexit 2016. En empirisk analyse av populistiske trender, historie og kultur.
Loen, Mathea: Constitutionalising Rights to Water and Sanitation: International Norm Diffusion or Local Politics?
Lynngård, Juni Maria Jebsen: Anti-Corruption Parties in the CEE. The Causal Effect of Anti-Corruption Party. Success on Established Parties’ Salience Shifts. A Regression Discontinuity Approach
Nesbø, Hanne Haugland: «Vi har egentlig drevet med dette lenge, vi har bare ikke kalt det klimatilpasning» En kvalitativ studie av hvordan klimatilpasning har kommet på agendaen i to mellomstore kommuner.
Nilsen, Maja: Does the degree of European Integration of EU member states affect their economic growth? A multimethod research with emphasis on Germany and Greece
Perinpasivam, Agastiah: Folkevilje eller partivilje: Borger vs. parti preferanse i norsk regional konsolidering
Sandberg, Lisa Tveit: What Influence Attitudes towards Taxation in Latin America?
Skjæveland, Martin Handeland: Does direct democracy mean more equal democracy? A study of government responsiveness in advanced democracies
Smedsvik, Vilde: Skandalepolitikk og medienes rolle: En emnemodellering av mediedekningen av metoo-kampanjen.
Sæverås, Kasper Rømsing: Rising Tide or Skilful Manoeuvring? Comparison of classical theories on elections and parties applied to a novel case: The Green Parties
Tvedt, Rita Wanza: Satisfaction with Democracy: A Multilevel Analysis of The Association Between Economic Growth and Satisfaction with Democracy in 36 African Countries
Vestre, Vemund: Politikk i sentrum og periferi - en analyse av Arbeiderpartiets kommunepartier
Østvik, Kristian: Den regionale miljødebatten