Department of Comparative Politics

Main content

1 Angell, Svein Ivar; Grove, Knut; Selle, Per.
Folkerørsler og frivillige organisasjonar. I: Vestlandets historie. Bd. 2: Samfunn. Vigmostad & Bjørke 2006 ISBN 82-419-0402-9. s. 299-341

2 Berglund, Sten; Ekman, Joakim; Vogt, Henri; Aarebrot, Frank.
The Making of the European Union: Foundations, Institutions and Future Trends. Edward Elgar Publishing 2006 (ISBN 1-84542-025-X) 238 s.

3 Berntzen, Einar.
El militarismo. I: Sociedad y cultura en América Latina. Vigmostad & Bjørke 2006 ISBN 82-450-0360-3. s. 98-110

4 Berntzen, Einar.
Obstáculos para el desarrollo democrático. I: Sociedad y cultura en América Latina. Vigmostad & Bjørke 2006 ISBN 82-450-0360-3. s. 111-126

5 Engene, Jan Oskar.
TWEED Code Book. Bergen: Department of Comparative Politics, University of Bergen 2006 (ISBN 82-92770-00-3) 22 s.

6 Engene, Jan Oskar.
War on terrorism. (O’Day, Alan, ed., 2004.). Journal of Peace Research 2006 ;Volum 43. s. 641-641

7 Gloppen, Siri.
Courts and Social Transformation: An Analytical Framework. I: Courts And Social Transformation in New Democracies: An Institutional Voice for the Poor?. Ashgate 2006 ISBN 0754647838. s. 35-59

8 Gloppen, Siri; Kanyongolo, Fidelis Edge.
Malawi. I: The Judicial Institution in Southern Africa. Cape Town: Siber Ink 2006 ISBN 1-920025-11-1. s. 73-94

9 Gloppen, Siri; Kanyongolo, Fidelis Edge.
The Role of the Judiciary in the 004 General Elections in Malawi. East African Journal of Peace and Human Rights 2006 ;Volum 12.(1) s. 279-317

10 Grendstad, Gunnar; Selle, Per; Strømsnes, Kristin; Bortne, Øystein.
Unique Environmentalism. A Comparative Perspective. Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2006 (ISBN 0-387-30524-6) 190 s. Nonprofit and Civil Society Studies(0)

11 Ivarsflaten, Elisabeth.
Bokanmeldelse av Anniken Hagelunds "The Importance of Being Decent: Political discourse on immigration in Norway 1970-2002".. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 2006 ;Volum 47.(1) s. 146-148

12 Larsen, Stein Ugelvik.
Bybeltemodellen Om forutsetningene for geopolitisk stabilitet. I: Teori og Metode i Geografi. Fagbokforlaget 2006 ISBN 82-7674-878-3. s. 113-131

13 Larsen, Stein Ugelvik.
Striden om stedet. Hjørungavåg-slaget i norsk historie og kulturdebatt. Ålesund: Sunnmørsposten Forlag 2006 (ISBN 82-91450-14-5) 280 s.

14 Larsen, Stein Ugelvik.
Teori og Metode i Geografi. Fagbokforlaget 2006 (ISBN 82-7674-878-3) 412 s.

15 Larsen, Stein Ugelvik.
Theory and methods in political science. Shanghai: Shanghai People's Publishing House . Century Publishing Group 2006 (ISBN 7208063427) 481 s.

16 Selle, Per.
Forfall eller forandring?. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning 2006 ;Volum 47.(3) s. 451-464

17 Selle, Per; Østerud, Øyvind.
The eroding of representative democracy in Norway. Journal of European Public Policy 2006 ;Volum 13.(4) s. 551-568

18 Shaffer, William R.; Grendstad, Gunnar.
Demokratisk valgvind i USA. Bergens Tidende 2006 s. 13-

19 Sokolovic, Dzemal.
Kosovo: The politics of identity and space. West European Politics 2006 ;Volum 29. s. 860-860

20 Strømsnes, Kristin; Selle, Per; Grendstad, Gunnar.
Norwegian Environmentalism Between State and Local Community: Why Greenpeace Failed in Norway. VOLUNTAS - International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 2006 ;Volum 5.

21 Strømsnes, Kristin; Wollebæk, Dag.
Mapping Voluntarism – Scandinavia in Comparison. VOLUNTAS - International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 2006 ;Volum 5. s. -

22 Østerud, Øyvind; Selle, Per.
Power and democracy in Norway: The transformation of Norwegian politics. Scandinavian Political Studies 2006 ;Volum 29.(1) s. 25-46

23 Øyen, Simen Andersen; Lie, Svenn Arne.
Brukervennlig Holberg-vinner. Bergens Tidende 2006

24 Øyen, Simen Andersen; Lie, Svenn Arne.
Cuba - ingen solskinnshistorie. Bergens Tidende 2006