Department of Comparative Politics

News archive for Department of Comparative Politics

SAMPOL’s newest graduate researcher is intrigued by “the many-headed creature that is civil society.”
With prestigious grant, professor tackles the challenge of the radical right.
New post-doc tackles (mis)rule in Africa with sharp tongue, sharper ideas
The Department of Comparative Politics has a new professor, but she’s no junior staffer. Until recently she was the University of Bergen’s second-in-command.
Department’s new lecturer brings creativity to the classroom.
New post-doc explores perceptions of women in politics.
A new publication by Sveinung Arnesen, Mikael P. Johannesson, Jonas Linde and Stefan Dahlberg examines the potential self-fulfilling prophecy of public opinion.
New Ph.D. researcher looks at whether voters’ and leaders’ positions match up.
“My research can help policy-makers maximize chances of reconciliation”
Professor at the Institute of Comparative Politics, Michaël Tatham, wins yet another award for his outstanding work on European regions.
‘Saktuelt’ provides a forum for political scientists to grapple with topics in the news.
Maurizio Ferrera tackles EU integration in annual Rokkan Lecture.
American legal experts and Bergen scholars share perspectives on court structures, practices and trends.
On Monday 21 August, the fourth Bergen Exchanges conference opened with a special focus on legislation as a catalyst for social change regarding gender and sexuality.
Georg Picot has long done research on temporary employment. For his next project he wants to study low-wage employment and how the state influences wages.
