Day Zero 2023
Welcome to Day Zero of the SDG Conference Bergen, 8 February 2023!

Main content
Day Zero is a free, all-digital day of events on the day before the SDG Conference Bergen. It is an opportunity to organise creative spaces (workshops, debates, exhibitions, etc.) presenting work of relevance to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
The topic of the SDG Conference Bergen 2023 is A just transformation to a sustainable future. Focusing on a sustainable transformation of societies to become safe and just for all entails thinking about the grand challenges of our time. These challenges have been put under pressure by recent and unprecedented events with impacts on a global scale, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, war, an energy- and food crisis, and several ecological disasters. How can we ensure that this transformation is a just transition leaving no one behind?
An academic festival
On Day Zero, we encourage all kinds of initiatives, from presentations of SDG-relevant teaching and pedagogical innovations to concrete research projects or just to raise a debate about what you see as important topics within the broader SDG discourse. Day Zero is designed to be an open space to communicate across disciplines, topics, and goals and to learn from one another in critical applications of the SDGs and their associated targets and indicators.
As before, Day Zero starts with an Opening Plenary Session, followed by three waves of 90-minute parallel sessions.
Morning 9:00 - 10:30
Day Zero Opening Session
From Tipping points to Tripping points? The role of new technologies for Sustainable Development
How can new technologies aid sustainable development? This is a debate on two new technologies, CRISPR technology and deep-sea mining, with short presentations on issues of implementing these technologies at scale for sustainable development for the SDG Conference Bergen.
Topic 1: Gene editing
- Leena Tripathi, Director, Eastern Africa Hub, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
- Lluis Montoliu, Research Scientist CSIC, Departament of Molecular and Cellular Biology
Topic 2: Deep Sea mining
- Eoghan Reeves, Associate Professor, Geochemistry, University of Bergen
Panel discussion
- Fern Wickson, Professor, Ocean Leadership, UiT the Arctic University of Norway
- Lise Øvreås, President, Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters, Professor in Geomicrobiology, UiB
- Tora Fougner-Økland, Doctoral candidate in plant genetics, Ludwig-Maximillians University Munich (LMU Munich)
Moderator: Dorothy Dankel
Late morning 11:00 - 12:30
What did we learn sailing across the Pacific Ocean?
Katja Enberg
Department of Biological Sciences, UiB
Camilla A. Borrevik
Division of Research and Innovation, UiB
Watch the recording of the session
In 2022 90 students from nine international universities and five Norwegian universities and one business school (UiB, UiO, UiT, NTNU, NMBU, NHH) participated in the 4-month interdisciplinary sustainability summer course SDG200 organized by the University of Bergen. In addition to being students, the participants were also sailing trainees on the sailing vessel Statsraad Lehmkuhl, and instrumental in getting the ship from Chile to Palau.
In this session we will ask the big question: What did we learn? What did the students learn about sustainability? What did they learn from working in multidisciplinary teams and with multidisciplinary teaching staff? What did the multidisciplinary teaching team learn about teaching sustainability, experiential learning, and teaching while sailing day in day out? And most importantly, what can we all learn from this experience?
The event will consist of the following elements:
- Welcome by course leader, Professor Katja Enberg and the director of Statsraad Lehmkuhl and One Ocean Expedition leader Haakon Vatle
- Video (5 min) made about the course
- Panel discussion on «How it is to live, work and study on board a sailing ship?». Professor of psychology Jarle Eid, SDG200-student Ronja Athammer (Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UiB), and Director Haakon Vatle
- Three SDG200-student presentations on the theme «What did the students learn about sustainability?». Aimee Cloete (University of Cape Town, South Africa), Lilly Baumann (University of Lüneburg, Germany), and Andreas Navarro Nes (University of Oslo).
- Panel discussion on «Perspectives on multidisciplinarity». PhD research scholar and SDG200-teaching assistant Jessica Tengvall, and SDG200-students Vilde Takla (Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, UiB) and Simon Hole (Faculty of Psychology, UiB)
- Questions and answers – floor is open for your questions!
- Summarizing words by Katja Enberg
Relevant for:
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 14: Life Below Water
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Pathways to participatory research and knowledge co-production: notes from the ‘field’
Amy Eycott
Nord University & Centre for Sustainable Area Management, UiB
Transformative action towards a more sustainable future depends upon a firm knowledge base that is built collaboratively by researchers and communities together. There are several ways to involve people in knowledge creation, depending on how deep the involvement should be – from simple one-way information-gathering to full participatory research co-creation where stakeholders themselves are involved in developing the research questions.
We present as a case study two research projects from the recently established Nordhordland Biosphere Area which each contained several elements of varying degrees of public and stakeholder participation. Biosphere Areas are meant as testbeds for sustainable development and as such are perfect for testing and studying pathways to knowledge co-production. The workshop will begin by describing how we involved different groups; how effective the process was and the challenges we had to overcome.
We will invite workshop participants to give us feedback on our choices but equally this workshop will be an effective introduction for those who are new to involving a wider community in knowledge co-creation. Finally, we will challenge all participants to reflect on their own research approaches and develop a roadmap towards a more participatory model in future research and collaboration.
Inger Måren, Professor, UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Heritage and Environmental Management, Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)
Ieva Rozite-Arina, PhD Candidate, Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)
Morgane Kerdonkuff, PhD Candidate, Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)
Jarrod Cusens, PhD Candidate, Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)
Silje Östman, Head Engineer, Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)
Relevant for:
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 15: Life on Land
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
What role for academia in a changing climate?
Jesse Schrage
Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET), UiB
Watch the recording of this event
The need for significant and urgent action on climate change is heard through a multitude of channels, from scientific assessments, public demonstrations, and citizens’ assemblies. What role can academics and universities play to contribute to reducing the climate impact of their activities? In this session we explore ways to make universities more environmentally sustainable, and we will specifically discuss two sectors that hold considerable potential, but are also challenging to address: food and flying.
As a starting point, we will discuss the latest research on the climate footprint of universities. We will hear from front-running universities on their ongoing work in reducing their emissions, both in policy and practice. Finally, we will discuss how universities can contribute to promoting collective shifts in our profession, and how that will require exploring the role of individual researchers and university centres in stimulating low-carbon activities.
This event should be of interest to students, and both academic and administrative staff interested in the role that universities can play in relation to sustainability. In this event we will discuss how emissions from food and travel are currently being targeted by universities, and what can be done to increase ambition.
Relevant for:
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 12: Responsible Production and Consumption
SDG 13: Climate Action
How can we emerge stronger from multiple crisis?
Aron Halfen
Forum for Development and the Environment
Watch the recording of the session
The world is now experiencing multiple and reinforcing crises. Climate change and biodiversity loss contribute to increased inequality and hunger. At the same time the covid pandemic is far from over, and several wars and conflicts are ravaging the world.
In this high-level panel conversation, we will discuss the complexity of challenges reinforcing each other. But is there a promise in the dark – an opportunity to create new solutions based on the values of sustainability, equality, and well-being?
The 2030 Agenda gave us 17 goals that can help solve today’s challenges. However, if we do not see the goals and the challenges in relation to each other, we might create or reinforce a crisis when aiming to solve another.
In other words, the time to coordinate our efforts at the various levels and across sectors is now. The world depends on coherent and holistic policies and measures. Together, we examine the current situation from a historical into a future-oriented perspective. Perhaps there is important progress during the crises that not only gives us new motivation, but also important knowledge and experience that can help frame further work, helping us to create new solutions and collaboration.
In the panel we have:
- Haoliang Xu, UN Assistant Secretary-General and UNDP Director of Bureau for Policy and Programme Support.
- Bård Vegar Solhjell, director of Norad – the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, a professional body under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He has previously been Minister of State in Norway, as well as the director of WWF Norway.
- Heidi Finskas, Vice President of Corporate Responsibility at KLP – Norway’s largest pension company. She has long experiences working with responsible investments.
- Henriette Westhrin, Secretary General of the Norwegian Peoples Aid. She has also experience working with environment and financial questions as the State Secretary.
The conversation will be led by Kathrine Sund-Henriksen, director of Forum for development and environment, a network of 60 Norwegian civil society organizations.
In order to more froward we need all hands on deck. Either you are working in the government, academia, civil society or private sector, we welcome you to participate in this seminar! After the conversation we open for questions or remarks from the audience. All solutions and ideas to collaboration, new measures and strategies are welcomed.
Relevant for all SDGs
Decolonizing the universities and epistemologies
Tor Halvorsen
Department of Government, UiB
Watch the recording of the session
Decolonizing epistemologies as a precondition for the realisation of the SDG is a central topic for the UNESCO report Knowledge-Driven Action: Transforming higher education for global sustainability (see in particular Part 3: 'Ways of knowing').
The research group at UiB's Department of Government 'Globalisation and development' with its project on 'Decolonizing epistemologies' invites you to take part in the discussion on how a decolonisation of epistemologies may be a global precondition for realising the SDGs.
What changes of disciplines and universities do we need, and how can "lost knowledge" in the Global South be regained for new ideas about sustainable solutions the hegemonic epistemologies have suppressed?
In addition to speakers from UiB, there will be presentations from the University of the Western Cape and from Makerere University. We also open for presentations and interventions from academics generally.
Dr. Nonceba Mbambo-Kekana, Director of Internationalisation, University of Limpopo
Professor Lise Rakner, University of Bergen
Emeritus Tor Halvorsen, University of Bergen
Professor Jan Ifversen, University of Århus
Professor Anders Breidlid, Oslo Met University
Vice Rector Research José Frantz, University of the Western Cape
PhD candidate Andrea Felde, University of Bergen
PhD candidate Wesley Maraire, University of Cape Town
Relevant for:
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Trying out the SDG Impact Assessment Tool
Martin Eriksson
SDSN Northern Europe
The SDG Impact Assessment Tool is a free online platform for making self-assessments of how organizations, projects or activities impacts the SDGs, in terms of positive, negative, direct and indirect impacts, or to identify knowledge gaps. The workshop is relevant for anybody who works with education for sustainable development, innovation and business development, research, as well as strategic planning and decision making, and wants to couple their work to the SDGs.
This is a practical workshop where the SDG Impact Assessment Tool is presented and demonstrated, and you will have the opportunity to test the tool in smaller groups. We will explain and exemplify the use of the tool, as well as guide you in how to navigate its web site and how to do SDG impact assessments. The workshop is arranged by the Gothenburg Centre for Sustainable Development and the SDSN Northern Europe.
Relevant for all SDGs
New measurements for a just transition CANCELLED
The standard economic development model which focuses on growth, efficiency, and consumption is not well suited for addressing the 21st-century challenges toward a just and sustainable transition. Inclusivity, sustainability, and societal aspects are in need to be measured and prioritized over traditional policy measures such as GDP and productivity growth. New frameworks need to be developed and discussed to tackle environmental pressures while allowing everyone to live a dignified life.
This session will present and discuss alternative measurements that go beyond GDP to assess sustainable development. We will feature researchers working with alternative sustainable development indicators. Afterward, practitioners working on SDG implementation in the global south will share their challenges and outcomes. The session will end with questions and open discussion.
Join us to learn and participate in the challenges we face when measuring and tracking a fair transition.
Relevant for:
SDG 1: No Poverty
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Hvordan påvirker engasjement for bærekraft karrierevalg hos unge?
Om i Morgen er en studentdrevet stiftelse som jobber mot et bærekraftig samfunn på tvers av akademia, næringslivet og politikken. Vi arrangerer blant annet Norges største studentdrevne klimakonferanse “Vi må snakke om i morgen”.
Fokuset på bærekraft blir stadig større, og man ser spesielt engasjement blant unge. Som morgendagens arbeidstakere er det viktig for studenter å møte næringslivets kvalifikasjoner, men det er og viktig for næringslivet å tilpasse seg arbeidsmarkedet. Hvordan utvikler dette samspillet seg når bærekraft står i fokus? 2. februar arrangerer vi en bedriftskveld for studenter og næringslivet innenfor sektorene teknologi, hav og bærekraft.
Under årets Day Zero vil vi óg holde oss til temaet bærekraft og karriere, og arrangerer i en panelsamtale med innfallsvinkelen blir “Hvordan påvirker engasjement for bærekraft karrierevalg hos unge?”
Dette blir en forlengelse av bedriftskevlden hvor vi får innblikk i valg og prosesser fra både næringsliv og studentene med tanke på bærekraftige valg.
Ragnhild Friis-Ottesen, Næringspolitisk rådgiver hos Bergens Næringsråd og Prosjektleder for Trainee Vest
Even Storheim, Prosjektleder hos Maritime Bergen
Ida Louise Mortensen, Energi-student
Ordstyrer: Sara Walstad, Arrangementsplanlegger hos Om i Morgen
Relevant for:
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 12: Responsible Production and Consumption
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 14: Life Below Water
SDG 15: Life on Land
Implementing SDG 11.6 in Bandung City Indonesia
Ratna Lindawati Lubis
Telkom University
Watch the recording of the session
In this panel discussion, we will drill deeper into required policy and organizational changes by all stakeholders and look at practical action plans based on evidence and lived experiences from academics, practitioners, communities, government, and media, the so-called PentaHelix Collaboration.
The session will discuss how SDG Target 11.6 and its associated indicators apply in Bandung City, West Java Province, Indonesia. There will be a discussion about current development and future innovative initiatives being applied. Participants will learn from the lived experiences of these “expert witnesses” and start to formulate ideas about what needs to change to improve universities’ research on developing safe, resilient, and sustainable places to live.
There will be three short presentations, followed by Q & A.
Presentation of findings from Pilar Tunas Nusa Lestari Foundation, Bandung, West Java
Ramalis Sobandi (she/her), Senior Urban Researcher
Presentation of findings from Gemricik (Gerakan Masyarakat Cinta Cikapundung), Bandung, West Java
Ratna Lindawati Lubis (she/her), Telkom University, Bandung, West Java
Presentation of findings from Bank Sampah Bersinar
Febriyanti SR (she/her), Director (Instagram)
Presentation of findings from students of the Master in Management Programmme
Telkom University, Bandung, West Java
Moderator questions & discussion
Relevant for:
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Freedom of speech in Russia: The importance of public access to uncensored information
John Alexander Alstad
UN Student Association Bergen
Watch the recording of the event
Is it possible to report on questionable circumstances within the public realm in a country that is governed by a tight grip and strict rules regarding independent media?
This is the theme at hand as the UN Students, Changemaker and UN Association of Norway will host a seminar regarding freedom of the press in Russia and the importance of sustainable development goal 16.10; to ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms.
We also have the pleasure of hosting delegates from the student festival ISFIT (International Student Festival in Trondheim) and the winners of the Norwegian Student’s Peace Prize, the Russian student journal DOXA. ISFIT will speak on why they elected DOXA as the student peace prize winner of 2022, and DOXA will give us an important insight into their work as reporters on issues related to Russian universities and academia.
Finally, the news magazine Verdens Beste Nyheter will speak on why we have to remain optimistic about the SDGs and why they are still relevant in the current set of world affairs.
Relevant for:
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Studenter som løser urbane bærekraftutfordringer
Karl Oskar Lie Bjerke
CityStudio Oslo og Universitetet i Oslo
Arrangemetet finner sted fysisk i Realfagsbiblioteket på Blindern og digitalt
CityStudio Oslo er et fulltidsstudium der studenter på tvers av akademiske institusjoner og Oslo kommune samarbeider om å løse konkrete bærekraftutfordringer i hovedstaden. Studentene jobber i tverrfaglige team for å planlegge og gjennomføre et prosjekt som skal hjelpe byen med å overvinne miljøutfordringer og skape bedre levekår for innbyggerne. I tillegg til prosjektarbeidet, får studentene også undervisning og opplæring i andre utfordringer knyttet til bærekraftig byutvikling, og i kommunikasjon og formidling.
I denne sesjonen kan du lære mer om hvordan studiet pløyer ny undervisningsmark og hvilke bærekraftresultater det har skapt i Oslo.
Endelig program kommer.
Relevant for:
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Interdisciplinary teaching for the future
Ylva Østby
The Sustainability Lab
Bærekraftlaboratoriet - The sustainability Lab - at University of Oslo and UN Global Compact Norge is an interdisciplinary teaching lab where students from psychology and history work together with companies to solve practical sustainability issues. Interdisciplinarity is in itself an effort towards Sustainability Goal No 17, "Partnership for the goals".
The lab fosters cooperation between academia and businesses, and between different academic disciplines, allowing students to experience first-hand how humanities and social sciences may contribute to a variety of sustainability goals.
In this workshop, the project leaders Sunniva Engh (Department of Archeaology, Conservation and History), Ylva Østby (Department of Psychology) and Grace-Anne Solvang (UN Global Compact Norge) will present the project, showcase some examples of sustainability topics from historical and psychological perspectives, and host a digital round-table discussion with invited sustainability teaching initiatives from around Norway, with a focus on how humanities and social sciences can contribute to increased partnership for a just transformation to a sustainable future.
Relevant for:
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Integrating sustainability in education at NTNU
Stig Larssæther
NTNU Sustainability
Integrating sustainability and SDGs in education and teaching is vital for any knowledge institution that wants to contribute in the just transition towards a society operating safely within planetary boundaries. In this webinar we will hear from two of the faculties at NTNU where this process of implementing sustainability has started.
Helge Brattebø is director of NTNUs strategic research area within sustainability. He will give a short introduction to the challenges facing universities that want to take operative measures on sustainability in general and education in particular.
Karina Mathisen is Vice Dean for Education at the Natural Science Faculty at NTNU and will share their experiences of how the challenge of integrating sustainability in education has been met.
Tora Bonnevie is sustainability coordinator at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences that have recently introduced new initiatives both within sustainability education and research.
Following these contributions we will have a round table debate with Helge Brattebø, director of NTNUs strategic research area within sustainability, Nils Rune Bodsberg, Senior advisor NTNU, and student representatives. The focus of the roundtable will be how universities can best succeed with their efforts to integrate sustainability and SDGs in their education.
Relevant for:
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Early afternoon 13:30 - 15:00
Scientific activism in times of crisis
Thomas Haaland
Scientist Rebellion Norway
Scientists have a responsibility to communicate their work to the world, and this workshop by Scientist Rebellion discusses the role of scientific advocacy and activism in times of crisis. We tell the stories of activism by renowned scientists like Albert Einstein and Florence Nightingale, who fought for anti-war movements, women’s suffrage, and social welfare.
Turning to today, we outline academics’ roles in the current climate and nature crises. For decades, scientists have communicated the crises through numerous publications, reports and policy briefs. These reports call for urgent and vast transformative change, yet the trajectory toward climate breakdown and mass extinction continues, due in part to governance frameworks underpinned by the same development and growth paradigms that spawned the crises.
We point out cases in which academics reinvigorate a rich history of scholar-activism and bring scientific legitimacy to environmental activism. In doing so, we unpack the scientific evidence supporting non-violent civil resistance as an effective tool for systemic change.
Selecting a few cases of nonviolent direct action, we discuss the ethics and effectiveness of the actions. We then invite participants to collectively brainstorm creative ways to extend conventional academic practices for action on climate and nature. As such, we are invited to reflect together on our responsibilities and tactics as scholars in times of crisis.
Presenters: Thomas Haaland, Myranda Murray and Théophile Martin (all NTNU)
The workshop should be of interest to everyone somehow involved with science or academia, and everyone who cares even slightly about the ongoing climate and biodiversity crises and all the interlinked problems ensuing (energy crises, public health crises, …). It will be highly interactive, aiming to stimulate thoughts, debate, and action!
Relevant for all SDGs
A new tool for finding SDG-related research
Caroline S. Armitage
University of Bergen Library
Caroline S. Armitage and Eli Heldaas Seland (University of Bergen)
Inger Gåsemyr and Håkon M. Bjerkan (University of Stavanger)
Lise Vik-Haugen (Western Norway University of Applied Sciences)
At Day Zero 2022, we held a workshop to present our idea for a tool which anyone can use to find SDG-related research. We are happy to announce that a pilot version of this tool is now available here - and we would love to get feedback from you!
Access to research relevant to the SDGs is important across society, for spreading knowledge, opening-up science, and achieving the goals. However, this research can be difficult to find and access, especially for those outside academia where paywalls and access to search tools may form barriers. Our tool aims to be an easy entry point to SDG-related research produced by Norwegian research institutions. It includes peer-reviewed research and local publications in both English and Norwegian. Read more aboout the project.
People from all sectors/fields are welcome to join – whether you are interested in the SDGs in your capacity as a student, researcher, teacher, employee, communicator, public sector worker, member of interest organisation, or interested citizen. The workshop will involve an introduction of the tool, time for you to test it out, and give feedback or ask questions.
Relevant for:
SDG 1: No Poverty
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 14: Life Below Water
SDG 15: Life on Land
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Redusert og rettferdig forbruk
Tanja Winther og Gisle Solbu
Forskningssentrene Include og NTRANS
Arrangemetet finner sted fysisk i Realfagsbiblioteket på Blindern og digitalt
Globalt og nasjonalt nærmer vi oss miljøets tålegrense i rasende fart, og det snakkes stadig oftere om at vi må redusere forbruket vårt, både energi og andre typer konsum. Men hvordan kan vi få til redusert forbruk, og i hvilken grad handler delingsløsninger, ombruk og gjenbruk faktisk om redusert forbruk og ikke grønnvasking? I hvilken grad kan problemet med overforbruk knyttes til måten systemene er rigget på og hva kan vanlige forbrukere bidra med?
I diskusjoner om reduksjon i forbruk kan det fort bli slik at vi premierer dem som klarer å redusere – men hva med grupper som har levd nøkternt og som står for det mindre synlige forbruket? Hva er bærekraftig, hva er rettferdig – og hva er nok?
Det vil bli mulighet til å stille spørsmål, kommentere og avgi stemmer på spørsmål via brukertjenesten Slido underveis i programmet.
Klimafotavtrykket vårt
Eivind Selvig, CIVITAS
Energi- og klimatiltak – hvor står forbrukerne?
Hvordan belønner klima- og energipolitikken reduksjon – og hva med de som allerede lever nøysomt?
Gisle Solbu, NTRANS, Co-Just, NTNU
Hva mener nordmenn om hva som bør være grensen mellom nødvendig strømbruk og luksusforbruk?
Tanja Winther, Include, UiO
Spørsmål og kommentarer
Redusert forbruk: hvordan og for hvem?
Kjøttforbruk: hvorfor er det vanskelig å redusere – selv for de som ønsker det?
Øyvind Sundet, Include, UiO
Hva tenker de som vil selge ting som varer lenge?
Jo Egil Tobiassen, Northern playground
Sirkulærøkonomi og forbruk
Ulrikke Wethal, Include, UiO
Spørsmål og kommentarer, hvor trykker skoen for å oppnå redusert forbruk?
Panel om hvordan kommuner legger til rette for redusert forbruk
Stine Ellevseth Oseland, Klimarådgiver, Bergen kommune, partner NTRANS
Anne Line Gangså Tørresen, Klima- og miljørådgiver, Miljøvernenheten, Kristiansand kommune
Tonje Refseth, Rådgiver, bærekraftig og redusert forbruk, Bymiljøetaten, Oslo kommune, partner Include
Relevant for:
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 12: Responsible Production and Consumption
Cooperation partnerships for sustainability
Guro Sandnes
Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir)
Watch the recording of the session
The Erasmus+ programme comprises four horizontal priorities linked to society challenges and to the SDGs: Inclusion and diversity, digital transformation, environment and fight against climate change, and participation in democratic life, common values and civic engagement.
The Erasmus+ partnerships for cooperation in higher education must address at least one of the horizontal priorities through cooperation across borders in Europe. The aim of cooperation partnerships, which include minimum three different sectorial or cross-sectorial institutions and organisations, is to exchange experiences, develop cooperation networks and enhance the quality and relevance of different educations through cooperation across borders in the Erasmus-countries.
HK-dir invites four of the Norwegian Erasmus+ cooperation partnership project coordinators – good practice examples – to present their projects and to share their experiences and results with regards to the horizontal priorities, which are aligned with the SDG aims. We will also explain and exemplify how EU (Erasmus+) priorities supplement and reinforce SDG priorities by explaining the underlying policies which underpin the programme.
Tamer Abu-Alam, UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Bettina Smith, University of Stavanger
Maria Nordheim Alme, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
Andrew Morrison, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
Corbin Raymond, The Oslo School of Architecture and Design
The session will be chaired by Jon Gunnar Mølstre Simonsen, HK-dir.
This session should be of interest to both scientific and administrative personnel interested in the possibilities for Erasmus+ partnership projects.
Relevant for:
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Profesjonenes rolle i rettferdig omstilling
Jan-Christian Kolstø
På Unios Day Zero-arrangement møter du forskere som tematiserer rettferdig omstilling, den norske modellen, partsamarbeid og hva forskningen sier om å skape omstilling innenfra. Målet er å belyse at vi har et system som er på plass og som er egnet for å gjennomfør store samfunnsmessige endringer og omstillinger.
Deretter får du møte en rekke forbundsledere i Unio, arbeidsgivere og myndigheter som diskuterer hvordan dette systemet kan utnyttes bedre. Utgangspunktet her er at klima- og bærekraftsomstillingen i for liten grad er en del av det lokale partssamarbeidet. Vi vil forsøke å få svar på hvordan dette kan forsterkes og forbedres.
14:30 Om forskningsprosjektet Include
Professor David Jorhus-Lier, Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi, Universitetet i Oslo
14:50 Om partssamarbeidet og rettferdig omstilling
Arnhild Bie Drivdal Senter for profesjonsstudier (SPS), OsloMet
15:10 Paneldebatt / kommentarrunde med forbundsledere og arbeidsgivere
Fra Unio
Steffen Handal, leder av Utdanningsforbundet
Kristian Mollestad, nestleder Forskerforbundet
Kirsten Brubakk, nestleder Norsk Sykepleierforbund
Gunn Karin Gjul, statssekretær i Kommunal- og distriktsdepartementet
Anne Romsaas, fagsjef i KS Kommunesektorens organisasjon
Møteleder: Erik Aasheim
Relevant for:
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
An assessment of the political impact of the SDGs
Blake Harvey
The Earth System Governance SDG Taskforce
Watch a recording of the session
The aim of this event is to highlight key findings from the SDG Impact Assessment involving 61 researchers from around the world that studied the political impact of the SDGs. Our study has been published with Cambridge University Press in mid-2022 and features the first social scientific meta-analysis of the SDGs since their adoption in 2015.
The assessment finds that the effects of the SDGs are so far mainly present in the political discourse, while we do not see any substantial effects on the (re-)allocation of resources by governments. The assessment moreover points to a lack of incentive structures that guide public and private funding towards sustainable pathways.
In a nutshell, the SDG Impact Assessment suggests that the SDGs are not (yet) leading to fundamental and transformational changes and that the voluntary nature of the 2030 Agenda makes it easy for actors to implement the SDGs in a way that benefits their self-interests.
Building upon the findings from the six assessment dimensions (global governance; implementation at multiple levels; interlinkages, integration and coherence; inclusiveness; planetary integrity; and methods for analysing steering effect), we adopt a forward-looking perspective and provide policy recommendations on how to accelerate the political and societal transformation towards sustainable development.
The event should be of interest to researchers and policy-makers concerned with the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs.
Panel co-chairs
Thomas Hickmann (book co-editor)
Yixian Sun (contributing author)
Melanie van Driel (Working Group Global Governance and the SDGs)
Montserrat Koloffon Rosas (Working Group National Policy Integration of the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs)
Dominique McCollum Coy (Working Group Sub-National Initiatives for SDG Implementation)
Aurelie Charles (Working Group SDG Education and Learning)
Relevant for all SDGs
Utdanning for bærekraftig utvikling (delmål 4.7) for lærere og studenter
Kai Grieg
Utdanning er en grunnleggende menneskerettighet og er en av de viktigste løsningene for å nå alle bærekraftsmålene. Dette arrangementet vil gi forslag til handling, råd om utdanning og samtale om å gi mer kunnskap om bærekraftsmålene. Møtet handler om delmål 4.7, utdanning for bærekraftig utvikling, som er en av de tre tverrfaglige temaene i læreplanverket.
Innledninger og en samtale om utdanning for bærekraftig utvikling (delmål 4.7) spesielt i det norske utdanningssystemet. De som er med, kan sende inn spørsmål eller innspill.
Moderator: Gunvor Andresen, regionleder FN-sambandet, sørvest
- Forskningsfronten – hvor står vi?
Erlend Eidsvik, professor ved institutt for pedagogikk, religion og samfunnsfag på Høgskulen på Vestlandet Erfaringer med undervisning for bærekraftig utvikling.
Gro Elisabeth Bastiansen, lektor m/tillegg på Fyllingsdalen videregående skoleForventinger og utfordringer for å kunne undervise om bærekraftig utvikling. - Hvilke tiltak og råd ønsker studentene?
Håkon Eriksen og Martine Hauge Kjølholdt, lærerstudenter- Om kurset "Utdanning for bærekraftig utvikling" som FN-sambandet tilbyr alle skoler.
Insaaf Ali Ismail, rådgiver i FN-sambandet
Delmål 4.7
Innen 2030 sikre at alle elever og studenter tilegner seg den kompetansen som er nødvendig for å fremme bærekraftig utvikling, blant annet gjennom utdanning i bærekraftig utvikling og livsstil, menneskerettigheter, likestilling, fremme av freds- og ikkevoldskultur, globalt borgerskap og verdsetting av kulturelt mangfold og kulturens bidrag til bærekraftig utvikling.
Om FN-sambandet
FN-sambandet er en norsk organisasjon med hovedoppgave å informere om FN og FNs arbeid. Dette har vi gjort siden 1946. Vår hovedmålgruppe er barn og unge, og skoleverket.
Tradisjonelt har fysiske møter som rollespill preget FN-sambandets metode for å nå frem med god kunnskap og for å skape engasjement for FN. Vi møter lærere og gir dem kurs om alt som handler om FN, som FNs bærekraftsmål eller krigen i Ukraina. Vi har avtaler med noen utdanningsinstitusjoner for å gi lærerstudenter utdanning for bærekraftig utvikling (UBU). Les mer om utdanningstilbudet vårt
Til tross for navnet sitt, er FN-sambandet uavhengig av FN og har ingen politisk tilknytning. FN-sambandet mottar finansiell støtte fra Utenriksdepartementet. Vi er rundt 30 ansatte fordelt på kontorer i de største byene i Norge.
Relevant for SDG 4: Quality Education
Skal vi holde på med dette hver for oss? Hvilke muligheter ligger i å integrere bærekraft i høyere utdanning?
Marit Ubbe
Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse (HKdir)
Førsteamanuensis og senterleder Birgit Rognebakke Krogstie fra Excited, Centre for Excellent IT Education ved NTNU, Professor og senterleder Kristin Margrethe Heggen fra SHE, Centre for Sustainable Healthcare Education ved UIO diskuterer og deler sine tanker og erfaringer rundt utvikling av helse- og IT-utdanning i et bærekraftsperspektiv.
Sentre for fremragende utdanning er en prestisjeordning for å utvikle kvalitet og innovasjon i høyere utdanning. Hvordan jobber sentrene med de store spørsmålene knyttet til bærekraft, og hvor møter de motstand? Er det verdt å bruke tid på å lære om hvordan helt andre utdanninger utdanner sine studenter?
Mer om sentre for fremragende utdanning:
Samtalen blir moderert av seniorrådgiver Marit Ubbe fra Direktoratet fra høyere utdanning og kompetanse. Det vil være mulig å stille spørsmål til deltakerne.
Relevant for:
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Sustainable academic career for women
Professor Eva Gerdts
Center for Research on Heart Disease in Women, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen (UiB) and Women in Global Health Norway, University of Oslo (UiO)
This webinar should be of interest to young academic staff and career professionals, health politicians and students in health professions dreaming of an academic career. Building an academic career remains a challenge for women in science, medicine and global health — also in Norway. For example, the majority of master and PhD students are females, but women still hold a minority of senior and leading faculty positions in these fields.
Many women struggle with combining academic career building with private life demands. This gender imbalance influences research priorities and content of teaching programs at academic institutions, but also societal development and sustainability. The workshop focuses on academic career building for women at large, including a special focus on integration of immigrant women and work life balance for women seeking an academic career.
Three keynote introductions will be followed by a round table discussion and questions from the audience.
Academic career building for women
Jeanette Magnus, Director for Centre for Global Health, UiO
Integration of migrant women in academic career
Bernadette Kumar, Special advisor, National Institute of Public Health
Work life balance in academia
Helga Midtbø, Senior researcher, Department of Clinical Science, UiB
Professor Eva Gerdts, Center for Research on Cardiac Disease in Women, UiB
Ingeborg Haavardsson, Women in Global Health, UiO
Relevant for:
SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
A Just Transformation and Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research at NTNU
Stig Larssæther
NTNU Sustainability
NTNU has recently established SusRes, an interdisciplinary research programme within sustainability encompassing 46 positions. “A Just Transformation and Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research” is a webinar on devoted to two SusRes interdisciplinary research projects at NTNU: Circular City and Narrating Sustainability, spanning architecture, design, social sciences, structural engineering, industrial ecology, literary and cultural studies, environmental psychology, and more.
Introduction: Interdisciplinary SusRes programme in sustainability by Helge Brattebø (NTNU Sustainability)
Presentation 1: “Circular Cities and Why Everyone Should Know How Many Roof Tiles They Own” by Pasi Aalto, Beatrice Stolz, and Jonna Ljunge
- Keywords: Circularity, Cities, material flow analysis (MFA), Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Digital Twins, Architecture, Structural Engineering, Building Information Modelling (BIM), Geography
Presentation 2: Narrating Sustainability, Plotting Futures: Words, Worlds, Solidarities by Hanna Musiol, Kari Nixon, Parissa Chokrai, and Ysabel Muñoz Martínez
- Keywords: Action research; Activism; Archive; Behaviour (social; corporate); Disruptive Climate Communication; Design Future; Norm Creative Design; Justice; Solidarity; Storytelling; Sustainability; Toxicity; Worldbuilding
Q&A with the panellists and the public.
Full paper abstracts are here.
Relevant for:
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Late afternoon 15:30 - 17:00
Financing the SDGs: Creating an alliance for an UN Tax Convention
Sondre Nave
Norwegian Forum for Development and Environment, and Norwegian Church Aid
There is an urgent need to increase domestic resource mobilization and combat illicit financial flows to meet the SDGs and tackle the Covid-19 pandemic, “the cost-of-living crisis” and extreme inequality. At the same time, countries lose billions of dollars in tax yearly to global tax abuse. This affects all countries, but it hits developing countries the hardest.
At the 77th UN General Assembly, African countries showed excellent leadership and ensured the unanimous adoption of a historic resolution, strengthening cooperation in international tax matters and kicking off possible first steps towards a UN Tax Convention and a UN Tax Body. This would mean both a great shift of power in global tax governance away from the OECD to the UN, and not the least billions of dollars in increased revenue for governments. However, there are still great challenges ahead.
In this event, we invite international civil society and governments to explore how the international tax community can push for tax justice at the UN. What are the next steps for the Africa group and the supporters of the resolution to mobilize support for a specific treaty proposal? What are the barriers for reform of the international tax system? How can we build an alliance for a UN Tax Convention?
Relevant for:
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals
Teaching the SDGs and Fairness
Kai Grieg
United Nations Association of Norway
Watch the recording of the session
As educators we teach the SDGs for children and students. But what do we do when the fulfilling of the SDGs can lead to injustice? The Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals are great formulations of humanity’s common goals for the future. After 8 years we can conclude that the SDGs are both success and failure. Success because policies of improving people's lives have got an easy to understand wrapping. Failure because it is still a long way to go.
At this seminar we will discuss how justice and fairness should be discussed on all SDGs:
- Can we have climate action with climate justice?
- Is a world without poverty fair?
- How can people living by forestry be compensated when the forest is protected?
In this seminar we will look at how we, educators and students alike, can contribute to build a truly just transition. The focus is on teaching fairness, like climate justice and justice for all the SDGs, what we can call SDGs-justice. The seminar will be interactive, where you will be challenged to share your own stories on social, economic and environmental justice.
Kai Grieg, Adviser, United Nations Association of Norway
Udval Sukhbaatar, Vice president of United Nations Students, Bergen Branch
Relevant for: All SDGs
Women in Climate Change & Fisheries
Carly Lovas
Gulf of Maine Research Institute
For millions of people worldwide fisheries provide livelihoods and food security, yet are increasingly threatened by climate change. Enabling fisheries to cope and flourish under these climate pressures requires bolstering the resiliency and sustainability of these systems.
To ensure an efficient and organized workshop, please RSVP using this form.
A crucial yet much neglected aspect of securing such goals is the roles of women as key players who can drive and support adaptation and transformation within these systems. Despite making significant direct and indirect contributions to the socio-cultural and economic viability of fisheries and the scientific knowledge base of climate change, women’s experiences, contributions, and accomplishments are continually overlooked, threatening transitions to a future of sustainable and resilient fisheries.
To ensure a just transition, we must consider and leverage the experience and expertise of women in climate and fisheries, from both academic and industry perspectives. This workshop aims to engage women from a variety of backgrounds and locations to reflect on their encounters with gender bias and identify core issues facing gender equity in fisheries. By facilitating conversations between invited speakers and audience participants, we will work towards finding common solutions that can enable gender equity, encourage community, and enhance resilience within fisheries.
Relevant for:
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 14: Life Below Water
Cognate aspects for accountable solar transitions
Siddharth Sareen and Shayan Shokrgozar
Centre for Climate and Energy Transformation (CET), UiB
This hybrid workshop takes place at CET, sixth floor, Fosswinckels gate 6, and on Zoom
Please register for the event (optional)
Installed solar energy capacity is accelerating at blinding speed, making it the quickest-growing energy source worldwide. Yet to succeed in displacing fossil fuels—rather than adding to them—solar sources require cognate aspects of our energy system to support their integration, alongside a commitment to reducing energy use.
Cognate aspects include energy flexibility technologies such as electronic storage (batteries), thermal storage (molten salts), mechanical storage (reverse hydro-pumping) and energy conversion (green hydrogen); sustainable land use models such as agrivoltaics (combining food and energy production), building-integrated photovoltaics (including in positive energy districts) and energy communities (including aggregation and virtual prosumption); sectoral coupling such as through transport electrification and smart grids; and proactive regulatory measures to ensure that the benefits and burdens associated with rapid solar rollouts are distributed equitably to avoid the reproduction of historical injustices.
Importantly, considerations for reduction include the advancement of institutions and movements that ensure wellbeing without elitist-consumerist growth
In this interactive workshop run in hybrid mode, we share key findings and feature eminent invited speaker Zoi Siamanta. Then we offer some case details for our traditional hands-on live action role playing (LARPing) activity, where audience members work in groups to represent a stakeholder on stage. Shine on!
Relevant for:
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Education for steering of the energy transition
Christian Hermanrud
Department of Earth Science, UiB
This contribution presents two multi-disciplinary UiB courses, both entitled The Energy Transition. The courses and this presentation aim at reaching (a) students from all faculties and (b) any other educated individuals. The presentation, opinion-polling and discussions will be by Christian Hermanrud and William Helland Hansen.
The many and complex energy transition – related decisions of the future typically rely on input from different disciplines. They will require multidisciplinary knowledge and respect from the decision makers. As a response, the UIB courses SDG 207 (for others, led by Atle Rotevatn) and SDG 607 (for others) communicate knowledge within a large variety of disciplines. The teaching is split between ca 30 experts from different UiB faculties and institutes and includes contributions from external experts. Two mantras form the basis for the courses:
- they shall be science-based, and
- future decisions-making processes and fora will be like those of today.
The course includes background information including information sources, mathematical modeling basics, life cycle analysis, land use dilemmas and climate change science (mechanisms and consequences). It also includes lectures on different energy sources, energy storage, energy transition enablers including carbon capture and storage, and non-technical issues including ethics, relevant social science theories, psychology, legal issues, rhetoric, system dynamics, economics, and politics.
Relevant SDG for:
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 13: Climate Action
Mapping sustainability – tools and practices CANCELLED
Astrid Sinnes and Arjen Wals
Past research on the implementation of sustainability in higher education has shown that the impact of adding on modules, courses, and new study programs, will not lead to a transition towards sustainability in a university as a whole. For sustainability to become the default, a systemic approach is needed that anchors sustainability deeply in a university’s ethos, vision and leadership, its entire program of studies/curriculum, its research, its professional development of all staff, its community outreach as well as in its own everyday behavioral practices in terms of its use of energy, food cultures and practices of inclusivity and so on.
The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has recently adopted a new strategy that aims for a whole institution approach (WIA) to sustainability. As part of the strategy process, a mapping of already existing sustainability practices at the university was performed. All faculties as well as the students and existing ‘sustainability arenas’ were asked to reflect on the 6 components of the WIA. The mapping exercise has resulted in an expansive report on the pitfalls, possibilities, and ways forward in realizing the university’s meaningful and impactful engagement in sustainability in the years to come.
This report will, together with the strategy, form the basis for the development of strategic action plans throughout the university. We will present the WIA, the process used as well as the areas in which the university is lagging.
Relevant for:
SDG 4: Quality Education
The Green Transition: Oil, Unions, and Climate
Elina Troscenko
Global Research Programme on Inequality (GRIP)
Watch the recording of the session
Green transition confronts us with a wide range of difficult choices and dilemmas. As it calls for the abandonment of fossil-based energy regimes, it raises difficult questions about cutting workplaces and livelihoods, and sources of energy in a global system that relies on the oil industry.
Moreover, the socio-economic realities in various oil-producing contexts represent different starting points and different trajectories for what just and equitable transition can and should involve. This session will explore questions rising at the intersection of such bold subjects as climate change, oil industry and union work.
What can a green and just transition look like? Can the oil industry pivot and become a greener industry? How can the oil industry along with its knowledge and labour contribute to facilitating the green transition? Is it the industry or the labour unions that should be at the forefront of this transition? How can labour unions mitigate the risk for their workers left without a job, at the same time as they work to save our climate?
The session will start with a screening of a short documentary “Talking Union, Talking Climate” directed by Vivian Price. The film portrays a conversation between three oil workers from different parts of the world - Nigeria, USA and Norway, and their contemplations on oil industry and intersections of such topics as climate change, green transition, union work and future of the oil industry.
The film screening will be followed by a panel discussion including the film director and several researchers.
Vivian Price, California State University
Ragnhild Freng Dale, Western Norway Research Institute
Marianna Betti, University of Bergen
Austin Ablo, University of Ghana
Elina Troscenko (moderator), GRIP
Relevant for:
SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy
SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
SDG 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
SDG 13: Climate Action
Backcasting from a sustainable future
Andrea Gasparini
Regenerative Technologies (Department of Informatics - University of Oslo)
This workshop will look at how to transform computer science education in a way that supports a sustainable future. More specifically, how to include sustainability subjects in classes where topics can be used to increase polarized societies and outsiderness, and support consumerism. Some of the participants have already been decided. The workshop will be a cooperation between a group of students from a course (in5010 – Design, Society and Technology) at the Department of Informatics (University of Oslo), a group of students in humanities from the University of Urbino (Italy), selected researchers and otherwise open to other interested participants.
As platforms, we will use Zoom to meet and Miro to work together as it supports a variety of templates. For this workshop, the approach used will be designerly based, e.g. backcasting (Dreborg, 1996; Irwin, 2015) using ready-to-use templates in Miro. We aim, as the outcome of the workshop, to develop future visions and then backcast to today with novel ideas from the participants. The results will then be used to support the ongoing work at the Department of Informatics to include sustainability in teaching (Velden et al., 2021).
Why participate
We need advanced and complex forms of collaboration to solve world climate issues. Futuring for collective insight (like scenario) is one possibility. The development of future, desirable (normative) scenarios can be explored by using backcasting, describing a future with criteria for sustainability, and providing the systemic framework for change. One possible output is radical interdisciplinary new tools. Therefore, we need to transform computer science education to include sustainability subjects. We need your help to achieve those goals!
The agenda
- First, we will give a short presentation about the context of the task. Secondly, a short explanation of what backcasting is (around 15-20 minutes). Participants will be allowed to participate when entering the zoom meeting during this period.
- Two separate zoom rooms will be open, and the students from the University of Oslo and Urbino will be split into the two randomly. External participants will also be split into the two rooms. The backcasting task using Miro will use 50 minutes.
- After 50 minutes, the rooms will be closed, and in plenary, the two groups will present their backcasting (5 minutes each).
- The workshop ends with a short discussion (10 minutes).
The facilitators
Andrea Gasparini
Alessandra Molinari
Svein Kjøde
Siv Årsand
Relevant for:
SDG 4: Quality Education
SDG 5: Gender Equality
SDG 10: Reduced Inequalities
SDG 13: Climate Action
SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Pitch din bærekraft-oppgave!
Vebjørn Bakken, direktør ved UiO: Energi og miljø
UiO: Energi og Miljø
Arrangemetet finner sted fysisk i Realfagsbiblioteket på Blindern og digitalt
I denne seansen inviterer vi masterstudenter og PhD-er fra hele Oslo-regionen til å presentere sine prosjekter foran et publikum bestående av forskere, studenter og andre. Dette er en unik mulighet for studenter til å øve på kommunikasjon knyttet til egen forskning og for publikum til å lære noe helt nytt om klima, miljø og bærekraft.
Hver student får fem minutter til å legge frem sitt prosjekt, før det til slutt vil bli holdt en uhøytidelig avstemning av beste presentasjon der vinneren mottar to Interrail-billetter.
Relevant for alle bærekraftmålene
Evening 19:00 - 20:30
Rektor-roast (debate in Norwegian)
Studentparlamentet (UiB) og Norsk studentorganisasjon
Arrangementet holdes med publikum tilstede i Teglverket på Det Akademiske Kvarter i Bergen, og strømmes til Main Stage på konferanseplattformen, hvor du kan stille dine spørsmål til rektorene.
Dørene åpnes kl. 18:00
Studentparlamentet ved Universitetet, med Bergen med Norsk studentorganisasjon i spissen, varmer grillen og inviterer til en god roast av våre ledere.
Her skal fem av Norges mektigste rektorer bli utfordret på hva de faktisk gjør for å nå bærekraftsmålene ved deres universitet. De blir utfordret på alt fra hvordan de forvalter bygg og hva de lærer studentene sine, til hvor ofte de tar bilen til jobb.
Du vil også kunne stille egne spørsmål her
Kom som du er fra kl. 18.00, vi sponser snacks. Med noe godt i glasset gleder vi oss til å servere deg en spennende og innholdsrik debatt, om du deltar på Kvarteret eller sitter hjemme på hybelen.
God roast!
Join the discussion!
The events on Day Zero are all digital, open to all, and entrance is free.