Department of Comparative Politics
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Master theses 2011

Main content

See BORA for publication details.



Andersen, Reidun Breivik: Causes of regime breakdown in Tunisia and Egypt, economy or hybrity?


Blindheim, Kristian: On studying the unstudyable. A quantitative literature review of proposed causes of corruption and how these have been studied.


Brandt, Lene: Enough food is not enough. Litigation as a strategy to secure the right to food in Guatemala.


Dyrbekk, Ole Halvard: Contextual factors and the salience of the immigration issue. An analysis of populist radical right parties’ favourite topic.


Fiksdal, Iver: “IT’S NOT ABOUT WINNING, IT’S ABOUT PARTICIPATING”. Uncovering the determinants of regional participation in the policy-making structures of the European Union.


Garshol, Karoline: The Norwegian Voluntary Sector in Change. The Impact of Changes in Organizational Type, Structure, and Membership on Local Voluntary Associations’ Political Involvement.


Hansen, Ingvild Strøm: Effektiv QUANGO for partnerskap i nord? En hypotesegenererende casestudie av Barentssekretariatets rolle i Barentssamarbeidet.


Helle, Svein-Erik: Living in a material world: Political funding in electoral authoritarian regimes in Sub-Saharan Africa.


Holte, Magnus Aamo: Med én fot innenfor: Hvordan norske interesseaktører jobber i Brussel. Et studium av hva som påvirker valg av lobbystrategi i EU-systemet.


Jacobsen, Ida: Effekten av bistand - vellykket demokratipromotering eller olje til autokratiets maskineri?


Kjær, Adrian: Crises to die for: a quantitative study of financial crises, political instability, and economic growth.


Kvelland, Rebekka E: Why do some liberalized autocracies become democratic while others do not? Explaining competing outcomes of liberalization by event history analysis (1950-2006).


Lægreid, Ole Martin: Politiske og økonomiske effekter på utslipp av drivhusgasser. En kvantitativ studie.


Myhre, Erlend Bendik: Why the Councils of Ministers have more Influence on the Policy Outcomes of First-Reading agreements than the European Parliament: a study linking Intra-institutional organization to Inter-institutional negotiation in the European Union's Decision-Making Process


Oppedal, Kjartan: Institutional Development through Crisis? An Analysis of the European Court of Human Rights Pilot Judgement Procedure addressing Systemic Human Rights Issues


Opheim, Magnus: The relationship between financial development and economic growth.


Pushkash, Olga: The Metamorphosis of the Russian Opposition Parties Since 1993 to the Present Day.


Sagafos, Fredrik H: The development of Political Trust: A multilevel analysis of cross-curtain differences in State-citizen relationships.


Skogen, Vilde Birkeland: Demokratisering i Senegal - Et produkt av Vestlig dominans eller regional politisk kultur?


Soltvedt, Stine: Den siste farao: Hvilke faktorer bidro til å holde Mubarak ved makten i 30 år?


Torgrimsen, Tore: “Politikk Schmolitikk?” En analyse av norsk politisk mediedekning.


Tønnesen, Christopher: ”How the hell can you tell?” Norske statsministres ettermæle fra Stang til Stoltenberg.


Valhammar, Roger: IS BOYCOTT THE BEST WAY TO PARTICIPATE? A study of the possible democratizing effects of election boycotts in the Arab world: 1990-2010.


Vibe, Vegard: « Fight for your right to… » Explaining social movement outcomes in France: A case study of four movements.


Aarsæther, Aslaug: Chinese Colonialism or South-South Cooperation? The Case of Chinese Resources for Infrastructure Contracts in Angola.