Quantitative Methods in focus at Sampol
On March 28-29, the CORE research group at the Department of Comparative Politics organised a successful two-day course on advanced quantitative text analysis with Dr. Nicole Baerg (University of Essex and Bank of England).

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The short-course was well attended by staff and PhD-students from several of the departments at the Social Science Faculty. The course focused on recent developments in the field of “text as data” in social sciences, such as linking causal inference and text analysis or advances in sentiment analysis.
The course in quantitative text analysis was the first in a series of short courses in quantitative methods that the CORE research group will organize over the next four years in an effort to strengthen the methods training in the PhD programme at the Department, and help other staff keep up to date with the latest developments in quantitative methods. The CORE research group will also organise a 10 ECTS credits course (with a 5 ECTS credit option) in Panel and pooled Data Analysis on August 15-19, 2022. The course, also funded by the SAMEVAL-grant, will be held by professor Vera E. Troeger (University of Hamburg).