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Department of Comparative Politics organises the semester program"Chinese Politics in a Globalized World" in cooperation with other Nordic and Chinese partners. The course is arranged by the Nordic Centre at School of International Relations and Public Affairs at Fudan University. The students are given a unique opportunity to learn Chinese politics and culture from within, with a special focus on international and global problems where China is a central participant. Internation students also train their language skills and learn Chinese culture and norms.
The course is held every spring semester and build on three modules: 1) “Chinese Developments in a Globalized World”, 2) “Chinese Politics”, og 3) “Chinese Culture and Language". The first module is common for both Nordic and Chinese students at Fudan. The lecturers are experienced international and Chinese researchers and the course place much emphasis to good integration between Chinese and Nordic students and teachers.
Experiences made this first semester has been good and by summer the application for participation next spring will be launched. Coordinator for the semesterprogram, Hans Jørgen Gåsemyr, tells us that one of the most exciting things with this course is the way it connects Nordic and Chinese participants.
- A common arrangement is the best point of departure to discuss, understand and learn across cultures and perspectives.
See the home page "Chinese Politics in a Globalized World".