Masters theses 2021
Main content
Aarset, Runa Sekse The Governance of Migration in Melilla
Austevoll, Ole Andre Comrades or contenders? Trade Unions strategies towards posted workers.
Barosen, Yngve Social Media in Authoritarian Regimes - A Chinese Case Study
Basberg, Bendik Emil The Effect of Voter ID Laws on Turnout
Bjelland, Caroline Borge Divine Intervention: How Sermons affect Democratic Values
Corneliussen, Hans Martin Lundgaard Rogue opportunist or champion of the developing world? Chinese foreign aid to Africa
Dessington, Scott NATO og Russland siden 1990: Hva gikk galt?
Djukastein, Bjørne Østrem EU membership effect on interest group access to institutions - a quantitative study
Dybvig, Thea Christine Constitutional compliance
Ellertsen, Tobias Menneskerettigheten til vann og sanitet – interesser og ideologi
Eriksrød, Kaja Horizontal gender segregation in the Norwegian Labour Market
de Freitas, Johan Miguel Roupé Statebuilding and legitimacy: Who will rebuild Syria?
Grønningen, Malene Nesse The relationship between efficacy and composition: Identifying determinants of participation in citizens' juries
Grøsvik, Pernille Fjørtoft The Brazilian populist president Jair Bolsonaro`s response to COVID-19
Gåsbakk, Sara Politikere og demokratiske innovasjoner: en flermetode studie av politikeres holdninger til borgerpanel
Hagfors, Sara Bjønness Economic globalisation: obstructing or enhancing the quality of democracy?
Herland, Bjørn Bysheim Inequality and Conflict in the 21st century
Hoff, Maia Gartland Assessing the EU’s role in the Maghreb. The EU as a democracy promotor in North Africa - a crystallization of the European dilemma?
Holtan, Tonje Economic Determinants in Welfare State Attitudes: A Multilevel Analysis
Iversen, Magnus Akselberg End of the Iberian Exception: Populism in Portugal and Spain
Jamne, Martin Instebø Financialisation and crisis: effects of financial deregulation in Canada
Johansen, Helle Karina Damned if you do, and damned if you dont - en studie av hva som kan forklare ulike holdninger til barnevernet
Kristoffersen, Eva Marit International Refugee Responsibility-Sharing after the 2018 Global Compact on Refugees: Determinants of States’ Contributions
Kvamme, Arjo The Shies protest: A case study of contention in an electoral autocracy
Lyngvær, Mari Kleiven Kunstig intelligens i forsvarsektoren - et casestudie av Kina, Russland og USA
Misje, Ingvild Geografisk representasjon i Norges Høyesterett
Moltubakk, Truls The Effect of Institutional Design on Asylum Recognition Rates in the EU
Næssan, Emma Sandnesmo Unequal representation: The case of climate policy and youth
Sivertstøl, Ingeborg Satisfaction with Democracy
Skogstrøm, Emilie Balansen mellom plikt og rett: Kvalitativ innholdsanalyse av introduksjonsprogram i Skandinavia
Tuft, Runar New Approaches to securing the Canadian Arctic
Vange, Snorre United We Stand? Testing the Enabling Theory of the Norwegian Wefare State & Corona Crisis of 2020 and 2021 Flyktinger og den Norske velferdsstaten
Wergeland, Carl Fredrik Should the Norwegian Profess party be considered as members of the Pupulist Radical Right Party Family
Wikanger, Ida Spesialiserte advokater mot dommere med generall kompetanse
Wold, Johan Ellingsen Hva kan forklare budsjettunderskudd i norske kommuner?