Nordic Welfare Research in China
The last edition of China Social Welfare is dedicated to the welfare politics conference organised by the Sino-Nordic Welfare Research Network (SNOW) in Beijing in June.
Main content
Stein Kuhnle, professor at the Department of Comparative Politics and project leader of the Sino-Nordic Welfare Research Netweork (SNOW) is front page matter in China. The most recent edition of the only large Chinese journal on social welfare, China Social Welfare, is dedicated to June's international conference organised by SNOW at the Chinese Academy of Social Science, titled "Ageing Welfare and Social Policy", in Beijing in June.
25 papers were presented during the conference's two days. Most participants were from China, but Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Australia, South Korea and USA were all represented by participant.
SNOW is a research network between Chinese and Nordic welfare researchers, financed by The Nordic Council of Ministers. Professor Stein Kuhnle at the Department of Comparative Politics heads the network from The University of Bergen, but the nework consists of researchers and research institutions from all over the Nordic countries and China.
You can learn more about SNOW on the the network's own web pages.