Marine Protostome Facility

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The Hausen group maintains cultures of several annelids throughout lifecycle and keeps further organisms in tanks for seasonal breeding of embryos.
Stable cultures exist for Malacoceros fuliginosus, Platynereis dumerilii and Capitella teleta. The chiton Leptochiton asellus, the annelid Owenia fusiformis and the bryozoan Tricellaria inopinataare regularly sampled for seasonal breeding.
To better understand animal evolution we compare development, molecular and structural features of cell types and organ systems in several invertebrates
-Harald Hausen
Malacoceros is kept within sediment in 80 liter aquaria, Capitella within sediment in 2 liter boxes. The Platynereis culture runs in a seperate room under strict day/night and lunar cycle illumination regime. Tricellaria is kept in 10 liter tanks under strict day/night regime. The other organisms are maintained in standard 80 liter aquaria tanks.
Cultures of the algae Isochrysis and Tetraselmis as well as yeast and Liquifry is used for feeding larvae and small juveniles. Grinded fish food is supplied to cultures of surface deposit and sediment feeders.
All embryos are raised in incubators with precise temperature control facilitating exact staging of the developing larvae for various kinds of molecular and structural studies.