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VanWolleghem, Pierre-Georges.
Nuove prospettive per le politiche migratorie europee: opinione pubblica e budget dell’Unione. I: Ventiseiesimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni 2020. Edizioni FrancoAngeli 2021 ISBN 9788835114857. s. 201-214UiB
Abbas, Joan Elizabeth; Chrisp, Joe Marek.
Working Hard or Hardly Working? Examining the Politics of In-Work Conditionality in the UK. Social Policy and Society 2021UiB
Aidukaite, Jolanta; Hort, Sven E. O.; Kuhnle, Stein.
Introduction: Baltic and Nordic Countries from a comparative perspective - family policies and pensions in the era of ageing. I: Challenges to the Welfare State: Family and Pension Policies in the Baltic and Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing 2021 ISBN 978 1 83910 610 1. s. 1-10UiB
Allern, Elin Haugsgjerd; Klüver, Heike; Marshall, David; Otjes, Simon; Rasmussen, Anne; Witko, Christopher.
Policy positions, power and interest group-party lobby routines. Journal of European Public Policy 2021 s. 1-21UiO UiB
Angell, Elisabeth; Eikeland, Sveinung; Selle, Per.
Samepolitikkens plass i utviklingsprosesser i nord. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 2021 ;Volum 62.(2) s. 154-175NORCE UiB UiT
Angell, Elisabeth; Eikeland, Sveinung; Selle, Per.
Samisk politikk og industriell utvikling i nord. I: Finnmarksloven - en milepæl? Samerett i møte med norsk politikk.. Gyldendal Akademisk 2021 ISBN 978-82-05-55142-8. s. 74-98UiT NORCE UiB
Angell, Elisabeth; Nygaard, Vigdis; Selle, Per.
FeFo møter Sametinget i næringspolitikken. NUSSIR-saken som lyskaster på dyptgripende institusjonelle spenninger i næringspolitikken. I: Finnmarksloven - en milepæl? Samerett i møte med norsk politikk.. Gyldendal Akademisk 2021 ISBN 978-82-05-55142-8. s. 220-244UiT UiB NORCE
Arriola, Leonardo; Choi, Danny; Davies, Justine Ina; Phillips, Melanie; Rakner, Lise.
Paying to party: Candidate resources and party switching in new democracies. Party Politics 2021 s. 1-14UiB
Auerbach, Kiran Rose.
Accountable to whom? How strong parties subvert local democratic institutions. Party Politics 2021UiB
Behn, Daniel; Langford, Malcolm Stroud; Létourneau-Tremblay, Laura; Lie, Runar Hilleren.
Evidence-Guided Reform: Surveying the Empirical Research on Arbitrator Bias and Diversity in Investor-State Arbitration. I: International Economic Dispute Settlement: Demise or Transformation?. Cambridge University Press 2021 ISBN 9781108832830. s. 264-294CMI UiB UiO
Belschner, Jana Birke.
Electoral Engineering in New Democracies: Strong Quotas and Weak Parties in Tunisia. Government and Opposition 2021UiB
Bentsen, Henrik Litleré; Grendstad, Gunnar; Shaffer, William R.; Waltenburg, Eric N.
A High Court plays the accordion: Validating Ex Ante case complexity on oral arguments. The Justice system journal 2021 ;Volum 42.(2) s. 130-149UiB NORCE
Berntzen, Lars Erik Nese; Bjørgo, Tore.
The Term ‘Lone Wolf’ and its Alternatives. Perspectives on Terrorism (PT) 2021 ;Volum 15.(3) s. 132-141UiO UiB
Berntzen, Lars Erik Nese; Ravndal, Jacob Aasland.Monster or Hero?
Far-right Responses to Anders Behring Breivik and the July 22, 2011 Terrorist Attacks. Perspectives on Terrorism (PT) 2021 ;Volum 15.(3) s. 37-59UiO UiB
Bijsmans, Patrick; Schakel, Arjan Hille; Baykal, Asena; Hegewald, Sven.
Internationalisation and study success: Class attendance and the delicate balance between collaborative learning and being lost in translation. European Journal of Higher Education 2021UiB
Bjånesøy, Lise Lund.
Political (In)tolerance of the Far-Right: The Importance of Agency. Frontiers in Political Science 2021 ;Volum 3.UiB
Bolin, Niklas; Dahlberg, Stefan; Blombäck, Sofie.
The stigmatisation effect of the radical right on voters’ assessment of political proposals. West European Politics 2021 s. 1-23UiB
Broniecki, Philipp; Leemann, Lucas; Wuest, Reto.
Improved Multilevel Regression with Poststratification through Machine Learning (autoMrP). Journal of Politics 2021 ;Volum 84.(1) s. 597-601UiO UiB
Bunea, Adriana; Ibenskas, Raimondas; Weiler, Florian.
Interest group networks in the European Union. European Journal of Political Research 2021UiB
Bye, Hege Høivik; Bygnes, Susanne; Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth.
The Local-National Gap in Intergroup Attitudes and Far-Right Underperformance in Local Elections. Frontiers in Political Science 2021 ;Volum 3. s. 1-11UiB
Callanan, Mark; Tatham, Michael Robert.
Regional and local government and the European Union. I: A Research Agenda for Regional and Local Government. Edward Elgar Publishing 2021 ISBN 9781839106637.UiB
Chiweza, Asiyati Lorraine; Kayuni, Happy M.; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise.
Understanding handouts in candidate selection: Challenging party authority in Malawi. African Affairs 2021 ;Volum 120.(481) s. 569-589UiB
Dalen, Kristin.
Changing Attitudes towards Government Responsibility for Social Welfare in China between 2004-2014: Evidence from Three National Surveys. International Journal of Social Welfare 2021FAFO UiB
De Bruycker, Iskander; Rasmussen, Anne.
Blessing or Curse for Congruence? How Interest Mobilization Affects Congruence between Citizens and Elected Representatives. Journal of Common Market Studies 2021 ;Volum 59.(4) s. 909-928UiB
Defago, María Angélica Peñas; Cánaves, Violeta.
Socio-Legal Strategies against a Total Abortion Ban in El Salvador: Alliances in Hostile Contexts. Direito GV Law Review 2021 ;Volum 17.(3) s. 1-23CMI UiB
Devine, Daniel J.; Ibenskas, Raimondas.
From convergence to congruence: European integration and citizen–elite congruence. European Union Politics 2021 ;Volum 22.(4) s. 676-699UiB
Diaz Perez, Esperanza; Mamelund, Svenn-Erik; Eid, Jarle; Aasen, Henriette Sinding; Kaarbøe, Oddvar Martin; Cox, Rebecca Jane; Gloppen, Siri; Beyer, Anders; Kumar, Bernadette. N.
Learning from the COVID-19 pandemic among migrants: An innovative, system-level, interdisciplinary approach is needed to improve public health. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2021 ;Volum 49.(7) s. 804-808UiB FHI OSLOMET
Dulani, Boniface; Rakner, Lise; Benstead, Lindsay; Wang, Vibeke.
Do women face a different standard? The interplay of gender and corruption in the 2014 presidential elections in Malawi,. Women's Studies: International Forum 2021 ;Volum 88.CMI UiB
Elgvin, Olav.
Teologi og tilpasning: Skillelinjer og konfliktlinjer i norsk organisert islam. DIN - Tidsskrift for religion og kultur 2021 (2) s. 41-65UiB
Falch, Torvald; Selle, Per.
Finnmarkseiendommens selvstendighet. Om representasjon av private rettigheter, politiske interesser og etnisitet. I: Finnmarksloven - en milepæl? Samerett i møte med norsk politikk.. Gyldendal Akademisk 2021 ISBN 978-82-05-55142-8.UiB UiT
Arnesen, Sveinung; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Aars, Jacob.Loddet er kastet: Om bruken av innbyggerpaneler i lokalpolitikken. I: Lokalvalget 2019: Nye kommuner - nye valg?. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2021 ISBN 9788202727840. s. 253-283UiB NORCE
Fimreite, Anne Lise; Flo, Yngve.
Ambiguity with a purpose. The county governor as a multileve lactor, shaping the Norwegian Local Government reform. I: Organizing and Governing Governmental Institutions. Fagbokforlaget 2021 ISBN 978-82-450-3532-2.UiB
Fonnes, Tina; Telle, Ingrid Ovidia Moe; Forsse, David Erik; Falck, Runa; Trovik, Jone; Haldorsen, Ingfrid S.; Krakstad, Camilla.
Cancer awareness in the general population varies with sex, age and media coverage: A population-based survey with focus on gynecologic cancers. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Biology 2021 ;Volum 256. s. 25-31UiB HAUKELAND
Funke, Corinna; Picot, Georg Johannes.
Platform work in a Coordinated Market Economy. Industrial relations journal 2021 ;Volum 52.(4) s. 348-363UiB
Garbe, Lisa; Selvik, Lisa-Marie Måseidvåg; Lemaire, Pauline Marguerite.
How African countries respond to fake news and hate speech. Information, Communication & Society 2021 s. 1-19UiB CMI
Gichohi, Matthew Kiragu.
With Hands Tied: A Kenyan Woman’s Presidential Bid. I: Women and Power in Africa: Aspiring, Campaigning, and Governing. Oxford University Press 2021 ISBN 9780192898074.UiB
Gloppen, Siri.
Conceptualizing Abortion Lawfare. Direito GV Law Review 2021 ;Volum 17.(3) Suppl. e2143 s. 1-19CMI UiB
Grendstad, Gunnar; Skiple, Jon Kåre.
Tilfeldighetsprinsippet i Norges Høyesterett: Fordelingen av saker mellom dommere og fordelingen av dommere på avdeling. En empirisk undersøkelse.. Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskap 2021 ;Volum 134.(1) s. 46-76NORCE UiB
Harbers, Imke; Tatham, Michael Robert; Tillin, Louise; Zuber, Christina Isabel.
Thirty years of Regional and Federal Studies. Regional & Federal Studies 2021 ;Volum 31.(1) s. 1-23UiB
Harteveld, Eelco; Kokkonen, Andrej; Linde, Jonas; Dahlberg, Stefan.
A tough trade-off? The asymmetrical impact of populist radical right inclusion on satisfaction with democracy and government. European Political Science Review 2021UiB
Hernes, Hans-Kristian; Selle, Per.
Finnmarksloven 15 år etter. I: Finnmarksloven - en milepæl? Samerett i møte med norsk politikk.. Gyldendal Akademisk 2021 ISBN 978-82-05-55142-8. s. 15-42UiT UiB
Ibenskas, Raimondas; Jonathan, Polk.
Party Responsiveness to Public Opinion in Young Democracies. Political Studies 2021UiB
Ibenskas, Raimondas; Polk, Jonathan.
Congruence and party responsiveness in Western Europe in the 21st century. West European Politics 2021UiB
Islam, Kamrul; Ruths, Sabine; Jansen, Kristian; Falck, Runa; Rutten-van Mölken, Maureen; Askildsen, Jan Erik.
Evaluating an integrated care pathway for frail elderly patients in Norway using multi-criteria decision analysis. BMC Health Services Research 2021 ;Volum 21.NORCE UiB
Nordø, Åsta Dyrnes; Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth.
The scope of exclusionary public response to the European refugee crisis. European Journal of Political Research 2021UiB
Johnson, Martha; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Clayton, Amanda; Robinson, Amanda Lea.
Deeper Decentralization, Fewer Women? Decentralization and Women's Candidacies for Local Office in Benin and Malawi. I: Women and Power in Africa: Aspiring, Campaigning, and Governing. Oxford University Press 2021 ISBN 9780192898074.UiB
Knudsen, Erik; Dahlberg, Stefan; Iversen, Magnus Hoem; Johannesson, Mikael Poul; Nygaard, Silje.
How the public understands news media trust: An open-ended approach. Journalism - Theory, Practice & Criticism 2021UiB
Kokkonen, Andrej; Linde, Jonas.
Nativist attitudes and opportunistic support for democracy. West European Politics 2021 s. -UiB
Linde, Jonas; Dahlberg, Stefan.
Quality of Government and Political Support. I: Oxford Handbook of the Quality of Government. Oxford University Press 2021 ISBN 9780198858218. s. 228-248UiB
Loen, Mathea; Gloppen, Siri.
Constitutionalising the Right to Water in Kenya and Slovenia: Domestic Drivers, Opportunity Structures, and Transnational Norm Entrepreneurs. Water 2021 ;Volum 13.(24) s. -UiB CMI
Massetti, Emanuele; Schakel, Arjan Hille.
From staunch supporters to critical observers: Explaining the turn towards Euroscepticism among regionalist parties. European Union Politics 2021UiB
Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Mazur, Amy G.; Hoard, Season.
Payments and Penalties for Democracy: Gendered Electoral Financing in Action Worldwide. American Political Science Review 2021 s. -UiB
Myksvoll, Thomas; Tatham, Michaël; Fimreite, Anne Lise.
Understanding bureaucratic support for coerced institutional change. Governance. An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions 2021 s. -NORCE UiB
Peters, Yvette.
Social policy responsiveness in multilevel contexts: How vertical diffusion of competences affects the opinion‐policy link. Governance. An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions 2021UiB
Picot, Georg Johannes.
Cross-national variation in growth models: Three sources of extra demand. I: Growth and Welfare in Advanced Capitalist Economies. How Have Growth Regimes Evolved?. Oxford University Press 2021 ISBN 9780198866176. s. 135-160UiB
Rakner, Lise.
Don’t Touch My Constitution! Civil Society Resistance to Democratic Backsliding in Africa´s Pluralist Regimes. Global Policy 2021UiB
Rakner, Lise; Arriola, Leonardo.
Same Rules, Higher Costs: Women’s Pathways to Candidacy in Zambia. I: Women and Power in Africa: Aspiring, Campaigning, and Governing. Oxford University Press 2021 ISBN 9780192898074. s. 39-60UiB
Rasmussen, Anne; Binderkrantz, Anne Skorkjær; Klüver, Heike.
Organised interests in the media and policy congruence: The contingent impact of the status quo. European Journal of Political Research 2021 s. 1-19UiB
Rasmussen, Anne; Buhmann-Holmes, Nicholas; Egerod, Benjamin C. K.
The Executive Revolving Door: New Dataset on the Career Moves of Former Danish Ministers and Permanent Secretaries<sup>☆</sup>. Scandinavian Political Studies 2021 ;Volum 44.(4) s. 487-502UiB
Sandberg, Linn.
Socially mediated issue ownership. Communications 2021UiB
Schakel, Arjan Hille.
Exploring and explaining trends in decentralization. I: Handbook on Decentralization, Devolution and the State. Edward Elgar Publishing 2021 ISBN 9781839103278.UiB
Schakel, Arjan Hille.
Regional spillover into third-order European elections. Governance. An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions 2021UiB
Schakel, Arjan Hille; Brown, A. J.
Dissecting public opinion on regional authority: Four types of regionalists based on citizens’ preferences for self-rule and shared rule. Publius: The Journal of Federalism 2021UiB
Schakel, Arjan Hille; Romanova, Valentyna.
Horizontal and vertical spill-over in multilevel electoral systems. Regional & Federal Studies 2021 ;Volum 31.(3) s. 299-311UiB
Schakel, Arjan Hille; Smith, Rodney.
Unravelling the ‘devolution paradox’: How preferences for self-rule and shared rule drive citizens’ opinions for regional reform and inter-regional fiscal transfers. European Journal of Political Research 2021UiB
Selle, Per; Spitzer, Aaron John.
Examining FeFo from a Canadian "claimed-based" co-mangagement perspective. I: Finnmarksloven - en milepæl? Samerett i møte med norsk politikk.. Gyldendal Akademisk 2021 ISBN 978-82-05-55142-8.UiB UiT
Selle, Per; Strømsnes, Kristin.
Det samiske sivilsamfunnet i Sametinget og i samepolitikken. I: Sametingsvalg: Tilhørighet, deltakelse, partipolitikk. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2021 ISBN 9788202697051. s. 101-138UiB
Selvik, Lisa-Marie Måseidvåg.
A Platform or Partner: Engaging the Media in Advocacy. Global Policy 2021 ;Volum 12. Suppl. 5 s. 70-83UiB
Skiple, Jon Kåre; Bentsen, Henrik Litleré; McKenzie, Mark Jonathan.
How Docket Control Shapes Judicial Behavior A Comparative Analysis of the Norwegian and Danish Supreme Courts. Journal of Law and Courts 2021 ;Volum 9.(1) s. 111-136UiB
Spitzer, Aaron John.
Approaching the boundary problem: Self-determination, inclusion, and the unpuzzling of transboundary conflicts. Journal of International Political Theory 2021UiB
Strømsnes, Kristin.
Rokkan, Stein (1921 - 1979). I: The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs. Palgrave Macmillan 2021 ISBN 978-3-030-44555-3.UiB
Strømsnes, Kristin; Skov Henriksen, Lars.
Volunteering in Scandinavia. I: International Encyclopedia of Civil Society. Springer 2021 ISBN 978-3-319-99675-2.UiB
Tatham, Michael Robert.
Regions and Cities in Multilevel Governance. I: A Research Agenda for Multilevel Governance. Edward Elgar Publishing 2021 ISBN 978 1 78990 836 7. s. 153-169UiB
Tatham, Michael Robert; Bauer, Michael W.
Hungry for power? Regional elites and the architecture of government. Governance. An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions 2021 s. -UiB
Tatham, Michael Robert; Hooghe, Liesbet; Marks, Gary.
The territorial architecture of government. Governance. An International Journal of Policy, Administration and Institutions 2021 s. -UiB
Vabo, Signy Irene; Fimreite, Anne Lise; Houlberg, Kurt.
Why such a different choice of tools? Analysing recent local government reforms in Denmark and Norway. Local Government Studies 2021UiO UiB
Verdoes, Alexander; Boin, Arjen.
Earthquakes in Groningen: Organized Suppression of a Creeping Crisis. I: Understanding the Creeping Crisis. Palgrave Macmillan 2021 ISBN 978-3-030-70691-3. s. 149-164UiB
Wang, Vibeke; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Bauer, Gretchen.
Funding demands and gender in political recruitment: What parties do in Cabo Verde and Ghana. International Political Science Review 2021 s. -UiB CMI
Wang, Vibeke; Muriaas, Ragnhild Louise; Peters, Yvette.
Affirmative action measures and electoral candidates’ positioning in Zambia. The Journal of Modern African Studies 2021 ;Volum 59.(4) s. 507-533CMI UiB