SDG Conference in Bergen

Day Zero 2023

Welcome to Day Zero of the SDG Conference Bergen, 8 February 2023!

Day Zero 2022
Thor Brødreskift/UiB

Main content

Day Zero is a free, all-digital day of events on the day before the SDG Conference Bergen. It is an opportunity to organise creative spaces (workshops, debates, exhibitions, etc.) presenting work of relevance to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). 

The topic of the SDG Conference Bergen 2023 is A just transformation to a sustainable future. Focusing on a sustainable transformation of societies to become safe and just for all entails thinking about the grand challenges of our time. These challenges have been put under pressure by recent and unprecedented events with impacts on a global scale, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, war, an energy- and food crisis, and several ecological disasters. How can we ensure that this transformation is a just transition leaving no one behind?  

An academic festival

On Day Zero, we encourage all kinds of initiatives, from presentations of SDG-relevant teaching and pedagogical innovations to concrete research projects or just to raise a debate about what you see as important topics within the broader SDG discourse. Day Zero is designed to be an open space to communicate across disciplines, topics, and goals and to learn from one another in critical applications of the SDGs and their associated targets and indicators. 

As before, Day Zero starts with an Opening Plenary Session, followed by three waves of 90-minute parallel sessions. 

Morning 9:00 - 10:30

Day Zero Opening Session
From Tipping points to Tripping points? The role of new technologies for Sustainable Development 

How can new technologies aid sustainable development? This is a debate on two new technologies, CRISPR technology and deep-sea mining, with short presentations on issues of implementing these technologies at scale for sustainable development for the SDG Conference Bergen.

Topic 1: Gene editing 
Leena Tripathi, Director, Eastern Africa Hub, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
Lluis Montoliu, Research Scientist CSIC, Departament of Molecular and Cellular Biology

Topic 2: Deep Sea mining 
Eoghan Reeves, Associate Professor, Geochemistry, University of Bergen

Panel discussion
- Fern Wickson, Professor, Ocean Leadership, UiT the Arctic University of Norway
- Lise Øvreås, President, Norwegian Academy of Science and LettersProfessor in Geomicrobiology, UiB
- Tora Fougner-Økland, Doctoral candidate in plant genetics, Ludwig-Maximillians University Munich (LMU Munich)

Moderator: Dorothy Dankel

Late morning 11:00 - 12:30

Early afternoon 13:30 - 15:00

Late afternoon 15:30 - 17:00

Evening 19:00 - 20:30